>Whites hates blacks
>Asians hates blacks
>Arabs hates blacks
>Hispanics hates blacks
>Blacks hates blacks
Should I just off myself Sup Forums?
>Whites hates blacks
>Asians hates blacks
>Arabs hates blacks
>Hispanics hates blacks
>Blacks hates blacks
Should I just off myself Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
i like blacks
go outside you pathetic piece of shit
>reminder there is always someone inferior to you
>Should I just off myself Sup Forums?
only if you're a burden on society yourself.
and at least off some niggers first before offing yourself.
Asians hate whites
Arabs hate whites
Hispanics hate whites
Blacks hate whites
Whites hate whites with a passion, just look at the sjw and even at Sup Forums
but white women love blacks
Mr. shekelberg told me so
If you don't act like a nigger no one cares.
If you hate yourself, they win
You could study hard get a good job, marry a black woman and raise redpilled kids.
Ya know, like what is expected out of white people. Did that ever cross your mind?
of course you do.
Yea, op, your mom is pretty ugly
everybody hates everybody, stop being a whiny bitch and get over the self hatred
it might be true that a lot of people hate blacks as a collective, including black people. i'm black and i've talked with enough "racists" as an individual to make them genuinely like me. i think most people operate on a case by case basis more than they're willing to admit, and you never had a chance with the people that will hate you forever based on being black, so fuck em.
you think asians don't hate other asians? dude i've walked the streets at night downtown with my korean friend, and he pointed out the ethnicities of various asian strangers that passed us with pinpoint accuracy. then he would give me a detailed reason on why they were pieces of shit. yet he felt comfortable enough to hang out with a black guy. just live your fucking life dude
Just don't be a retarded nigger and you're going to be fine. Most people here don't hate on decent niggers als long as they have some value to society.
koreans are the definition of brainwashed cucks doing the bidding of their ((masters))
>Europeans have conquered and enslaved my people
>Arabs have conquered and enslaved my people
>My people have conquered and enslaved my people
>No significant Black/African empires
>Blacks have contributed little to nothing regarding humanities progress.
>Blacks have contributed little to nothing regarding present human civilization
>Majority of blacks on average have the lowest IQs and won't would rather take from government than a proper job.
Blacks are a shit stain on human history, I'm already convinced. No matter how good and honest of a person I am bigots will always look at me like a criminal.
Think you have it bad? I'm a fucking kike. The more research I do into the JQ the more I want to blow my brains out.
see what i mean OP?
Blacks don't commit suicide. Start the trend.
Just pull up your pants, put on a belt, wear clothes that fit and act like a normal person. Nothing is stopping you from being a decent black dude. You seem like you're on the level anyway since you post here. Be a Colion Noire, not a Lil Wayne. The world just wants black people to be decent is all.
Rap music and gang culture really fucked your shit up. And crack.
just fix your community
Nah. Just go outside and find blacks that aren't hood-niggers.
It's easy to spot them because they all work as craftsmen.
Black people in Canada aren't wild apes like black people in the US
Dr. Kang expected black dudes to be chill. They have become decidedly not chill since then.
yes. yes, you should
Did we just solve racism? It seems like the only logical way is to judge on an individual basis.
Depends, do you have a qt white-washed black sister?
Yeah, it really boils down to an inferiority complex that is pounded into black kids at a young age. They fail to understand that whites don't really hate them unless they give them something to hate... Like constant whining about how they're oppressed or spewing paranoid conspiracy theories.
Normal white people don't care if you are black unless you are a nigger. Niggers have serious red flags and a reputation for criminality that's hard to ignore and they're going to be treated with suspicion because the fucking statistics aren't bullshit.
Contribute to society, nigga.
Join up with other worthy blacks.
Try to convert borderline blacks.
Express disdain for garbage blacks.
It's because the niggers are making black people look bad and you have to self regulate that shit.
Explain why your people are so over represented in violent and sexual crime.
Lil Wayne actually seems like a pretty decent guy. Look up his interview on Black Lives Matter.
It was the first name that came to mind... but he still looks and sounds like a scum bag and has been to prison. Red pilled, sure, but not a role model.
seriously faggot?
No matter how racist anybody I know has ever been, they always give everyone a fair chance. And won't hold anyone to their presumptions in the end.
Sometimes pol goes straight nazi/genetics REEEEEE RACE WAR NOW but don't pay attention to their autism.
I'm no sjw, but I will tell ya I do not believe yall are at all inferior to me. (Irish/Italian, btw)
But word of advice; Be a respectable citizen, show respect , etc. Even the most hardline racists will respect you, I believe.
most hate is between males
I am convinced that if men didnt exist hate also would dissapear
dont know if suck collective would be able to sustein a civilization tho
neither in mexico
just dont be a nigger and youll be fine
No way man, women are a lot more hateful than men. The difference is that men are open about it. Women talk behind your back and backstab you seemingly out of nowhere.
Girls wear makeup to not be judged by other girls a lot more than they do it for themselves or to appeal to men. This just proves how easily women jump at each other's throat.
you can be black, just dont be a nigger
Just work on yourself and don't associate with an identity that you didn't build or help create.
noboday hates ppl because if their skin color. we hate u guys because u have a much higher chance to commit crimes or just be bad at life im general
For the record, you are NOT black. Not African American, not poc, nona that shit.
You are an American. Just like me. That is OUR race.
