URGENT!! All Black Bodies meeting! We are super unsafe!!!
University Politics. Fire Brett Jewstein.
Evergreen University HABBENING
Other urls found in this thread:
Wut? Not clickin yo shit nigga
that college needs to fire most of it's administration and replace them with all with every Tammy Geraldson they can find.
Yeah. No mo' Whitey's!!! We run this thang!!!
Everyone in this thread needs to SHUT THE FUCK UP! Every voice will be heard!! CONCENSUS!!!
Speak your truth!
What the fuck is going on?
You know we can see when you samefag, right?
For people that are only looking for a good time:
And also there's youtube.com
I went to this school. It turned me into a Nazi. Keep it up, Evergreen.
We are of one mind. One black body.
>Student Loans
>Student Loans
>Student Loans
>Student Loans
>Student Loans
My wife almost went to Evergreen. She abandoned college when she realized she'd rather stick around with me. Feelsgoodman.
Now she's a racial separatist. I saved her.
a bunch of degenerates at one of the most degenerate universities in the country are chimping out because they wanted to have some day where they forced all white people off of campus and some jewish professor disagreed with it, so they occupied some building and are giving a list of demands (free gumbo, give us free passing grades for all classes, kill whitey, etc). Some user in another thread is in the dorms right now and posted a campus wide email from the president earlier and it was fucking batshit.
This system has to collapse eventually right?
This has nothing to do with education, these kids just pay thousands to feel good about themselves.
the more kids graduate from it, the better their metrics look, the more government gibs they get. all the while handing out useless degrees in exchange for a lifetime of debt they will likely never pay off.
It's babysitting for people who should be grown-ass adults. Sad.
>White professor forced to flee campus as police say he’s not safe
So tolerant.
visited Evergreen a few years ago never seen so many faggots and degenerates
>White professor
He fleeing his own creation.
>Minority students feel 'marginalized' by historic building's 'imposing, masculine' paneling
>Student penalized for using word 'man' on his essay
shits a lot worse in our secondary education system than I realized.
I couldn't care any less about the Jewish creation that's turning on them. Who cares about this (((professor))).
Holy fucking hot shit damn she's beautiful.
exactly. this is a beautiful trainwreck. there's nothing more fun to watch than liberals eating each other.
The staff should go on strike. No way should they have to deal with such a bunch of children.
they're already kowtowing to these lists of demands. some user going to school there posted a letter from the school president earlier and it was cucked to the max.
it even started with "Hello, I am President George Bridges. I use he/him for myself."
are they snapping?
Did you just assume xi's gender goyim?
tl;dw. Can I get a quick rundown?
Evergreen seems to be liberalism on soviet style red army meth
It's literally nothing being called something. And the president is a cuck.
They're dealing with their very own creations. No sympathy.
Franken(((STEINS))) monsters
Wow, Just watched the other video on that youtube page: youtube.com
Why didn't you lead with that? It's so fucking good. Looking into it, this guy is so in-the-know it's actually painful.
>Weinstein took particular issue with one policy, put in place to encourage equity at Evergreen “faculty voted to require official, yearly reflections on our individual progress relative to racial diversity.” He appears to conflate this attempt to mend historical inequality and combat racism at Evergreen, with discrimination against white people, writing, “It is hard to imagine a person of color being flagged by a conversion panel, or as an internal hiring candidate, due to their yearly reflections revealing cryptic bias, or insufficient progress with respect to race. But it is all too easy to imagine a white person (whatever that is taken to mean) being challenged on this basis.” He continues that as a result of these and other diversity policies, “We have now imposed on ourselves a de facto hierarchy based on skin color, and hooked it directly to mechanisms of hiring, promotion and dismissal–empowering some, and disempowering others.”
I hope everyone in the video was high as fuck. The alternative would be rather grim.
There was a time when you went to collage, went to class and went home.
