LMAO at this white autist and future school shooter yelling at his asian teacher;
LMAO at this white autist and future school shooter yelling at his asian teacher;
Your point?
literally a nigger
Hes trying to be SO cool. What a fool. If he survives to collge he'll be one of those guys that after a few drinks is screaming at the top of his lungs puffing his chest looking to fight nearly anybody to act tough.
lol leave it to Sup Forums to think that this is "normal behavior"
Kids obviously got some type of autism. You can tell by his dialect. All that slurping around when hes screaming, jfc no wonder everyone was laughing.
I'm surprised based nip didn't draw his katana and cleave the white boy in two. Commendable discipline on his part.
obviously a no-coiner
I use to be able to laugh at this type of behavior...but I guess i'm just getting old. This is actually quite sad. He's clearly dealing with some personal demons outside of school.
i bet he would make for a pretty good boygirl though
is this where our voucher money goes?
I went to an almost all black/mexican middle school.
This shit was practically an everyday occurrence.
Albino Chimp
>personal demons
yeah, daddy being rich..aww, poor baby
"Normal behavior" is relative, and that term doesn't change whether a statement is true or not.
blacks are worse.
I would support as candidate for any office
but whites are catching up
>I'm allowed to act like a contemptible piece of shit as long as black people act worse
Nice standards bro.
Can confirm. Happens all the time with nogs
Why is there no discipline in american schools?
"Fuck, nigga"
This snownigger got black'd
Money is given to the School for each student that attends.
Teacher here
This is the biggest problem I face on a daily basis and its one of the many reasons why Im switching from public to private schools
Public school kids can get away with murder
There is no respect
Public school code basically force the teacher to be a cuck or you will get fired
I had a kid walk out of my class last week and I called the office.
I basically got in trouble and had to deal with paper work. The guidance department was basically like "He has really bad ADHD so sometimes you need to let him take space"
shit is fucking retarded. I didn't become a teacher to become some bitch
Worst part is probably the American parents who are so retarded they let their kids turn into monsters with no respect or discipline.
This is really the only downside to teaching in a white suburban school.
Rich asshole parents who don't actually know how to be parents. They think throwing money at their attention starved children will help them. It doesn't
Teachers basically have to become the parent except we get no authority to do anything meaningful...and anytime there is a problem we are blamed first
Because if anyone at the school touches, insults, belittles, disciplines, or slights a student in any way, their parents can and will sue the school district for millions and billions of dollars, and the district always (always) pays out.
Sup Forums always diverting the attention
I'm seriously considering homeschooling my kids just because I don't want to surround them with fucking retards.
If you screamed at a teacher in an Irish school there is a good chance you are getting days off. Keep it up and there is a good chance you will be kicked out.
The male teacher will kick your ass. Not that there are many of them. My Irish teacher also played for a big sports team and I seen him headbutt a guy who thought he was tough. lel
Ive been thinking the same actually
Private schools are much better usually...and you can find one that suits your beliefs
My only fear with homeschooling my kids is that I would be worried I would mess up their ability to get good at math/science
>niggers by every measurable standard are the worst group of humans on the planet
>find example of autistic white kid sperging out in his special needs class
>scream, "SEE! WHITES ARE BAD!"
>everyone ignores you because they understand reality
>mfw you remain assblasted because the adults are talking
If they show a lot of aptitude I would just have to bite the bullet and send them to a specialized prep school.
But why send them to a public school where all they're going to learn is how to be niggers?
Yeah thats just common sense. Its good to hear that at least somewhere in this world people have it right.
American kids need to be expelled more.
Our country should set up a national school for kids who were expelled.
It would be run by hardcore drill instructors from the Army/Marines etc
If you talked out of line or fucked up in any way you would get your ass beaten
The problem with kids is that most don't have common sense...you can't reason with them. When kids act like animals they should be treated like animals. AKA physical punishment
>tfw you have to endure a second round of bullying because you are small and frail
poor teacher feels like he's back in high school getting bullied... again
Typical low IQ snow niggers. This is how they act when faced with Asian superiority.
That kid is a wigger. Kid probably saw niggers being disrespectful to their teaches so he's copying them. Dumb wigger.
Don't do this. Sheltering your kids from the retards now will only throw them in shock over it in college or the workforce
>autism exist meme
Thats true
Public school culture is cancerous
It will take any good kid and twist his idea of reality
From the conservations that go on in school, sex ed, popular music/dress, its all really quite bad
>implying they won't socialize at church
>implying they won't have summer jobs
I'm not locking them in a room.
