Just a reminder that the supremacy of Europe is coming to an end. If you didn't get rich during the boom times you've doomed your lineage to poverty.
Just a reminder that the supremacy of Europe is coming to an end...
Other urls found in this thread:
1500 years ago europe had toilets
modern day india takes a dump on the street
the chinese still creep me out
i rest my case
Thankfully you elected this winner to make sure you lost the trust of your allies right when China was seeking global influence.
Doesnt matter, China relies on the western world (more specifically United States) to buy their shit.
Without the United States, Chinas economy would collapse.
shieeeeet, at least i have paella.
Investing in gold and anything connected to a gold-backed blockchain is your last chance to avoid slavery.
1500 years ago Greece used to pay debts. Civilizations rise and fall, meta-turk.
does China actually make anything besides cheap shit made by slave labor, and bootleg copies of western products?
lol, make a gdp per capita graph
allies? besides Britain most have a shit military . Leaf you are our 51'st state and might be worse than California
Europe is officially a shithole.
Just a reminder that everything that comes out of China is completely fake. Anybody who knows anything is getting their money out as fast as possible.
Because history shows that current trends always hold true indefinitely.
GDP don't mean shit. Soon hyperinflated fake money will collapse. China literally builds ghost cities to bump up their GDP.
if you called dibs on the western civilization it's irrelevant what a CANADIAN (OF ALL THE COUNTRIES, PRAISE KEK) has to say
we did our part, you are welcome
pay our debts you retarded brat
Also look at Chinese oil imports vs exports
Of course they want green energy, their whole economy has to mass import black gold just to keep the factories running and the trucks running
You don't know shit, they make that money by cutting every corner they can, dodging every regulation and ignoring the government any chance they get.
Then, because that money is now dirty, they go ahead and move it out of china back to the west very quietly and often off the books.
China isn't going to collapse and burn like everyone always says, the government just has too many options and levers to pull to prevent it, but it will go through some hard times once they have to re-adjust their GDP and numbers back in line with reality.
Nah, China's numbers are fudged, they'r economy is smaller than the official number and the actual growth rate was probably around 3% last year (less than Romania even). China doesn't have the mentality of Japan or Korea, they are a low trust society and I wouldn't expect them to reach the development level of Japan any time soon. Not to mention, they also have an aging population.
India is poorer than Nigeria, and even if they maintain the current growth rate (wich I doubt) it will still take them decades to reach even Eastern Euro levels.
The presentation here (second part of the video) is pretty interesting:
>be american
>still use 120 voltage
t. Triggered Poojet
Anyone who thinks china going to sustain that path of uniterupted growth is retarded. For the short term yes they will continue to increase nominally for a while longer BUT under the surface their entire economic system is fucked 3 ways to Sunday. So much so that it makes our current situation look as good as the post wwii boom.
Before china can really can take of and take off with a solid foundation they are going to go through multiple economic crisisii the biggest be their absolutely really unfathomoly huge estate bubble and anothet being the joke of that is the yuan/monetary policy in general. Couple that with China being projected to be a Christian nation with in less than a century (thats good but it will be cause major secterarian fights between the communist party and the Christian particularly the catholics who already had a few political flair up). Lets not even get started on the long term affects of the one child policy causing slatented male/female ratio never seen before in history.
With all that being said China can and probably will becomeing dominate it just going be a very long and bumpy road.
ITT, autistic shitposters bending over backwards to discredit actual Economists.
Economists usually think the growth will continue despite social circumstances, but China's population is aging without having children and there is very little they can do to stop it short of forcibily inseminating women with multiple twins
And that's without talking about politics.
Looking at the current situation in China, can anyone here really say they think it'll last for more 50 years?
I don't know about India, but they seem much more stable and likely to become an economic superpower, but military and politically speaking they're pretty much worthless.
They're as rich as the UK but don't have a fourth of their political pull.
>Nah, China's numbers are fudged, they'r economy is smaller than the official number and the actual growth rate was probably around 3% last year
The real redpill is that China may be fudging their numbers DOWNwards to keep everyone calm onto its ascend. There is nothing to stop China.
Haven't watched the video you posted yet, but if you look at some of the stuff that goes on in China, the supreme incompetence of the government, plus the demographic crysis and the lack of natural resources, I doubt you'r right about this. Besides, the guys rulling china are not some nationalists that really care about the country, the elites in china just want to milk it for personal interest, and often time spend the money abroad.
