Smoking crack while caring for kid... Sooo progressive...
Smoking crack while caring for kid... Sooo progressive
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how is this progressive? most crack users are white trash losers
its sarcasm...
ohhhh boy. have you even been to an english-speaking country? they are all full of these people.
my cunt mother was a meth dealer and tweaker for a lot of my child hood, when she wasn't an alcoholic. and of course, super liberal feminist progressive
>mfw she's white
Let me guess. You're white and your mother was white?
wow, fuck......
hey cracks good man
>RIP Casey
What did she mean by this?
that's meth
uh obviously
meth is a white persons drugs, niggers do crack
$5 says "Casey" was either the name of her daughter or the name of one of her tweaker buddies that OD'd
Except the girl in this blog also said she "started to do crack in Jan"
Report to CPS
jesus fuck, what the fuck is wrong with her?
why the fuck would she make all this public?
holy christ I wanna deck this bitch in her ugly fucking mug
posting videos of yourself doing illegal drugs ISNT GOING TO GET YOU ARRESTED AT ALL! HAHAHAHA good luck just wait until some user reports her to the police with all the fucking evidence his autism caused him to collect/fap too.
Look up "Tweaker Nation"
There's a surprisingly high amount of people involved in an online Crystal meth subculture. Often times they'll record videos of themselves smoking meth and upload it.
Wish I were joking.
>It's hard know which one is the most important to me at times
What a fucking bitch. Can't you guy get social services involved? This makes mad as fuck.
I still don't know if that's a man or a woman
Hope CPS takes her kid.
I bet she can fuck like a pornstar. Meth pussy is best pussy.
There is actually a meth smoking subculture on tumblr. It's messed up. Beta white knights comment on all their pics of them "tweaking"
pic related, another one
We need to reserve day to report all these bitches...
lmao just report her
this better be fake
My ex left me while deployed to smoke meth and get knocked up by her dopefiend of an exboyfriend, now she's a single mom he overdosed and she whores her now ape like figure on chaturbate and backpage while everyone shells insults at her slug like figure.
Nothing of value lost I say but I feel bad for her kid LOL. What goes around literally comes around for skeezer whores and they end up in their mid/late 20s looking like a prune hoping anyone will care for their illegitimate children.
I genuinely hope it's her daughter. No child deserves a drug addicted parent.
She uses the typical leftist rationale to justify her addiction.
This breaks my heart
As she smokes
Everyone report this to the FBI online tips please. They might do something if they get enough...
Thanks user, CPS too please.
Can a smarter user/s than I find out where this bitch lives so we can all fuck her shit up and get cops/CPS involved?
bump 4 progressive values
Never been able to find sauce for it so I just tell myself it's a woman
>there are entire groups of open meth users on tumblr
That's a meth pipe and fuck you that made me crave some two years clean.
>most crack users are white trash
believing this
Hmm, my parents were into heroin, but they never had a blog about it, the internet era is strange.
I want to sniff her tits
Cocaine and Meth belong to white men.
Crack is for niggers that have no impulse control.
I miss jenkem. You just can't find quality jenkem nowadays
Trying to put coke and meth above crack for any reason.
It's all junkie trash, why even separate it, a white nethbhwad is as much of a nigger as any black crack head.
this is now a tit sniff thread, post pictures of tits you want to smell
>most crack users are white
And that's why people got butthurt about racism over police cracking down on crack but not cocaine...
>Ironically doing meth on social media
Thanks, Adorno
Finally, a decent tumblr blog.
This is meth not crack
I used to browse 420chan when I was a teen, and if you go on any hard drug board this is how they are. They act like smoking meth or shooting dope is a totally normal, regular thing.
The post itself states that the child is in bed and sleeping already, what the fuck are you cucks whining about?
It's no different than having drinks after your children are in bed sleeping
I swear Sup Forums is filled with nukids and faggots
I often wish the government would secrerly distribute poisoned meth and heroin that will kill off the users.
Absolute scum of the earth.
> smoking crack
> having a few beers
Yes, seems perfectly the same and not a false equivalency.
How convenient the CIA control the import of cocain and profit from it.
Is it because they love a dumbed down society ?