I've worked with homeschooled kids before
They are fucking weirdos
But I think thats mostly the fault of the parents
Its funny because they were actually very handsome (no homo) and very intelligent
Normally they would have been chads
I blame their lack of social skills on their crazy baptist parents
I'm speaking from experience. I also went to church and was homeschooled. In college I did not accommodate well. I got in lot of fights because I didn't realize at the time, most of America is made up of morons who have no ability to compromise.
Thankfully I figured it out but my brother was not so lucky and got shot sticking up for what he believed was right.
Nah, I know a few people in college who were homeschooled and they are fine (also very kind)
He obviously is a white-nigger. Look at how he talks, he has been around black culture too long.
>you were homeschooled
Who taught you at home?
How did you learn math and science?
Are there any major tests you took to get into college?
What was the average day like for you?
He's just as bad as the nigglets chimping out in class.
If you don't want to learn don't listen or don't turn up. But shouting at a grown man who's there to educate is bullshit.
And that is why I'dd never be a teacher. If i were this asian guy. I would stare this kid down. I'd calmy go to my chalk board and write teh words "This kid has anger problems." then if physically touched me, he would be destroyed.
I would then fired.
Not an argument. It seems like you need niggers to exist so you don't take their place.
I thought it was crazy how he still called him "Doctor" even though he was basically shit talking him
10 bucks says his parents just got divorced
That school looks pretty fuckin ghetto
Fucking white barbarian. While Asians had civilization and empire germanics were running around naked chopping each others heads off.
Homeschooled nigger here
My math and science education was leagues above my public school friends by the time college roller around
>still buttblasted
If you were making any kind of coherent statement you'd realize that you're not making an argument in the first place. Run along Mr. Shill.
How? Would you care to explain?
What was your average day like?
What did you study from?
Im thinking about homeschooling my kids when I have them
For those of you advocating for private school, do you realize how expensive it is? What kind of jobs do you guys aspire to have that will allow you to take your kids to private school? I work with Pharmacists and physicians that send their kids to privates school, and they've told me that from kindergarten to their freshman year of highschool (not finishing highschool, just through the 8th grade) it will cost them a quarter of a million dollars. Thats essentially a mortgage on a house.
>Worst part is probably the American parents who are so retarded they let their kids turn into monsters with no respect or discipline.
>This is really the only downside to teaching in a white suburban sc
I can't tell if you are serious or not?
This was anti male Jewish propaganda from the 80's that stripped parents of rights by depicting all white men as violent child abusing rapist drunks so kids needed protection from the state.
Literally Jew propaganda and its resultant enforcement by law. Go ahead belt a kid whose out of control and see what happens.
You want to fix it acknowledge the truth.
Yeah, the "pick up your room" comment was incredibly telling.
Mother fucker should be castrated and thrown in prison for the rest of his life.
>blacks chimp out on white people
>whites chimp out on asian people
Nahh, he's a typical Chad an a rampage, but no school shooter, much less an autiste.
Maybe you misunderstood me
>be teacher
>be white male
>students act out of line
>school does not correct behavior or support me in any real way to stop behavior
>rich parents coddle kids and don't teach them respect
Im basically in between a rock and a hard place.
Parents don't know how to properly raise kids today and modern schools won't enforce discipline.
All the burden of society falls on the teacher and we are basically powerless to do anything to fix the problem
Im not advocating that the government raise children
But schools should enforce discipline and parents should learn how to raise their kids better (I'm not saying the government should show them how)
Urban schools have to deal with retarded nogs
Surbuban schools have to deal with uppity, sue happy parents who create special snowflakes incapable of doing wrong or being scolded
Was it that hard to understand ameriburger? Just because niggers exist, it doesn't excuse you to act just as scummy. Classic deflection - even worse because you set your standard of behavior to the worst people on this planet. Stop being so myopic you dumb fuck.
>nigga, nigga, nigga, nigga
When shit goes down, white people in america act like fucking niggers.
wiggers if you will.
>scream, "SEE! WHITES ARE BAD!"
No one did that. Stop defending yourself when there's nothing to defend, you're projecting.
shut up faggot
jesus christ how embarassing.
>unironically says nigga like he's some fucking gangsta chimp
This is the reality of /pol IRL isn't it?
Their roots have been completely destroyed. They latch onto whatever identity and culture they can.
Lets take this example of white idiot and say all white students are like that. Fucking whites are retarded. Screaming and yelling like an ape. Lets not forget that he is white and that probably the whole reason he is fso ucked up. Poor asian guy.
if the white race is lost, then what is left? Has civilization officially gone extinct?