> projected
> polls
best laid plans of jews and men
>appeal to authority fallacy
>be murican
>spend shitloads of money on welfare for niggers who do nothing
>happening happens
>angry niggers who have been brainwashed by jewish media to hate whites lash out when they dont get their gibs
>be china
>use money to employ people to build houses
>happening happens
>have lots of extra middle class tier houses that become more affordable for more people due to the bubble popping and prices normalizeing out.
yeah china is super fucked what are they thinking?
any real economist or (((these guys))) care to explain how ghost cities affect gdp?
common sense would suggest this cuts the nation's gdp, not raise it, due to over-supply and it generating zero revenue while holding up cash flow
Good, maybe then the immigrants will go there instead.
china lacks the power of diversity, itll never win
I honestly am not sure how other Western Countries without the god tier military full of lazy gibsmedat NEETs sleep comfortably at night
they will be speaking chinese in 50 years
the chinese launder all of their money in western nation properties because all of their earnings and projections are on the up and up I'm sure
I mean the chinese wouldnt just pee pee in our cokes would they?
Just like everyone else that isn't Israel and the jewsa
This. I know it seems ridiculous but China is never going to rise beyond the US because of this.
China's median age has been growing the fastest in the world. The population is getting too old. There are too many old people and not enough young people to support them. China took down the One Child policy to help increase birthrates but it's not working. Ultimately, if China doesn't take in immigrants or resort to some other method to increase the young workforce, then it will reach it's peak like the Japanese and start declining both in economic growth and population.
Current Japan is what will happen to China if it doesn't become (((diverse))).
>the supreme incompetence of the government
Examples? The government seems to be quite competent really. They are just willing to sacrifice a lot of their population.
>plus the demographic crysis
It's a concern but China has too many people anyways. They have some problems getting the remaining 700m up to the living standards they have in the coastal cities.
>and the lack of natural resources
They have a shitton of rare earth minerals and also coal. The rest is supposed to be solved by the one belt one road thing for them.
>guys rulling china are not some nationalists that really care about the country
Xi Jinping is the most nationalistic ruler of China since Mao
>the elites in china just want to milk it for personal interest, and often time spend the money abroad
There are some, but it's not as bad you make it out. Watch the video I posted, he addresses the situation about Chinks moving to Vancouver and Toronto briefly.
when the next boom gonna be?
china is importing water, water!
there's no way china can increase its population further, neither by births nor diversity (which is why refugee agencies never bothers with china)
>china is importing water, water!
Is this surprising? Yes it can. China has been soft-colonizing Africa and taking away it's resources. Now China has started the One Belt One Road initiative to make resources more accessible all the way from Europe to China. China can deal with it's resource problem, but it can't deal with its aging problem.
The economy will boom after race war.
The lords and upper classes had toilets; Same was true in India. Your peasant ancestors were street shitters and we all know it.
> be bong
> have to plug in something and flip a switch
The poorly built infrastructure, giant unoccupied cities and empty malls, unreliable economic numbers, and there was some audiobook I listened to that gave a bunch of real life examples of how poorly things work there, but I can't remember what it's called.
This is a fucking stupid graph.
GDP doesn't mean shit.
China is super over populated and everybody besides the omega rich are treated like trash to be discarded.
India is SUPER OMEGA OVERPOPULATED and shit on the streets.
America is fine.
Its easy to have a high GDP when your population is higher, why do you think (((they))) want to bring in shitskins into Europe?
>rely heavily on unskilled labor for manufacturing
China is gonna get btfo by automation over the coarse of the next 50 years.
I'm curious, how bad would it have to get for the Chinese to totally lose faith in their government? I know state legitimacy is built on the idea of growing the economy and not communism anymore, so an economic collapse could seriously threaten political stability, in theory.
We dug a hole in the ground and put four small walls around it and a door. It's called an outhouse, because we do not worship shit like you freaks
Typical Indian, "well whats the alternative if there are no toilets and plumbing?? Shitting on the street it is!"
China scares me. But they're main obstacle is their own collectivist Chinese culture and rampant corporate and government corruption and entrenched culture of IP theft. There are hundreds of thousands of the top Chinese researchers who are immigrating to the west because they fear rival researchers with connections to the CCP will steal their research.
That's not how that fallacy works.
>The poorly built infrastructure
Don't know about that. They built a giant shipping port in Yangshan, their high speed railways are coming up fine.
>giant unoccupied cities and empty malls
That's true, they exist. They have still some elements of a command/planned economy and that's always failing at some point.
But in the video I mentioned he makes some good arguments on living space. He uses living space as a reliable indicator of the Chinese economy and the numbers overall seem to be still good. I'm ofc not an expert on all of this, I just find it interesting that it may be very well different than all these doomsday stories we hear about China.
Give it a go, the video is informative.
>unreliable economic numbers
As I said. That's probably deliberate to obfuscate the real state of the Chinese economy and power.
China is looking at your election of Trump in the exact same way.
China did not have cars until the 1980s. They can't innovate, they can only copy. Worthless country full of worker drones slaving away for the profit of the Communist Party.
