Hope restored
>Hope restored
Why though? Its just an animation.
It's more than that. It's a spiritual experience watching these.
Everyone has Jewish blood in them. Yes that includes you.
>"B-b-but muh master race"
I guess you have to gas your self now jew.
>Become a Nice Guy National Socialist (but also kind of Libertarian)
Lel. perfectly summarizes Sup Forums
Mosley was amazing.
Just becuase someone in you're family is jewish doesn't mean you are jewish
oh now that just made my day, thanks user.
Can we please make this get to 100,000 views? Where can I share this link?
That's okay. As long as you are majority European and recognizably white, you can be part of a white nation and not cause trouble. If you do cause trouble, then we can gas you.
1% percent Jewish or even 25% jewish doesn't mean shit, not necessarily. (Plus there are beneficial mutations that need to be taken from the Jewish people to enhance our own.
How many generations before we have an army of 800,000 soldiers willing to cleanse the filth?
Amazing work from Murdoch as always, right in the feels, hope yet zetsubou
Any Sup Forumsesque Jewbook groups you might have an account on. Twitter ect
Remember, it only takes 1% of the population for an armed revolt to be successful. The majority of people are spectators and just go with whatever power is in charge.
bump even know this video is probably leftcuck shilling in a right wing cover
>The most apologetically Natsoc channel on Jewtube
The quality of that channel has skyrocketed in the last few months. Hadn't seen this one yet though. Thanks, user.
this neo-nazi shit is the most childish, retarded, "muh feels" shit ever.
Swedish flag placed in the wrong side tho.
>that lion
a cute
yay another video that lasts 30 hours and you have to read the description to even understand what its about
what is this list with 30000 channels
>Murdoch Murdoch
*close* I don't watch reddit videos, thanks
this virgin
nice character assassination
I want nu-Sup Forums to leave.
That's really nice to hear.
MY ancestors smile upon me, antifa, can you say the same?!
If Mosley had succeeded, chances are the US would have followed suit. I wonder if the USSR could have stood before the power of the blitzkrieg, for as long as they did if there hadn't been a western front.
>murdoch murdoch
I have actually witnessed a jew become redpilled, call all out jewry, speak about other jews in disdain, and call a black man a nigger to his face. Yea. It happened, and it gave me hope.
Shut the fuck up britcuck, we are whiter than you faggot.
Does everyone on /pol lack a father that taught him how to be a man from the get/go?
I mean. Holy Shit. This is fucking sad.
The only nu-Sup Forums are your reddit tier videos
I love fanta
You have top go back
I am right here with you
>Murdoch Murdoch
>reddit tier
kek, you're probably a shill or simply retarded
>You have top go back
Nice Anime and spelling, redditfag
>it's time.
good one.
>Hurr durr I'm too smart to win huurrrrr
It is not about antisemitism it is about finding pride while everyone is trying to take it from you.