A DNA Test doesn't prove that you aren't a Jew. Most Israelis are just LARPing Europeans.
A DNA Test doesn't prove that you aren't a Jew. Most Israelis are just LARPing Europeans
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Those who effectively combat this mortal enemy of our people, who is at the same time the enemy of all Aryan peoples and all culture, can only expect to arouse opposition on the part of this race and become the object of its slanderous attacks.
-Mein Kampf
DNA is A social construct
A tweet does though right ?
im not a g*y
Kenites and Khazars LARPing as Adamic Israelites to bring forth their Talmud false moshiach (anti-Christ) "instead of Christ... the one who pretends (LARPs) as the Messiah but who is not. The fake one comes first...
Working for this cancerous mega Jew sure raises some suspicions.
True but it turns out those suspicions are not based on facts. She's not jewish
Can confirm
Most white askhenazi Jews in general are LARP, they are fake Jews from Russia and Poland.
I can't watch this guy yell half truths and ignorance.
>white man was never on slave cargo ships
what is the muslim slave trade. what is the roman slave trade of conquered peoples? this guy is a fucking moron.
Why are niggers so dumb
Not anymore.
this is the autistic side of Sup Forums that has gone off the deep end and is useful for nothing. you're the faggots that skipped past the drug smuggling and illegal night clubs alefantis was running and went straight to satanic child sacrifice.
she's not jewish.
>she's not jewish.
Are you sure?
If I were a jew I'd be acting exactly like that.
I am 100% sure that she's not jewish.
But how do I know you're not a jew?
She left The Rebel because of disagreements with Ezra and a couple months later was hanging out with white nationalists. And you're still character assassinating her? Really spruces up my jimbobs.
"Jews" are not of Judea
>Jewish people are still recovering from the holocaust
How can they recover if they're dead?
>virgins sperging out over dumb college dropout who spouts their talking points but never pontificates anything on her own
All e-celeb and larp threads need to go to /bant/
Why the fuck would a Jew say "Apparently I'm Jewish"? That's something who is not a Jew but is being accused of being one would say.
It's the SEX JUNK
Oh...ooh.... OH
is this post in english
She's ugly as shit anyways. Only plebbit fags wanna root her.
You would if you're trying to defend your people from online trolls.
Claim to be a regular goyim and talk about why your people are victims and should be trusted.
Then why didn't she just stay with Ezra and go to Israel to shill with the other Ezra pets? Your narrative doesn't make any sense and everyone can see it. Shoo, begone shill.
Because Jews are inherently greedy. Once she got a fanbase of horny old men and virgin numales she could make more money shilling for them full-time.
Follow the shekles and it'll all make sense.
>she's a Jew because I feel that she is a Jew even though every piece of evidence says she is not a Jew
Ok shill. Go get a real job, your parents are disappointed in you.
>this fucking retard again
how fucking stupid do you have to be to still think she's jewish? it's retards like you that make everyone think pol is a bunch of low IQ stormfags. why do you care so much about her? just ignore her if you don't like her
>she got a fanbase and left her jewish boss, therefore she is a jew
not exactly smart are you?
these niggaz actually ainĀ“t
>It's very that she's defending Jewish interests
Trying to expose and stop Soros-funded NGOs that are bringing shitskins to Europe illegally in the company of white nationalists is "defending Jewish interests"? Damn shill, you're grasping at straws. Maybe you should try your character assassination nonsense on someone that is easier to assassinate.
I've made a very compelling argument. It's clear that she's an activist for Jewish/Israeli interests by embracing anti-migrant Nationalist groups and using social media to slander Arabs. That makes her either a Jew or financed by Jewish Interests.
You're not even making any sense now, kikes are the ones trying to bring migrants to Europe. GTFO and stop posting.
Jew is a social construct
Jews are semitic gypsies, not yuropeans. Get over it.
It makes perfect sense user, I thought your mongol genes would have made you smarter.
Make your enemy implode, make them Europe's problem, since they're savage cunts Europe will hate them too. (((You))) are then seen as a moderating influence and are allowed to keep the land you stole to keep these guys in check.
Assad figured this out and is doing the same thing.
Social construct is a Social construckt !!!
But being hardline anti-migrant is still fighting against Jewish interests and for White interests. The non-white invasion needs to be fought against regardless of who is causing it and why.
The effort to make White interests align with Jewish interests is the core problem.
Promoting (((Lauren Southern))) is another facile attempt to do just this.
If whites repatriate non-whites back to Africa/Middle East then they become the Jew's problem again and so white interests aren't aligning with Jewish interests. Stop posting Heeb, you aren't making any sense.
You will never learn.
>bloated jew face