Let me ask you something, if China becomes the number one economy, will you actually move there?
Ever heard of Per capita GDP? That's the only GDP that matters.
America is the number one economy and I wouldn't move there, so I really don't get your point...
That's exactly my point, doesn't matter how large the economy is if its still a god damn shithole
>what is a housing bubble?
Idiot. China is geared toward a transition to the service sector.
Heard about the largest super computer in the world? Mad in China dipshit.
Actually we had the decency to use a chamber pot indoors before tossing it out the window.
Aging population not a big deal. China has gone through population fluctuations throughout her history and always come out stronger.
>1-3 years after CNN fakenews reporter took the photos of "uninhabited" construction sites the construction gets actually finished as planned
>property gets built and sold
>people start fitting it out to inhabit it
>companies follow and build up business
>people pour in and consume shit
>worker pour in and produce shit
>city becomes major economic hub and bustling
Thats how China created real economic growth out of 14 in 15 new city projects labeled "ghost cities"
"Chinas largest ghost city" is now a major economic hub and Chinas largest producer of iPhones and houses 2.5 Million people. Being actually just a new district of the capital of the province, an owercrowded 9-10 Million mega city, there was no way it would end up as a ghostcity, but that doesn't make a good newspaper story. You don't need to be an economist to take a look at googlemaps.
>Heard about the largest super computer in the world? Mad in China dipshit.
And yet, the manufacturing techniques needed to actually build those parts were invented by white people. PCBs invented by white people. Computational theory invented by white people. Computer chips invented by white people.
Good on you, you manufactured an iphone for 3 cents an hour for the profit of US companies and the CCP, hooray! Good for you! You've totally proven China can innovate and not just copy and steal!
>Taking 40 year projections seriously
China fucked themselves with their one child policy. It will bite them in the ass and collapse their entire economy well before 2054.
what makes you think middle class people won't invest their money in emerging markets? You should talk to a CFP^TM we can set you up
>what is saturation
you fucking retard, kill yourself for making me reply
They have a lot of railway accidents, and there are a ot of videos around of pavement collapsing under people, and faulty escalators chewing people up, such stuff.
I watched some of the video.
>He uses living space as a reliable indicator of the Chinese economy
Well It's not a realiable indicator, since a lot of the living space is unoccupied. This is why the numbers are inflated, and even the officials don't belive them.
I don't actually belive China's going to collapse, but it's probably not the rising giant some people make it out to be.
>China can't innovate
Are you retarded. The vast majority of culture and inventions in Asia were made by Chinese.
Really? What would a Vietnamese sandwich vendor know about economics.
>Are you retarded. The vast majority of culture and inventions in Asia were made by Chinese.
If this is true, why can't China even design a jet or produce a working jet engine? They have copied the design of (ie, stole the design of) the F35 and have to use Soviet era jet engines to power it.
What are the great Chinese inventions? Lmao, let me laugh in your face.
>if they did x why can't they do y haha gotcha
Average Chinese IQ: 105
Average Indian IQ: 82 (why the fuck is this piece of shit country on the pic?)
Average American IQ: 98
China is not going to collapse. Its going to be the biggest economic power the world has ever seen. "Ghost city" meme is only mentioned because americans are scared of China and just want to hang on to something that tell that their China is not as power as it is. Buidling ghost cities also require money, loads of it. People's income has risen so much, the government can actually afford to build these cities.
>very little they can do to stop it short of forcibily inseminating women with multiple twins
Knowing chinks, this is something that is probably not out of the questions for them.
Anyone who thinks either China and India can achieve superpower status is delusional.
Indiand and the Chinese are crappy and untalented people for the most part. Their cultures are also a joke.
They fudge the iq numbers, those are just the numbers from elite schools.
>believing Chinese IQ figures
they exclusively test places like shanghai and other educated cities and fudge numbers. they are not representative whatsoever of your average rice-farming slope.
>China is not going to collapse
China is literally on the brink of collapse you dumb street shitter.
Nice list of world-changing Chinese inventions, you sure showed me
>If this is true, why can't China even design a jet or produce a working jet engine?
In China it's not a shame to copy something successful. Intellectual property isn't really a thing in China.
I don't know if the Chinks can innovate. The Nips for sure can.
>Well It's not a realiable indicator, since a lot of the living space is unoccupied.
It's not about the official numbers, it's an estimation made on tax receipts, i.e. actual money paid.
These ghost cities exist but I think the problems are blown out of proportions. See
>why can't China even design a jet or produce a working jet engine?
Welcome to approximately the 21st century
>copied the design of (ie, stole the design of) the F35
Slightly similar hues colors doesnt make a a F35. Its a copy of many things, but calling it a copy of the F35 design just disqualifies you as yet another bumbling headline reading retard.