>Sup Forums will defend chimpouts when a white boi does it to a supreme Asian
Degenerate board.
>v neck fag yelling abuse while punctuating every other word
inb4 mental breakdown
>How? Would you care to explain?
My mom was a stay at home mom so we was able to find good homeschool programs/textbooks. She wasnt really a "teacher" because we had to teach ourselves by reading the books. Of course if we had questions she tried to help, but for higher math there are usually help desks.
>What was your average day like?
Reading/writing/arithmetic when i was young
Highschool with the soft/hard sciences we did a web based school called potter school. It was basically like a go 2 meeting virtual classroom.
If i got an early start to the day (8am or so) id usually by done by 1-2pm
>What did you study from?
I studied through a lot of different programs/text books especially when it comes to grade school level stuff.
>Im thinking about homeschooling my kids when I have them
Do it. Private school is expensive these days. I was homeschooled but my younger sisters go to private school because my dad makes more money now later in his career.
Public school is an indoctrination camp
Holy fuck, I could never be a teacher because I'd beat the shit out of that little pissant.
Also lol at the concrete trash-covered hallways. You know it's a shit neighborhood when the school can't even afford tile floors.
>get identified as shills
>double down and shill harder
they had a huge headstart and they got caught up so easily? lmao inferior chinks
Shut up you dumb bitch. You are part of the problem. Shoving these kids around in what amounts to basically a glorified prison and forcing them to memorize useless factoids does nothing but destroy their attention span and make them weak and cowardly.
I wish my parents were smart enough to not send me to public school. I can't focus on anything longer than 5 minutes and it's completely destroyed my life.
He's a product of his environment.
I bet his dad was in the military and beats him.
You're in complete control of your attention span and you can do mental exercises to increase it. What actually destroyed your life was the reinforcement of the belief that you can offload all of your problems onto others.
Jesus, you're pathetic.
white people lmao
What are you talking about? He doesn't set the curriculum, He's forced to teach what the school district tells him to teach.
Asians are alright. even though they kill dogs, but thats a small pay. are ofcourse t.asian russian mongrel
Not a nip.
Autistic kid says "Do not tell me what to do, Doctor Choo"....
little Johnny here has run out of Ritalin
That sounds very doable
For myself...my biggest concern is that my fiancee is Polish. She speaks English pretty well but her grammar is a bit off...which is totally understandable because she's new to the USA
I'd like to give homeschooling a try I'd just be worried they would end up struggling with English
But you know what...I bet it would be an advantage in the end
Teachers get to decide HOW lessons are taught though. They are ground zero of the public school system... the equivalent of cops. They never question the system and do exactly what they are told because "I don't make the law, I just enforce it." Don't act like they are blameless. They are complicit in the entire thing. Just like the government would collapse without cops to punish tax dodgers, the education system would collapse without teachers implementing the curriculum.
Nigger. Hope he was expelled.
The Khans were pretty great and took over the largest land mass in the history of empire building. But be careful, the last one, Tamerlane, was a Muslim convert and he is the one who lost it all. I know that's what the Ruskies ultimate goal is to reclaim Eurasian lands...well, thats our goal too. I think you have a better chance cause you have more of a history with the Chinese. They are quite an obstacle for us. Russia is just a means for us to pressure China, which is why we locked you in. Good luck.
>can only namecall
>y-you're pathetic!
Oh god thanks for that. You might want to refine your shilling for next time.
>mfw this is the all badass americans of Sup Forums in real life
Let me tell you about my experience as a teacher so maybe you will learn something.
I have zero control over curriculum, what textbooks we buy, what I am supposed to teach. My department chair also makes sure I teach the kids a certain way.
This year I basically got fired from my public school job because I complained that our curriculum was terrible and it was doing a disservice to my kids. My department chair also forced me to try this hokey style of teaching that was all about "questioning". A lot of teacher theories sound great in college but when applied to real world situations quickly fall apart...this was one of them.
So to make a long story short I wasn't "complicit" in the destruction of my classroom so I got fired and lost my chance at a pension.
I will probably be replaced by some female/numale liberal
The only reason I because a history teacher was because I loved my country and wanted to subtly try and redpill kids. I basically got fired for not being a cuck
Public schools are infested with liberals from the top down. Even in the best districts. Thats why pubic schools are ultimately doomed.
What a trailertrash loser white scum. If this is the future of the white race, I'm converting to Islam...
i think that cracker thinks he is a nigger
>>mfw this is the all badass americans of Sup Forums in real life
They're complicit because if they're not, they get fired and replaced by someone who will teach according to their guidelines. I'm not sure what reality you're living in.
this is the future of the white race