The alt-light "skeptic community" giving us a bad name
How do we distance ourselves from them? We need a final solution regarding these e-celeb faggots
The alt-light "skeptic community" giving us a bad name
>le alt-LIGHT
until a double digit percentage of alt-righters start living on white nationalist compounds or form their own microstate you are still a bunch of lazy moderates just like them
Work with them where mutual interests lie and redpill them more in the process. It is generally alt-lighters that go full Sup Forumsack and not the other way around you catch my drift? Our numbers are growing as they grow
Wahhhh they don't want segregation! And they don't call jews kikes, and black people biggest in public! My faggot nazi sympathies! Reeeeeeeeeeeee!
Kill yourself
>black people biggest in public!
Meant niggers.
But still, kys
It's the same problem as plebbit.
Politics is less important to me than having a comfy board here I can shitpost and talk freely. These people and the t_dildo invasion have ruined that.
>look at us
>we pol now
Sorry, but they are literally the face of pol. Nothing you can do about it.
I'm literally sick of these twitter attention whores latching onto this movement just to look edgy.
guess i'll start posting this in all alt-right shill threads now...
reminder: hillary invented the alt right
>latching on to the movement just to look edgy
You mean a majority of pol?
Why are you even here? If you want to act like a faggot, fuck off back to plebbit.
It's just what happens when normies who are special outcasts want something to latch onto or save their dying YouTube carrier
It's what's bound to happen unfortunately, those who control the normies control the west and we are slowly taking control from the dems
unless you're busting in mosque windows nightly or living on a compound you're a moderate dude
What movement. The point of this place is to not move an inch. Also checked
Leave the platform and go back to stormfront?
None of these T_D fags belong on Sup Forums. We should have built a wall to keep them out.
That's correct. I'm more moderate than most people here actually.
What I can't stand is people getting full of themselves because they can prove complete idiots wrong. They only get popular because there are hordes of idiots on our side as well who couldn't come up with the necessary rebuttals on their own.
And here's the kicker: having built up a fanbase of morons, these people then send them here.
>Bad name
Nigger at least 50% of the users here say there are Nazis. What worse name than Nazis can these normies give us?
alt-Lite are good to laugh at. Especialy when the get butthurt when leftists call them nazis
Lmao at those fagets
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Those people just reference Sup Forums when relevant and use some of the same memes, it's not like they're saying they agree with everything Sup Forums does.
If one of them starts saying they're speaking for Sup Forums or whatever, then maybe you'd have a point. But as it stands they're not doing any harm, they're just spreading the more palatable ideas/info of Sup Forums onto normies.
Alt-cucks detected, go back to your pedosheds with that kike milo
why is the alt-light so afraid of addressing the JQ?
Dump e--celebs, or whatever you call them.
They don't belong and never did and if you think they do or look them up you are a jew and need to shower. The end.
>But as it stands they're not doing any harm, they're just spreading the more palatable ideas/info of Sup Forums onto normies
Ilke that kike pedo Milo, sooo based!
Same reason Jared Taylor doesn't talk about the JQ.
Because most of them are of the tribe
Not an argument.
Pedophilia is so based, yes!
Not what I said. Either formulate an argument or stop posting you imbecile.
Just say something. No one here ever actually addresses this problem outside of Sup Forums. No one outside of Sup Forums has called Mil out for being a kike or Sargon for being that fuckawful "nazbol" thing.
>You had your chance pol. You could have had me. I wouldn't do it for the fame and money, I legitimately just want to create an alternative news media platform where only facts are espoused. I wasn't afraid to name the Jew or have debates between holocaust believers and holocaust deniers. It could of been better, but you just had to be retarded children
My argument is that altcucks have no ideas just lame youtube channels with a lot of pop culture references.
>getting rid of a starting point for normies
You got a better idea?
>starting point
Stop with this meme. They lure people away from real right wing thought like race realism and the jewish question.
Your argument is garbage. Regardless of how "lame" you think MIlo and they are, the fact is he and other e-celebs have pulled a shitton of people out of the left/center and woke people up to leftist/cultural marxist lies. I just watched an interview with an ethnonationalist who was first woken up out of her political slumber through Milo. Such stories are exceedingly numerous. These e-celebs provide necessary entry-level redpills to normal people.
Not even kidding, who would this be?
They're hopeless and dragging us down.
