White people, can you explain yourselves?
And don't give me that "but it's tradition" horse shit.
White people, can you explain yourselves?
And don't give me that "but it's tradition" horse shit.
When other races sees this, what do you think goes through their minds?
... and this.
Come on, whites. You can be better than this.
This is what white "civilization" looks like.
This is the true face of white people. When their thin veneer of civility is finally dropped, they turn into bloodthirsty savages.
Go live in Africa for a year, and you'll see exactly why this happens when you come crawling back to actual civilization within 4 months, tops.
Fuck I'm next.
>I hope these fuckers get culturally enriched
Japan oughta like it (and probably the rest of asia)
>White people, can you explain yourselves?
Great culture and getting rid of overpopulated whales.
I don't get it what exactly is wrong with these pictures?
The weak should fear the strong
Damn, whites are even more badass than I thought. Please post more pics of them literally swimming in blood.
OP thinks meat grows on trees.
Animals need to be culled to restore balance when their population gets to large. Why we hunt seals here, to save the cod.
Leave our colonies alone you fucking leaf kike
yeah, we know...YOUR meat comes on little styrofoam trays with blood diapers
Can't argue with those double trips.
who cares, fuck what you think
kill it with fire
And you know what a world without whites looks like? I'd take a picture but we wouldn't have cameras.
What is so bad about killing and eating animals, eternal leaf?
And it looks glorious.
Brutal as fuck +20 respect points for the white team
also a sage
Replying to an obvious bait with a sage.
PS: Its all about culture. Race has nothing to do with it.
Looks like the Faroe Islands or some other norse country. It's what they eat, stop being such a little bitch you fucking cretin
>white folks procuring food for their families
>catch is divided according to a plan to all families
>not an endangered species
>social gathering
>keeping taditions alive
just a healthy society, now move along and let the people be
And don't ever forget it. Be afraid when the Saxon begins to hate.
only degenerates eat other animals, especially when they have enough mercury running through their system to make you autistic
What am I looking at here???
>This is the true face of white people. When their thin veneer of civility is finally dropped, they turn into bloodthirsty savages.
Are you retarded?
That's a picture of Norwegian barbarian savages being what they truly are, savages.
Snow niggers ≠ white people
>scandinavians hunt whales
its just culture, no problem
>eskimos hunt whales
its their ancient traditions, they live in harmony with nature
>japan hunts whales
This. Jesus, it's just meat. Learn to respect other cultures and their vibrant traditions.
Do not just put that on us Eskimos do it to. It is a food source. Japan still hunts whales for food. I hunt deer for food, yes I could buy steak but is not veenision . I bet the whales they hunt are not endangered.
Oh my god, what the fuck! Why aren't we stopping this?! This is fucking horrible!
i would like to bathe in that blood once, maybe its good for the skin
Fucking leaf cuck
How can you justify being so morally reprehensible?
This is unjust violence, there is no reasoning for this.
It's fucking evil.
Something bothering you, Takihiro?
Why is a chink whining about whaling and morality?
yup, don't come to our country, we're a poor uncivilized nation. listen to mister albania and go to a great country like sweden or burgertown instead please.
Faroe island inbred here, where all these pictures from.
It's humans, hunting.
You eat gas-killed chicken form the other side of the world in your microwave lasagna. But hey, poor whales.
Anyway, why is this your business? Or the world in general?
White people slaughtering animals by the million every day is the reason you can have a bologna sandwich for dirt cheap this afternoon.
You're welcome fag.
That's because Japanese whailing is straight up autistic and unsustainble, unlike Scandinavian.
Stick to teaching English, whitu piggu.
Where the fuck is that even? Ireland? Wherever it is, they need to feel some fucking consequences.
>This is the true face of white people. When their thin veneer of civility is finally dropped, they turn into bloodthirsty savages.
Bloodthirsty savages who think on an industrial scale. And don't you forget it, shitskin.
yeah, we think we need to keep niggers and other subhumans from starving. we are to good. sad thing
>breakfast club
>where the wild things are
>communist AF
Because the rest of the world can't survive on sour kraut.
So when habeeb and chaimowitz slice a live animals throat and let it bleed to death while howling and flailing in pain, that's somehow not savage?
Go back to your sand filled hell on earth shithole achboob.
Our "barbaric" culture is obviously offending your delicate muslim sensibilities you big baby fucking bachi bachi giant homo bastard camel riding rapist trash heap dung heap jew commie Zionist LEAF motherfucker.
