Who was worse Sup Forums?
Who was worse Sup Forums?
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Obama but they both sucked
this, tbqh famalam
They were basically the same but obama pandered to lefty voting groups like blacks and fags despite doing nothing for them
Bush started the wars that lead to the rapefugee crises, so Bush but they were both shit.
Obama makes Bush look like a reasonable guy, which is saying a lot.
Obama raped more countries than Bush did.
Bush destroyed Iraq, sure. But Obama ruined Syria, Libya and many more.
Pay attention. The refugees are primarily coming from the countries Obama and Hillary destabilized. Libya and Syria weren't Bush. Libya was effectively a floodgate keeping savage Africans out of Europe. Obama, Hillary and the CIA effectively blew up the gates and told the niggers to have fun.
Despite Bush's flaws, he loved America. That is something I can't say for the rest of the Bushes. He really fucked up in Iraq but I want to think he would have pulled out of Iraq better than Obama, who left a bunch of weapons behind for sandniggers to grab.
Fuck off. Britain did WAY more than any other country to stir up shit in the middle east and turn it into the mess it is now. This garbage goes beyond the 21st century.
king nigger.
He fucked with based Gaddafi that was keeping niggers off Europe. Also muh nobel for peace after 0.0001s of his election. I'm still salty about it. There surely were a lot of people that deserved that prize more than a guy that did nothing to earn it but being nigger.
lol seriously the modern Middle East, even Israel is because of the British empire
A chimp vs a nigger chimp
Tough choice.
Bush at least seemed like a good human being behind the scenes.
Worst of all time: Trump
Really bad: GWB
Bad: Reagan
Mediocre: Obama
Pretty okay: Clinton
What crack are you guys smoking? Bush literally handed corporate interests the keys to rape the economy while at the same time illegally invading iraq by declaring it "the war on terror" while most idiot americans believed it had something to do with sept 11th. There was literally not a single day he wasn't doing something fucked up. He completely destroyed the US's reputation internationally. The guy was basically the begining of the end. Obama may not have been a great president, but he didn't have much to work with in the shit show that bush left behind him.
Bush Worse but not by much
>either Clinton
>Trump (sorry r/t_d retards)
There is no real difference. The government is run by Jews and always has been, the President is just the figurehead. Yes they differ slightly on things that are not particularly important in the long run, like taxes and abortion, but it's all a show put on to entertain the goyim.
Obama takes a strong edge for expanding the government and the debt level to extreme levels. He was weak, and a dumb communist.
>anyone after Ike
Pick one
>inb4 Kennedy
Most overrated peice of shit of them all
The only good presidents since Eisenhower were Nixon, Reagan and Clinton and they were just okay Nixon was probably the best overall.
That being said the last 60years of leadership has been garbage quality trump is an improvement he'll be okay overall which is a nice step up from the last 16 year s of shit
W cracks me up.
He's one of the worst presidents.
>Increased debt 6x
>Two of the nation's biggest tax hikes in history
>Two recessions
>Iran Contra affair
>Selling drugs for guns
>Reagonomics was a complete failure
Everything Reagan gets credit for like releasing the hostages and bringing down the wall are things he didn't do.
Nigga you trolling
>describe Reagan as okay
>worse than Nixon
>on par with trump and Clinton probably
I stand by my rankings
>The only good presidents since Eisenhower were Nixon, Reagan and Clinton
Name one thing in that list that isn't true.
>The only good presidents since Eisenhower were Nixon, Reagan and Clinton and they were just okay Nixon was probably the best overall.
Jesus do you work for CNN
Bush provided immense aid and support to Africa to improve their lives so they wont have to come and take ours.
On the other hand he is responsible for the Iraq War which led to ISIS and all their attacks on Europe and the destruction of Syria