Sargon had a neo-con Jew who openly loves Leon of the biggest mass murderers in history...on his livestream. And they along well.
These people are here memeify and stunt the new rise of the Right. They're here to manage it and blunt it, and we'll end up right back in the mire we were before because of them.
The more advanced the sickness, the more severe the cure, and these e-celeb cunts are only a placebo.
I couldn't agree more with what you just said. You can also through PJW in there too. I see that a lot of the old Sup Forums hate him, but they are spreading the good word connecting to people and dropping a huge amount of red pills
They normalized degeneracy among us.
Now, faggotry is not a liberal phenomenon anymore.
Sargon is an overrated mental midget but his entire philosophy has been that he wants to just talk to everyone. The left says he talks to "nazis" so that makes him a nazi. You say he talks to a leninist so that makes him radical left or supportive of them.
It's idiotic. He's a lukewarm liberal who found out avout the enlightenment and he's flirting with some people further right in doing so.
Not nazi, not marxist, just a dull tool.
Ryan Dawson of ANCReport(AntiNeoconReport). He just some guy that lives in Japan and keeps up heavily with politics and the news and has a channel on YouTube, but they kept demonetizing his shit and Facebook keeps banning him so he's trying to move all traffic to his website.
Good guy, has solid views and arguments. He's literally always up for debating pretty much anyone. He gets interviews with non meme tier people, and regularly goes to anti Israel conferences. He's made a few documentaries, like one on 9/11 where he calls out Mossad. Been listening to him for a couple years. Completely shilling for him and I don't care.
Seriously what is wrong with the gays
Ha3lfchan was always a retarded child's project.
Like daddy, like offspring. Except for a bunch of half-assed hipster moments nothing of value will have been lost.
And if you think your "secret clubhouse" is made of anything else than the rest of the shit in the world, you will get far in life.
Exceptional things only happen with exceptional beings, Anonymous is a the average shit of humankinds failure.
the alt-light is good as a gateway for normies into full natsoc.
Nothing other than the fact that stormweenies get salty over them for no reason
>the fact is he and other e-celebs have pulled a shitton of people out of the left/center
Literally anything that keeps normans from coming here more
Cuckservatives in the US were softening on gays for a long while, that wasn't Milos doing. And if faggotry is high on your priority list of things we need to focus on your priorities are totally out of whack.
What a scintillating argument. Well formulated.
Are you seriously asking the question?
Instead of asking "why not?", ask "why?".
Millions of years of evolution have led up to our species to developing the way they are now.
nope. bursting in mosque windows would be bad for the movement since potential recruits would sympathise with them.
What the fuck are talking about Jerry? What does Ryan Dawson have to do with any chan?
Yea, no thanks. I'd rather not have the public image of Sup Forums be pic related.
Real life and Sup Forums do not mix.
Well whatever your priorities are, it's not showing.
they make us look cringey
Remember you came out of this child's project. You will neve be anything more than an evolved form of autism.
No, it's a good way to get the biggest spergs to show up at political rally's or protests wearing kekistan flag capes and yelling duck at people.
he's still bringing moderate and left-wing normies over to the right wing, which is a small improvement at least. and the alt-light is a good gateway for natsoc. a lot of ppl here were once civic nationalists before they became aware of the JQ and were race redpilled
nice larp
I can't get behind Spencer, the guy is a fucking faggot. Sorry but he's seriously incoherent.
I am hard right just not of the religious kind. I really could give a fuck less about the gays. This isn't a new phenomenon gays have been around for forever they are not going anywhere
You don't think being gay has anything to do with genes? Are you an idiot?
>Trump is breaking promises
What's your point? Did I imply at any point I love Trump or something?
Sup Forumslacks consistently poll 40% National Socialist, 40% Libertarian, 20% other.
Listen to their live stream: he gets along well with the neo-con Trotskyist and they agree on a lot.
Dull tool, sure. But dull tools are still dangerous.
I didn't. I came here but I never took anything because I already knew of it's shit. If you already got what you need you don't need more bullshit from society, but people are too dicked to wake up.
It leaves much room for cynicism and that's all this place is good for. I only despise you fools for you idiocy, nothing more.
I don't think I could find a better photo that so accurately portrays pol irl.
Sargon is Special Branch. Hes like a cop in Fathers for Justice or the EDL. Some already knew for a while I'm making it public now.