A drug addiction is a drug addiction, where is the false equivalency?
White tweakers are less annoying than black potheads.
>having a few beers
>an addiction
>actually comparing this to smoking actual fucking crack
Man.. raping you guys was a mistake.
sick shit
> All drugs have the same effect, I'm a stupid fucking wetback.
Fuck off you drug loving spic
>having "a few beers"
I know people who get shitfaced with a couple beers, and not all people who have a alcohol addiction drink "a few beers"
>actually comparing this to smoking crack
What is dosage? What is tolerance to substances?
>making this bitch face post without actually substantiating why smoking crack is worse than getting drunk
Well, why don't you go ahead and explain what's so bad about crack and why it's so destructive and dangerous regardless of dosage and tolerance?
Not an argument.
>drug loving spic
That's gold coming from the capital of drugs and.druggies in europe
>> All drugs have the same effect, I'm a stupid fucking wetback.
I also forgot to mention, if all drugs don't have the same effects, do you support a ban on alcohol and cigarettes, since they've been found to have far worse negative effects than drugs like cocaine, weed, lsd, and many others?
I'm convinced 90% of these ultra-depraved methed out homosex pedo pozzing stories are fan fiction larps.
ὁ δὲ Ἰησοῦς ἔλεγεν Πάτερ, ἄφες αὐτοῖς· οὐ γὰρ οἴδασιν τί ποιοῦσιν.
well for people who do such things all the time, smoking meth and shooting dope ARE totally normal, regular things...
No, smoking cigarettes isn't far worse than smoking crack you goddamn spic.
>Bitter Single mom
Worst that would happen is she be thought of as a hero to normalize and make this seem like the coolest newest thing to do. When it comes to women, they really really don't understand the old saying. "If everyone was jumping of a bridge would you also?"
Likely from not having a father in her life, so men are not really known to single moms and skanks. Just what Disney promises them all (complete with free pony)
But what about alcohol? The only thing that tops it is heroin and maybe crack, yet, alcohol is legal.
And smoking cigarettes is far worse than smoking weed, doing mushrooms, salvia, and other drugs.
Good thing you're not a drug user because your cognitive abilities are severely lacking as it is.
yeah jenkem has gone to shit nowadays
Oh, would you look at that
The bane of the immoral prohibitionist bitter cuck
read the blog, she does both meth and crack
is meth the most NAP friendly drug??
>not a third world shithole
>not a worthless faggot unable to even formulate arguments against supposedly "inferior third worlders"
Following your logic as mushrooms, salvia, lsd, dmt and other types of hallucinogenic drugs are "healthier" they seem fit to do while parenting, baby sitting etc but you can't compare the short-time effects of those to alcohol or smokes. Even if I had a couple more beers that the usual and got shitfaced I'm positive I would be able to respond better to an emergency situation in those conditions than under fucking psychotropic substances.
You are just comparing addiction and long time effects of those specifics drugs to excuse your argument. Plus you cover your false equivalency talking about dosage and "proper" use without applying that to both sides. Childish.
I'm no saint either and I confess that I smoked a couple of joints in circunstances of responsability like the one OP offers but that doesn't make it right nor I have the urge to make it right. It was wrong, period... And arguing here that the so called "tweaker-mom" doesn't do any wrong with it derailing and comparing it with alcohol is just easy bait.
I know perfectly fine that there are drunk parents, alcoholic monsters that even make OP story sound like a fairytale and I'm not excusing those because any of those drug-using examples taken to the extreme are just as horrendous.
So you are supportive of crack use? Parenting while engaging in hard drug use? I'm not making fun of you, I'm just trying to figure out how you think this positive.
>marijuana is more harmful to yourself and other than xanex
Where did you get this garbage?
Not only am I debating that these drugs are less harmful to the individual who consumes them, they're also harmful to the people who live around the addict.
Your whole argument rests on "what ifs" citing unlikely emergencies during the middle of the night, when it's clear that long term drug abuse has far more important consequences on the development of a child than whatever "emergency" might arise after your child goes to .bed.
