>"Cyrus’s arc—she was a fairly innocent kid who enjoyed a wild period in her early twenties, and, now that she’s about to become someone’s wife, she’s settling down, finding a new way to be (or act) virtuous—is culturally ingrained. Everyone seems to agree that this is an acceptable path forward. And that’s what’s so troubling about it. It’s not so much that Cyrus has changed (or that she has, at least, changed tack strategically; both are so ordinary as to be banal), it’s that this is what everybody thinks a grownup woman looks like: pretty, tamed, straight, still, white."
Amanda Petrusich writing for The New Yorker: "White women showing maturity is disgusting"
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Can't turn a whore into a housewife.
Wtf is her point? She should become gay and black? What.
Whores pretending to be pure are disgusting
>grownup women should be ugly, feral, gay, hyperactive, and black
Liam is fucking crazy
Though I gotta admit...Miley looking good these days
Why are Leftists so fucking mentally ill? Despite the terrorism and other violence, I actually hate Leftists more than Muslims, I can't believe it has come to this.
(((They))) are attempting to push the idea that young women can slut around and then still marry Chad and live happily ever after.
You can't. Miley was probably setup with this douchebag. No way he'd want her otherwise when he could easily get a younger girl with less mileage.
>Everyone seems to agree that this is an acceptable path forward
Are people supposed to say its NOT acceptable? Should she be OBLIGATED to remain wild and hideous?
Yes. For once leftists and I agree.
No hymen, no diamond. She must stay soiled as a warning for others.
no but it's important for men to understand the female "timeline" and their dual mating strategy. Ultimately it's men that accept used-up trash who are to blame for the women that think there will always be men to forgive them
bad girls can't become good girls
the appeal of a good girl is that she's just for you
the appeal of a bad girl is that she's for everyone
good girl->bad girl kind of works
bad girl->good girl in no way works
A bitch is a bitch, but a dog is a man's best friend
Yet another Croat woman who has succcumbed to the hell that is USA "culture" and mindset. Everything you touch you destroy.
Maybe that's just the natural progression of things?
No... It's the patriarchy who's wrong
Retards gonna retard. But who is the retard marrying this retard?
Does that tattoo catch her armpit's dreams?
what. the fuck.
God, Leftism is so fucking disgusting.
wtf , that's Hannah Montana?