The someone decided it would be a good idea to have student councils, which led to student unions and the present situation where students can now make demands, occupy areas, demand resignations and even shut down entire campuses.
They've engineered their own ruination.
God I hate Evergreen and the people who there. It's basically a containment cell for all of the people who didn't make it into UW or WSU and didn't go to community college. It's also probably the most liberal college in Washington if that isn't already apparent.
This is some cult shit nigga.
I know where I want to stick my gender in its gender, if you know what I mean.
Put it in where it feels good, I ain't concerned with what's on your mind unless it my dick.
Came here for this
Pretty much. The best we can hope for here is that this shit continues to escalate and gets increasingly absurd until until individual colleges are forced to decide whether they're going to teach their students or whether they're going to serve as a platform for this nonsense. And students/parents will then vote with their wallets and we will hopefully see a growth in colleges whose explicit policy is to forbid sjw activism without fear of reprisal because the majority of their students will be attending specifically because of that policy.
Step one is pushing this shit into the mainstream news and getting the average person aware of the level of absurdity we've reached.
Kind of the biggest concern with Trump (and same with the politics here in Canada).
Either we vote for the conservative option who is CLEARLY the better option, but at best will just slow down the inevitable collapse that's coming. Or we just watch as the left burns it down so we can get started on the rebuild before whites are almost entirely gone.
>white people were told to stay away from campus so students of color could have a safe space
WHERE did the idea come from its less safe for blacks around whites
EVERY one is safer surrounded by whites
I love the chaos here. But I'm torn. There is no good side to take. The Jew teacher who brought about this entitlement and lack of respect, or the idiot libtards who are entitled. It's a catch - 22.. You can' ruin for anyone. The only thing we can hope for is an antifa faggot to suicide bomb the whole school.
old thread with info from one of the students
the email they all received, read it - its total madness
what even the fuck right now.
that's it, i'm sold. The wrong side won WWII
I wonder at what point will the standing of US Universities and Education start falling in the world rankings. If I was to go back to studying overseas I would not go to the US. I would head East. From an outside view US Universities are becoming less and less attractive.
Such cuckery has never before been witnessed.
You have to look at it from the bright side. You could advertise death camps as safe spaces to those people. They wouldn't even consider resistance.
if the US didnt go to Normandy the whole Europe would've been under the glorious Soviet regime
Not only did it start that way, IT GOT WORSE in the next two paragraphs: pastebin.com
>I begin our time together today by acknowledging the indigenous people of the Medicine Creek Treaty, whose land was stolen and on which the college stands. I would like to acknowledge the Squaxin people who are the traditional custodians of this land and pay respect to elders past and present of the Squaxin Island Tribe. I extend that respect to other Native people present.
>In response to Native Student Alliance requests, we commit to opening every event with this acknowledgement.
Still unconfirmed, but google searching random quotes from it didn't get anything. Either someone is literally so autistic they made a fake email and had it ready to go for the first thread that someone asked for it.. or it's 100% real. The guy pasted it in too fast for someone to adlib it on the fly.
they should close the university and give the land back to the natives. Win-win for everyone.
When does Sheriff Clarke start at DHS?
Those digits though. Come on Germany. Find yourself, restore the Reich.
The school has a 99% acceptance rate lol basically a shitty community college
Snake eating itself? I'm not following this story at all. Just saw the headlines. Am I correct in surmising that the cultural Marxist claws of the left are finally thrashing against their own head (at the Jews in power who thought they'd be untouchable as the "minority" governing class)? kek
Decided to look up Evergreen college. First picture result is Tucker with his signature face.
If I were in charge there, I say get to class or fail. Choice is yours.
Given the grading/major system at this college I'm surprised this shit didn't start after inauguration.
Students used to grade themselves at Evergreen. I don't believe they do any longer.
If the US didnt give the USSR shitloads of weapons and ammo, that wouldnt be the case.
USA, financing both sides as allways.