Nordic Resistance Movement
The page is in swedish but you can translate it using google.

The Nordic Resistance Movement declares memetical warfare!

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Hell motherfucking seger




Nordfront is really cringy and they want an union between Nordic countries
go suck a dick, even when you're nationalists Swedes are still garbage

There will be no swedes or finns in the future, only norsemen! HELL SEGER!


Finns aren't Nordic


I will actually fight you if you try that. WE ARE FINNS. YOU ARE SOMALIAN. You don't have proper army to do anything. We would crush you.

Yet nordfront wants to add us in your cringy union larp

I'm Sami

>t. kike

Fuck you we will send our mujehadin warriors on your ass and you will be national socialist HELL FUCKING SEEEEGER!

and you're a swefag that wants to destroy Finnish culture and identity


You're very stupid person who doesn't understand Finnish history
Keep destroying yours, you're nothing. Just pathetic cockroach.

Finland is not real. We are one Nordic country with one Nordic people.

We have done more in less than 100 years than you have done in 400. Your people are passive bitches. Stereotype about Swedish people is that you're a bunch of homosexuals. You need us to defend you from ebil Russians. Your country doesn't have any kind of face anymore. Your economy is going down the shitter. You have full feminist government.

Really makes me think.

Oj ursäkta jag kan inte läsa arabiska :)

what's happening in Sweden these days is poetic justice. smug fucks deserve every bit of it

Sorry I actually didn't bother learning your dead language in school. Speak in relevant language.

And I'm enjoying every minute of it. You don't exist anymore. And that's great.

The members of Nordfront has double-digit IQ.

>iq är inte ett judiskt påfund

Kill yourself you litteral nigger.
your sad excuse for a people should have been purged long ago, the only good thing about the collapse of Sweden is that you will all starve to death when the gibs drie up.

of course, everything is jewish

most of these memes are kinda lame desu

*rapes you with a flagpole*

we survived just fine for thousands of years without you, I think we can manage the future as well.

Sig og hæl fra din norske broder

youre worse than Milhouse



You survived like niggers during the time we let you do your squating alone.
While it is great that you acknowledge that your people are niggers it is at the same time laughable that you think a bunch of filthy savages like you can amount to anything besides whining and asking fo mo money fo dem programs.

only non-scandinavian post in thread is some fat retarded burger desperately shilling for views on his dumb youtube-video

why am i not surprised

also, nordfront need to fix their image if they want to be taken seriously. grow your fucking hair out & stop looking like angry 17year olds with small-dick syndrome. im down with the message, but i cant associate myself with something so... immature

people that try very hard to look scary and angry are always the weakest, reminds me a lot of when an african takes of his shirt to scare his opponent, comes from the same tree.




national socialism needs to clean up its image by not primarily association itself with (or consisting of) these types of people. They just seem immature and moronic.


you die then

How is the response when the march on the streets?
also surprised that sweden allows such a group.

"you die then"

see thats that sort of two-digit-IQ response you expect

national socialism should be associated with pride in ones country and people, not with dumb bald 17 year old wannabe neo-nazis who dont know any words with more than three syllables. the entire ideology has been hijacked by these kinds of people, and its keeping more normies from associating themselves with it

bald people are high T, im sorry you like men

nice Swedish education, high T has nothing to do with baldness.

The media was in panic but the general public either doesn't care at all or they support the NMR in silence when you talk to them face to face.

People are sick of being treated like vermin in their own country.

Fuck you nords and your cuck-like ways all hail the real master race - THE BRITISH - the empire where the sun never sets. what have you nords ever done except make stinking fish in a can and let your women fuck monkeys, you scum


see, youre just proving you lack an argument by consistently failing to address mine. just like most national socialists in sweden. you are the reason why national socialism gets a bad rap, and you are therefore part of the reason why sweden is doomed.. anyone speaking out against islamification is immediately associated with retards like you, and thus gets discredited. congratulations on ruining sweden, you moron



Well I like their style marching in uniform, but why the hate towards the finns or is it just some guys in this thread?

more than half of these are anime girls
i had no idea nordfront was red pilled

finns are not nords they are a mongrel race of sami, slavs and the shit genes of the nords.