>he addressed point x but I'm going to ignore that and deride him for not addressing point y
just google it leaf en.wikipedia.org
Willing to bet Shanghai IQ is going to be greater than New York's IQ. In any case, even if the average Chinese aren't the smartest in the world, they'll still have enough smarts to be biggest economic power world will have ever seen. They have already attained reasonably high living standards.
Yah nah you are a faggot, ahmed. Give me one (1) sign its on the brink of collapse? You can't. Meme tier reasons like ghost cities which have been being cited for a decade is not enough.
>Its a copy of many things, but calling it a copy of the F35 design just disqualifies you as yet another bumbling headline reading retard.
You are missing the point and arguing like a Jew, ignoring the point and focusing on a small incorrect detail that does not actually distract from the big picture or make what I said untrue.
And yes, the J-31 body was heavily copied from stolen designs of the F35. J-20 copied from the F22. Furthermore, you have not made an actual point yet because I am correct. China can't build a jet.
>They have a lot of railway accident
Thats just missinformation. The railway safety is actually near European standards not at least because of heavy European involvment in the construction. The simply have a massive railway business, hence more natural incidents. Accidents per passenger/tons are actually lower than in the U.S.
You didnt address point x. Meme arrows are not an argument
Nice list by the way. Pic related. 1 billion people and all they could muster was a dozen or so inventions that barely made an impact on the world
The US has THREE wikipedia pages of American inventions for this era and half all the inventions revolutionized the world. And that's just American inventions. Add to that the European inventions, there is no contest. China is trash
>muh fireworks though
forgot pic
>the compass, gunpowder, and woodblock/movable type printing barely made an impact on the world
day of the rake when
>the chinese invented papermaking
oh it's no wonder a leaf doesn't like the chinese
>muh gunpowder, this proves China is number one
So you're telling me gunpowder is more impressive than computer chips and the internet? More revolutionary? You are pathetic probably a butthurt chinamen probably living in Seattle or Portland
Please tell me this is bait. All you had to do was a simple Google search to understand the severity of the problem
China's aging problem is disastrous. What you're referring to is totally different from what I've talked about. The aging problem isn't about population fluctuation, such as the Chinese civil wars that ended with tens of millions of dead, no the aging problem is about the dis-proportionality of young to old people.
China will either fall like Japan and hit it's peak, or it will become (((diverse))) and continue growing.
This whole discussion is about whether or not the vast majority of culture and inventions in Asia were made by the Chinese:
>You are deliberately missing my point and just focusing on a small incorrect detail which was one of my points you adressed. Let me call you a Jew to get some sympathy from Sup Forums because I don't actually have a point.
Spoken like a Jew
And no, you are a bumbling retard who doesnt know what hes talking about and just parrotting what he read on some dumb layman conspiracytard and armchair blogs. Furthermore my point is that your "points" are just beyond benefit of doubt wrong and you are retarded. And no they already have you already mentioned some them that are jets and even flying with jet engines produced in China contrary to your assumption / false information.
>This whole discussion is about whether or not the vast majority of culture and inventions in Asia were made by the Chinese:
But thats wrong you butthurt Chinamen, the Japanese are a much stronger race and culture than the Chinese. You didn't build shit and I proved it via your own link that shows only a dozen inventions since 1912 and three pages for american invention in the same era
>he goes off on some inventions from ancient times as if that makes his point any better
>muh gunpowder
>muh printing press
>China number 1
Why don't you fuck off back to China if you like it so much, "Andy" Chan
We gave the world insulin, the telephone, electron microscope, electric oven, alkaline battery, g-suits, robertson screw, walkie talkies and plexiglas. Stfu
>>You are deliberately missing my point and just focusing on a small incorrect detail which was one of my points you adressed. Let me call you a Jew to get some sympathy from Sup Forums because I don't actually have a point.
Again ignoring my entire argument because you got triggered at the word Jew. Learn some argumentation skills Muhammed Einmann
get out of here
China is using the western model and a demographic problem. 20 years and they start getting enriched.
>look at me I'm projecting :^)
Cool unsubstantial broad and patently false claims, Hiromoto Baumberg
>1500 years ago europe had toilets
Not true at all. Toilets were not widespread until the 19th century.
Notice how you always have to qualify your statements with "since 1912". Well guess what leaf, THE WORLD DIDN'T START IN 1912. China reigned supreme in those areas for thousands of years in Asia.
Nobody cares about your past "glory", Mr. Li. We don't live in the 7th century.
When Japan built the worlds first pocket calculator in 1970, what was China doing? At that point, China didn't even have cars, lmao.
You are absolutely playing catch-up and riding on your past "achievements" to feel better about yourself and your homeland. China didn't build shit and you have no argument. Look around your house and tell me how many Chinese inventions you see.
I would, i guess more than 5 billion people would