I have the privilege of eating a tiny amount of whale meat while visiting Iceland. Its difficult to describe what it tasted like, but it wasn't terrible and it didn't taste bad. It was however very fatty, but also very rich in numerous vitamins you can't really do without, its easy to see why ALL stone age people, and many people later in history, practiced subsistence whaling regularly.
This is different from the jap "tradition" of torturing and molesting the whales, too. In Icelandic whaling, and probably Greenlandic whaling too, the animal is given a single immediate death inducing injury (such as a harpoon point to the heart) and only butchered AFTER its 100% definitely dead.
People think of whales as being big fat slow moving flubbidy-flobbers, but trust me, you do NOT want to get hit by a whale's flappy tail or fins, as you'll get bones instantly broken and definitely be thrown several feet immediately.
>útlendingar hata okkara grindadráp
>vilja hava okkum at steðga
>vit drepa grind allíkavæl
the world and all of its animals were given to us by God.
they are ours to do with what we wish
rake yourself to death
as a white, whaling is a massively degenerate thing to do...the population of those majestic beasts don't even hit 5 digits
go hunt for something more quantitive and practical like tuna or some shit
that almost looks like they are swimming around in a liquefied sirloin steak kek
>aryan blood
i dont see any problems
wish we had traditions as comfy as this in scotland.
You understand that this whaling is done for only a short time each year, right? We're talking weeks / a single month or less.
At least, that's how it was last I checked.
You're fucking delusional
An odd thought for a swede these days...
Sweden. Yes.
Aryan Whales?
How the fuck did this country conquer most of the known world?
I'm from an American Indian tribe of whale hunters. Fuck off
Japs kill whales and dolphins like it's a second Nanking and you're complaining about canucks offing a few?
A literal sea of blood? Fuck, where so I sign up??
Go club a seal
You fucking leaf
What do you care about fucking whales? Shouldn't you be focused on serving your muslim overlords, you cucked german faggot?
You did research this before you came here, right?
You do know that the number of kills is strictly limited and that it only goes on for a short season each year?
r-right? Please tell me you aren't unbelievably stupid inbred and muslim.
>it's more immoral to kill and eat animals that are big
Buh dum tss
you know how, aryan scum
If anything the curse of white people is the obsession with animals. It's digusting how much the average white person whines about animals.
Let's face it. The only good marine mammal is a dead marine mammal.
Thank you. It's like these faggots learned everything they know about animals from Disney movies. Fucking boar problem in texas and oklahoma is so bad, the wildlife services gun them down with a 50cal auto from a helicopter like Vietcong.
At least we have a veneer you fucking zipperhead.
It's called metal, dick.
this is a Christian board
leave if you dont belong
They've been doing it for generations, the pilot whales aren't going anywhere. It's one little tiny fucking island having one slaughter a year. Unbunch your panties.
I was a butcher's apprentice for a year and have to say, those animals look to have been properly taken apart and cleaned. I see no mess. Well done gentlemen.
Lol, snow niggers!!
Lol people standing around calmly having quiet conversations while enjoying the yearly gathering and festivities.
>Meanwhile in leafland
dey tuk uur cods
Where the hell do the niggers think their fried chicken comes from?
While i understand that if this is done to cull the number of the animals, literally swimming in blood just doesn't seem right to me.
non-anglos will never understand
Are you a jew?
Are you a nigger?
If you are a jew or nigger, you are complaining but you aren't communicating very well.
Obviously this is just anti-white hatred.
Are you asian?
Why are you afraid to identify your race?
Are you afraid of white people?
Do white people make you upset?
Bahahah OP BTFO
Day of the rake when?
Your islands' sweaters kick ass, too. Keep on whalin', bróðir.
I'm interested in knowing these factors as well.
Race and creed, out with it. Unless u r pussy McFaggot
They number +100,000 in the North Atlantic alone. The Faroese kill around 800 a year.
>That level of efficient organisation
Yep. That's white people indeed. Still sure you want a race war?
Community coming together to secure food for the group. Voluntarily, no comunism, food they will all share making them a homogenous society. Killing as a group making the tribe bond even stronger.
What's not to like?
>Non-whites keep forgetting how we got our reputation and how that energy, when focused, advanced and spread our civilization to global dominance.
>commie college dorm room starter pack
damn I'm hungry now.
that's not kosher shut it down