>THE BRITISH - the empire where the sun never sets.
Got stopped by 2000 Afrikanische Schutztruppen and 14thousand askari in WW1.

Yeah go be master race somewhere else you faggot dork

The NMR sees no difference between a Dane, a Finn or someone from Iceland. We are all the same and we need to stand as one of we want to survive in the world of the future.

But of course the local cultures and tradition will be preserved, they are not communists.

Lions led by sheep comes to mind

They want Scandinavians to unite against outside forces. They don't want an assimilated blob that wipes out each nations culture and language.

No, you are actually in the wrong here, high testosterone is not the cause of baldness, feel free to google it.
If you see someone with a full head of hair at 50, it doesn't mean they have less testosterone, they just have better genetics (when it comes to hair).

While their genetics aren't fully researched their state of mind is purely aryan.
They are also the only ones fighting the commies while the rest remained neutral.

By the way did you know our royal family is 3.4% Lion, like real lion back in the 1400s our king had sex or something with a Lion brought back from the deserts in africa and that blood still runs through the royal family and even some non-noble brits

Baldness and bad eyesight are both signs you have Jewish genes. That's why hollywood made the image of "Nazis" having shaved heads, to make them look inferior.

>Finland is not real.

I'm afraid it is more real than sweden

Ikke slos tid på han fyren. Se tingene han har skrevet. Han er sannsynligvis en 16åring med manglende retoriske egenskaper og under gjennomsnittelig intelligens.



I don't believe you.

that would mean at least 2/3 of the world's population have Jewish genes

Pretty ok with this.


You don't have to feel ashamed of your baldness, it happens to 70% of men during their lifetime.
30% of men experience baldness before they're 30 years old. It's normal.


Sami aren't finns

Good post nor bro. I also think these "nazis" are cringy as hell. No better than the ultra feminists or muslims. Balding overweight men. Nah famalam. If we could get back to the german times that would be great

>f two-digit-IQ response

nice argument

This is true
Nordfront is going to have a march in Fredrikstad against the "gay-lobby", apparently jews are behind this and not liberalism.

Now because of this the leftists will start using "muh Nordfront" when people criticize gay-pride marches, where grown men shove the balls in children's faces.

Similar to Breivik, he only gave the leftists an "argument" to throw at us, not that it matters that much, but things go a lot slower when we have to keep repeating ourselves.

Vikings need to rally behind this guy.

>Vikings need to rally behind this guy
I like him but =hes only good for youtube

>butthurt finns

like pottery

Who is he? Pat Sharp?

looks like a snobby fag

get the fuck outta nordic business, burger

that looks like Survive The Jive from YouTube, he lives in Sweden too!

>hes only good for youtube
>he's vain with limited mental capacity

>get the fuck outta nordic business, burger

Looks nothing like him, jive looks very british.

Right, but Finns aren't Nordic. Finns are Finnic.

why are all swedes on Sup Forums nazists?

>he's vain with limited mental capacity
I mean, you're not wrong. An actual movement needs someone respectable who doesn't meme.

He looks like Jake Busey, Gary Busey's brother

dude, we put up your damn mcdonalds & burger kings in every major (and minor) city, and we let you in on the Arctic Council, even though you hardly have any territory. We are plenty nice to you, my dude

Lol, you should honestly pull a varg and burn down those shitty fast food joints

This is literally the greatest version of Horst Wessel Lied since the original one.
I fully approve of its calming sound rather than the harsh militaristic one that every other movement has used.

is the meme gap is real boys. don't let up.

Archive this and include a full download link so I don't have to manually download every picture

Imgur will remove this when (((concerned users))) report it

..........yea :\

inga rasister på våra gator

His head looks like it is filled with roids.

Seems like he has some good intentions, but ultimately he is too childish and the way his voice sounds coupled with how he articulates himself makes my ears bleed.


there are alligators in the North Atlantic?