Daily nigger hate thread

If any of you Tyrone mods delete this thread one more time I'm going to find where you live and hang you with your own intestines.

Other urls found in this thread:


Your thread got deleted because it's r/coontown tier garbage. Be more clever.

Well that pissed me off.


What the fuck


Help me understand the pic in OP's thread....


Some nog microwaved their turtle

uh.. it's fairly unambiguous

The turtle was more human then it's owner.

What the fucking fuck, I'M FUCKING MAD NOW, FUCK YOU

>Think it's some tea in a cup
>look closer, what?
>read comment

>‘Her mother, Shanitha Blocker, was made aware of the atrocious and horrendous act, and instead of taking action or disciplining her daughter, she laughed and supported her daughter’s actions.’

That's fucking it man, I fucking hater niggers so god damn much.


t. Jeb

Post it on cripplechan so they can get in on this too

hunt down this nigger


>hunt down this nigger

This x 1000.

Maybe we could trick Eric C into smashing her head in with a bike lock.

Day by day I am losing hope of Sup Forums being back to the days where theDonald wasnt here...

Niggers are the scum of the earth.
I'm so sick and tired of having to share this planet with them.

ITT: poorfaggots who've never had turtle soup. Stop acting like any of you actually care about those lazy seaniggers.

That being said, here's some eyebleach



poor turtle though, serious feels for that little guy.

>File Name

good god.

wtf is this even?

whats the context of this why'd they kill her?

what the fuck

I like swarms of mosquitos more than I like niggers

texting at the dinner table

what the fuck

>whats the context of this why'd they kill her?

>Stop acting like any of you actually care

I dislike animal rights idiots almost as much as niggers.

It's just a fucking turtle, it doesn't even know it's alive, it's not different than the insect that smashes against your front bumper on your way to work.

Niggers are a problem because of what they do to humans. Not fucking turtles.

Niggers when there aren't enough white people around to guard them.

shut it leaf, all I wanted was background knowledge on why this young woman was killed I did not want nor need your shitty little clever comment


>hey let's teach this person a lesson they'll never forget by bashing them over the head with a big fuck off log
>kill them

Niggers everyone

nice blog bro


I'm going to go out on a limb here and say I'm certain that's not how you use a phone to make a call.

I'm guessing it had something to do with the tablet they made her hold on her head.

Maybe she stole it? Though that wouldn't explain why they smashed it.

A true mystery

if you think about it though, White people's unending empathy with all living creatures is why the West is being ravaged with invaders right now.

And those invaders do not give a single fuck about anything.

Hey, friend of a friend here.
Accused her of being a witch because the tablet was touch screen. They thought it was her wand performing magic.

I failed to see that it was a tablet
wow they killed her over a tablet

>bedroom curse
Gee, west thanks for puting ANC in power.

Alright I just looked up up. Apparently she cheated on one of the blokes in the video so obviously they were smashing her tablet because she used it to cheat.

I'm guessing they planned on smashing her tablet and then giving her a beating. However being disgusting, subhuman monkeys they didn't realize that that log to the head would do more than just smash the tablet and likely broke her neck.

Here's a petition against this human garbage, for those interested...



Not quite

Those spasms and fencing response indicate just straight up brain damage, her skull is probably something akin to a bowl of oats

gangs lure other africans by offering them jobs but they end up being killed and their organs harvested for black market.

>inb4 black market, pun intended

You have no evidence to prove an animal doesn't have a subjective experience of living. It can't speak English and think "I'm alive" but the crux is that there's probably something it's like to be a turtle, and. Irving wants to suffer, nothing living wants to die. One day we'll find out for sure but I have a feeling if you could inhabit the mind of turtl or any animal, even an insect, you would be shocked at how viceral it is, just a slightly blurrier version or your own sentience.





She made too many long distance calls.


"Lol It's a prank, chill!"




coontown is how I discobered pol

ITT: Redditors realize they are far from home.


I have a pet turtle of that same species and I know that she is at least somewhat aware. Also the turtle in OP's pic was just a hatchling so that's sad and senseless

To be fair, she remembered that lesson for the rest of her life.

Made a phone call during a movie.


My favorite nigger webm
>Protip: Don't steal copper


t. nigger

Alright wtf actually happened

He touched live wires trying to steal the copper in them, and it tickled so he laughed and launched his sides into orbit

you white trash loser! fucking put yourself in a vast of acid

this is fucking horrible, you can see the absolute terror in her eyes right before he strikes. fucking nightmare fuel. goddamn savages, we should wipe them all out

Lets smoke today bro.

That's what happens when you try and steal copper from an electric box.

This can't be real


NASA training.

A white girl microwaved her turtle, her mother didn't care and said as much. But this black guy tweeted vaguely about it and now it is being used to attack all blacks



we should fucking kill all niggers


Hey. That was in my country. Feels good to be Brazilian.

I always thought it was just a Japanese autismo humour.

did the baby die?

Is that how you get rid of the cocoa butter smell?

This is a western show, called the boondocks.

Don't think so

Do they actually need a white man to pull the plug?

>deus volt

Hearty kek

Yes :^) I won't say that we don't have some blacks that are good people or chill guys or what not, but there's some that are just so far below a standard deviation that it's pretty impressive.

Was an asian guy, but pretty much yes


dude shooting the pavement

how high/drunk was he?

fuckin blax