These are the guys who eventually lead you down the path to Sup Forums. And I don't mean making "lol this nigga is so based" threads. I am still fairly convinced Sargon is further down the path to white nationalism himself than he likes to let on, or he will be very soon. Don't really give a fuck about Milo one way or the other.
I like them. We should kill them last.
That's T_D you fucking retard
Fags aren't going anywhere, but toleration of them is not helpful in any manner.
>You don't think being gay has anything to do with genes? Are you an idiot?
>implying I said that
sex isn't just some other thing we evolved to have for fun. It has a purpose, and it's not shoving your dick up some dudes ass.
lol there's a lot more where it's from.
Newfags who didn't lurk don't know that this place turns on its own.
Holy shit you sound like a complete retard.
>He takes pol polls seriously
No there were plenty of retards from here too. They came back and posted these pics here to boast of their "accomplishments"
Keep telling yourself that
If you understand that homosexuality has to do with genes then you'd realize that it must've served some evolutionary purpose, otherwise it would have been wiped out a long time ago. I'm not saying it should be celebrated, I'm just pointing out how dumb it is to bring up "evolution" in this context.
Why not a lot of them are good people who love us on the hard right and are hard right themselves we need to support them because they support us. Religion is dead, religion in America is in a tail spin secularism is taking over at record pace. So let's except the change and mold it for us
You are too young, dumb & naive to be anything but idealistic clowns. I don't care for 99% of the garbage culture you spawn, speaking the "lingo" is enough of crap to deal with for me, i couldn't give a fuck who sargon or whoever you dicks wank about on here are, are.
Reality is no fucking circus, it's a chop shop and you are the beef.
they need more expose for their stupidity and their needs to be a culture change here about them as well. At the moment many of these youtubers are pushing the message that no matter what they do you are not allowed to criticize them for it because it hurts the movement(see candid and the thunderfoot scandal).
there needs to be general awareness that majority of these people don't care about our views and that their main goals is to get money from useful idiots.
that's right money, that's all they care about
>If you understand that homosexuality has to do with genes
I never said that. I don't pretend to understand completely causes homosexuality.
>you'd realize that it must've served some evolutionary purpose, otherwise it would have been wiped out a long time ago
That is incorrect reasoning. Humans are complicated biological machines, and quite a few come out defective.
Simply because autism exists isn't proof of that it is an "evolutionary advantage". This kind of fallacy assumes that humans are perfect beings.
> I'm just pointing out how dumb it is to bring up "evolution" in this context.
It is not dumb. We are bisexual species, as opposed to simpler asexual lifeforms. The nature of bisexual species allows them greater growth and expansion. However, the entire point of a bisexual species is that the two opposing halves work together, not fuck each other.
One of the primary reasons why America is dying so fast is that we have no overarching culture. We're a nation of mongrels from all sorts of ethnicities, all of which carry some of their cultural baggage. There can be no unity and strength in such a divided nation.
And why is that, genghis?
>two opposing halves work together, not fuck each other.
I worded that confusingly:
>the two opposing halves fuck each other, not themselves.
I hate leddit just as much as the next guy, but I swear to god if I see this image posted one more time I'm gonna start filling these threads with gore.
Indeed and agreed
Democrats are the TRUE racists!
please do.
nothing turns off newfags faster
Your stance is:
>Fags aren't going anywhere, but toleration of them is not helpful in any manner.
I don't see why we're even arguing, I agree with that completely.
Because waking people up to race realism and cultural marxist lies about society is more pressing of a matter and you can do that way easier if you don't bother wading into the JQ swamp.
You're a moron. America has never been about race or religion we are a notion of ideas and dreams. Not white European supremacy. We fought a war against being European do you remember the revolution. That is why our constitution is still relevant today. America is and always has been just an idea if you forget that then it is all over even your shitty white supremacy ideas are an enemy to the idea of America
Stop lying, kike.
I agree, but Thunderf00t is a faggot and was legitimately in the wrong there.
I'm not a Nazi, but America succeed despite these major cultural divisions.
It's unquestionable that a Capitalist system underneath a Constitutional Republic is the best form of government known to mankind. However, it cannot be successful for long when you import foreigners with different agendas and beliefs about life.
Dreams only go so far. Blood is thicker than water.
I just can't respect an atheist. Every one of them are broken in the head.
what are you even doing here you retarded t_d faggot? Go be a kike dick sucker back on reddit.