When did I state she wasn't doing anything wrong? I've been stating that it's practically indistinguishable from living in a home with alcoholic parents
Work on your reading comprehension, and your debating skills, they're really awful.
You didn't explain why being on crack makes you less aware than being drunk, either, as expected from an underhanded 'debater'.
>So you are supportive of crack use? Parenting while engaging in hard drug use?
No, I don't support it, I've never tried crack. I'm simply stating that it's not really that different from being a drunk, but insecure cucks who like alcohol and dislike when people shove their hypocrisy in their faces take it personally and attack me with shitposts.
>I'm not making fun of you, I'm just trying to figure out how you think this positive.
I don't think it's positive that people sedate themselves with whatever drug they have at their disposal, whether they have kids or.not.
However, I do acknowledge that drug abuse is a symptom of social dysfunction, the drug itself isn't a problem, it's only an inert object like a gun, it can be useful or it can be used to destroy yourself.
Marginalizing people and shoving them away because they do X drug that's associated with scumbags does fuck all to solve the underlying issue, and is counter productive for everyone.
I wish I was naive to believe that
Care to elaborate? The source is listed at the bottom of the image, and there's an explanation of the methodology used for this study.
People die from xanex, black out and do crazy stuff, mix it with alcohol and get really fucked up. They are addictives and most junkies take benzos whenever they can. Marijuana has never killed anyone and how does it even hurt others?
the more i see "parents" and how they treat their children i often wonder how any of us ever survived.
>cannabis worse for yourself and others than methadone and mephadrone
top kek
If this woman was just a single woman using crack, I would support your argument. She is not. She has a minor she is responsible for, and is an enthusiastic user/addict of powerful CNS stimulants. The purchase of which put her in direct contact with criminals. Now she COULD be a drunk and we could have a similar discussion, but this is the situation we have before us, and it should be addressed.
>tfw hate niggers, kikes, and spics but also believe in socialist economic policies and I smoke weed and drop lsd
What does this make me?
>not smoking meth during the day so you can be a more productive parent
who uses this shit to relax?
>Not only am I debating that these drugs are less harmful to the individual who consumes them.
I agree.
> they're also harmful to the people who live around the addict
Here is the main point of discussion and disagreement between us. See below.
>Your whole argument rests on "what ifs" citing unlikely emergencies during the middle of the night, when it's clear that long term drug abuse has far more important consequences on the development of a child than whatever "emergency" might arise after your child goes to .bed.
This falls under the previous point and I will need to elaborate it a bit more. All of your defense on this subject is based on that ((graph)) you attached to us. Harm caused by drugs, by Rosenberg and Co (This was a joke don't make fun of by calling me a nazitard and derailing que te conozco mariachi). 100= maximum. Maximum what?. Harm cause to individuals: well I mostly agree with the dark blue data in the sense that I feel that it orders drugs properly to that respect. Harm cause to others: WTF is this? How was this obtained? What is the base for this study?
Yea man I got and old gramps who drinks like there is no tomorrow and is making our family literally dismember itself but my cousing who is a crackwhore is doing just fine with meth. No money problems, no drama on holydays, everything goes smooth. The most dramatic thing she can do is just overdose, sell herself or run away forever because he just feels like it but hey no harm or dishonor on that BOY! Not to me at least HAHAH
so how do we report to CPS?
absolutely fucking disgusting
>When did I state she wasn't doing anything wrong? I've been stating that it's practically indistinguishable from living in a home with alcoholic parents
See last line.
>You didn't explain why being on crack makes you less aware than being drunk, either, as expected from an underhanded 'debater'.
I didn't because I wasn't arguing that, I just entered the debate when you started to spit and group it around other types of drugs (lsd,salvia...). If you make use of that reading comprehension you recommended me you will find in my first answer that I don't mention crack where I'm doing my point on "awareness", that is, on the first and second paragraph. I just called you out for it on the moral ground later on with the "tweaker-mom" example. I precisely made it clear that I find both situations repulsive.
So yea I still maintain that you can't that easily compare the "far more important consequences on the development of a child" by taking that thing out of your arse or from anglopiratas gov arse. And if we are going to talk "emergency" situations my defense is already made.
the child will be sold into sex slavery if you do that