>implying these peaceful gorillas are worse than niggers
>civic nationalism
mfw I'm on the same boat as OP
You a jewess?
No. Just don't race mix and you'll be my personal BASED black man.
>bigots will always look at me like a criminal
That's just not true at all user. My libshit in-laws are completely anti-bigot and they look at blacks like criminals too. Everyone does. It's because most black men literally have a non-trivial criminal record.
Portugal is white.
t. had a Galician grandparent
be the exception and not the rule, OP. you already know the problem- that puts you miles ahead of all of them already. you can keep going from here
Yes please!
Make a pact with him
I hate leaves
>No matter how good and honest of a person I am bigots will always look at me like a criminal.
Pretty sure this is copypasta, but groups=/= individuals. I hate niggers, but I can still like and respect individual blacks.
I'm black tho.
But my gramps is white tho.
I love that old man.
Woah is that anti semticism?
Oh. Well, see .
hispanic isn't a race
Make your culture by like this again and you are done.
Go back to fucking your wife's son Trudeau we are busy shitposting
No. Realizing there's a cultural problem is the first step to curing it.
It's the name for the offspring of the Spanish and natives in Mexico. What fucking else is the proper name for a mixed mutt? They are not Spanish. My Spanish friend hates Hispanics with a passion.
Fuck you beta cucklord. There are disticts evolutionary and gentic changes between ethnic races, your 'we are all equal :DDDD' is utter bullshit. A simple example is that of the skull, more noticably the jaw.
>Caucoids have a distinct thin jaw with an even bite
>Mongaloids have a notably wider jaw with an ever so slight, less noticeable underbite
>Negroids have a thin jaw alike the caucoids, but a noticable jaw protrusion.
Tl;Dr Fuck off and stop posting in school lessons
To OP, shut the fuck up you 4 year old. Believe it or not most people don't give a shit about race unless you reinforce the negative streotypes of it. Get over it.
>Consider suicide
but I like asian chicks
Fix your culture and people, then maybe
I'm hispanic, I get along well with blacks, but yet here I am. You just have to understand that decent black people, are the minority within the minority. I'm a pro american, gun owning, voting hispanic that would kill any hispanic if they put this nation and its people in danger, regardless of circumstance. My whole life I've spent around other hispanics. My views are .01% of the total, I have literally never met an other hispanic like me, that was openly pro american.
At Trump's inauguration, I didn't see any other hispanics, only a sea of white people, some blacks, few asians. 1 is the loneliest number.
>Asians hate whites
Tell that to the millions of Japanese and Chinese girls begging for white cock
Nope you'll just have to be the difference. Oh I know it's tough. Man up. Do something original with yourself. Your mind. Your speech. Your way.
Stop being black and start being you.
people contribute to humanity when they work hard. niggers play the race card all the time and dont do shit
We hate niggers.
Are you a black skinned person or a black person?
This is important.
But at least people like apes.
More people cried because Harambe died than when MLK died.
daily clarification:
i dont hate black people, i hate niggers.
Not all black people are niggers (but all niggers are black people)
those are the only ones i hate
use your blackness for good by talking shit about BLM and all that retarded shit. people sorta have to listen since youre, yknow, an actual black person
They don't like you.
>muh dik
as long as you dont smell and are a decent person in heart then no
aw, now my life lost all meaning
>>Blacks have contributed little to nothing regarding present human civilization
don't sell yourself so short. peanut butter is delicious.
Don't be Black then.
>What fucking else is the proper name for a mixed mutt?
Mestizo or Mixed Indian you fucking idiot
Also your friend hates mestizo mexicans, not "Hispanics" because hispanic is a geographic term of lingage from any spanish speaking country
Spaniards are the main hispanic regardless if they like it or not. Hispanic doesn't automatically mean brown because hispanic is a geographic term of lineage not a racial term
It's going to be okay. Believe it or not, a lot of black women here are desperate to find a non-thug man. If you conduct yourself well, you should actually have an easy time finding a waifu.
Any race could be hispanic
Hispanic itself is not a race
>My Spanish friend hates Hispanics with a passion
Your friend is hispanic
Mestizo means mixed, hispanic just means spanish culture
I love BBC. Fuc my AZN trap boipucci, nig senpai.
Whites are literally the only race that somewhat like blacks, and now you're blowing it with this BLM anti-white movement.
Just stop being black.
Learn to write, nigger
too late, they already blew it
The eternal cuck strikes again
>be beaner
>be that type to call cops if i see a black person walking infront of my house
>start doing uber
>afraid i'll get robbed by a black
>my first fare was a black guy and woman
>they were chill and nice despite me fucking up a couple of times and making the trip unnecessarily long
>10/10 would go out of my way to give them a lift, especially the black chick, she was thicc and not even fat
>tfw no thicc negress fwb
just dont act like a nigger and you'll be fine
take his advice, sitting in your basement all day reading pol and stormfront will fuck you up good
Jews love Blacks. You should find a Jewish girl, marry, and impregnate her.
Perhaps if you're people weren't fucking retarded chimps this wouldn't happen.
>still falling for the the not all blacks are niggers when one of the LA Four was ex-military and had a family
I bet you would've thought he wasn't a nigger
What the fuck is wrong with her face? It's like somebody made a sims character and pulled eyes and eyebrows down by 2 centimeters. No wonder only niggers would fuck her.
ghandi hated blacks
who could possibly love indians?