Zbigniew brzezinski dead

rot in hell you piece of shit


I want to fuck his daughter Mika so bad...I would eat her butt.

The best feeling is knowing his daughter is sad and Morning Joe isn't getting laid.

He looks like he was doing it for some time. Why do reptiloids have such hanging rotten looking skin?

Who this ghoul?

Get the fuck off pol

Slow roasting for you pleasure

because they are total evil in a flesh suit.

What do you expect? He was 89. Pretty typical looking for his age.

Rolling for Soros within a month

Re fucking roll


Is Soros a Cheney clone?

Re roll

When will Serbia stop sucking Russia's dick?

Communists everywhere



But what does Brzeziński have to do with Soros?
Brzeziński worked against USSR, while Soros is a literal Marxist.

oh shit

Saggy skin is the demons pulling them into hell.


But what does Brzeziński have to do with Soros?
Brzeziński worked against USSR, while Soros is a literal Marxist

Both polaks/joos, some say...

Sorry for killing your beloved USSR.

not really :D

>zbigniew brzezinski
red pill me on him in three letters or less

I thought we established that his fuckups were secondary to his effort to arrest and destroy communist ideology?

Overreaching in trying to stop communism is a tactical error, not a moral failing.

Feel free to correct me.

>three letters

>Three words
based in realpolitik

For the emperor!


the correct answer is jew, but OK ...