What's the general consensus on the graffiti subculture?
Do you agree that is a form of art or just plain vandalism?
What's the general consensus on the graffiti subculture?
Do you agree that is a form of art or just plain vandalism?
It's vandalism.
It can be both
It's both. Legally it's vandalism, whether you consider it art depends on your taste.
Only a stupid fucking wetback would have to ask because they truly don't know.
How is this political? Reported.
its invidualism. a strike against the capitalist owning class.
It's like tattoos. Always ugly, always trashy, and always placed there by a stupid person.
defacing peoples' property is vandalism.
It's shit. Don't argue artistic merit when the majority of it is just text. Very few actually utilize the medium
9th post best post, it's tattoos for concrete
Context matters.
OP is vandalism because the town residents wont be removing it. A minimum wage, likely minority, city employee will.
Art is art when it's not vandalism. Modern cave painters can go fuck themselves.
It's like the punk rock of art. The illegality is part of the culture.
Pure vandalism
That property isn't yours, stop fucking it up
It's both.
A well done and thought out graffiti looks better than than plain concrete or metal, but shamely 90% of them are meaningles 3-letter combinations or other crap with piss poor spelling.
One more moral rule I'd like to see people who create them to enforce is stick to public property. Graffiti on private property pisses me the fuck off no matter how good it is (and usually those are the most terrible ones).
There are hundreds of ways to be an artist legally, if they want to draw on public walls they can ask their local council.
Anything else is vandalism and deserves a year in the cubes.
Wow... Really makes you think
Should be punishable by death
A year in the cubes? this is the problem with the legal system. There are thousadns of goverment walls that need to be painted/powerwashed. Anyone caught graffitiing should be made to work at minimum wage for the gov cleaning/painting buildings for X hours. Each time they are caught the wage paid should decrease untill they are working for free.
This this this this this
It could actually be used to make a fucking statement but 99.999% of it is just some nigger writing his goddamn nickname or some gang sign.
So yeah, it's vandalism.
There are places where I find it more appropriate than others. If they actually are artists, they get some bonus points. People with no talent who just want to put their "tag" like in OP pic can fuck off. When I get stuck waiting for a train to pass, you'd better believe I'm hoping that it's a "traveling art gallery" though.
This, they're never pretty, even if they're extremely well made.
99% percent of graffiti is shit. The fact that 1% might be good "art" doesn't make up for the fact that the vast majority is an aesthetic nigger assault on the eyes and sensibilities.
Oh no, your fancy mosque has writing on it!
Graffiti is as artistic as keying the door of a car that parked too close to you
Lots of these criminals receive community service as punishment. Same thing really.
>What's the general consensus on the graffiti subculture?
Absolutely degenerate. There are many buildings that would still look beautiful if they would not have graffiti on them. Especialy in east Germany this is the case. I'd prefer a nice clean grey concrete wall over some random shit in 5000 colors. It's a different story when you actually have a well made picture there but most of the time it looks like trash.
>spraying the most generic ugly shit onto someone elses property
they are all individually retarded
>a strike against the capitalist owning class.
sure, whatever helps you sleep at night
I like to put white lives matter stickers over traffic signs covered in gang tags.
It is flat out NIGGER TIER.
If I shit on your lawn and tell you it's art, that means it's art, right?
nice art is tolerable if it's in a reasonable spot.
"jamal wuz here" is not.
But you can't clean it up, or else i'll just come shit again. Because it's art
Do you own the surface you are painting on?
It's Art.
It's vandalism.
Objectively vandalism. Graffiti "art" is aesthetically displeasing degenerate garbage
It's both.
Usually it's just vandalism. It can be art but 95% of the time it's not.
It's not about taste it's about property rights.
> Oh look, I painted something that I shouldn't have. I'm so edgy and cool :)
Depends on what it looks like and whether it's sanctioned
It's being a whiny cowardly bitch
Graffiti can be cool when it's commissioned or an art installation but generally it's just some retarded loser scribbling dumb stuff in your neighborhood, thereby making it ugly.
t. literally just painted over "antifa" scribble on a stop sign in my neighborhood (West Village NYC)
It doesn't improve anything, and adds nothing to the existing thing that the graffiti was sprayed onto. Nobody cares about your unique "tag" and nobody thinks your "art" is "art", it's no different than drawing all over your walls with crayon.
Vandalism: action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property
Sounds about right.
Only leftists and nonwhites do it.
It's visually repulsive and niggers and cholos that do this shit get all high and mighty thinking they're some kind of freestyle artists.
Makes me wish we still had public flogging.
Please someone post the webm if the guy who got caught writing graffiti and the owner of the priority beat the shit out of him.
this and only this.
Its pure vandalism. Mindless imported US Non-culture. This is how the Bismarck statue in Hamburg looks like. Shitty monkeys thinking their crap is "streetart". Not a shred of originality or artfulness. Just shit.
Former graff writer here. Its for the high. Its not for art. Its a rush to do it and if you have a nice tag or bubble it can look nice. Shitty wildstyle tags piss me off. I do straight letters cause i wanted people to actually read my shit. Its also an ego chasing thing. When you see your name all around a city then you feel good and important. I was arrested and stopped though. Their is good graff and bad graff. If you think all graff is bad then fuck you. Its not for you.
>go into restroom at some gas station
>random letters etched into everything
>the mirror, underneath the toilet lid, the soap dispenser
Why? What does it accomplish?
Destroying and defacing existing architecture is always nigger-tier. Don't try to defend your mental issues.
low-class grotesque shit that tarnishes otherwise nice areas
>If you think all graff is bad then fuck you. Its not for you.
So did you own the property you defaced with this "good graff"?
I did mostly free walls and street signs. I know its degenerate and thats why i stopped. I still enjoy looking at it though and seeing whos up and killing it.
All of Italy is this. Every square foot covered with some moron's splooge.
They deserve to die for being stupid as fuck human trash who makes everything ugly
>mexican OP
some art, most just ugly vandalism from faggots
It's fucking vandalism. If I wanted "art" on my walls I would hire someone to come draw some on them.
this was done by an upper class kid
Most of the time its shit especially when its on others property, I find it funny when people deface advertisements though
I fully support it, as long as they are good. Creative ways to protest are always nice, even if I don't necessarily agree with the message.
> Upper middle class.
> Giant electrical box
Welp, this one is a slag.
I like seeing stuff with genuine effort and talent put into it, when it's placed in an area that's generally an eyesore otherwise. It gives shitty, urban, brick walls a bit of character, and I get the feeling that even the owners of such drab buildings are kinda glad to see it.
I know that a lot of train companies invite kids to spruce up some of their cars. The sort of grey/beige, cylindrical ones that they use to run oil are popular targets.
Shit like the op pic just pisses me off though. I can just imagine the kind of privileged cunt who thinks that kind of thing is cute or clever. Awful little bugger.
I would paint all over that shit with white paint if it was near my house.
Vandalism. You want to do graffiti as an "art", then fine. Buy a brick wall and put it in your loft space alongside your jar of piss with a bible in it and your 15" black dildo.
Vandalism. Try spray painting on the screen of one of these "artists" iPhones, and you'll find out what hypocrites they are really fast.
What's wrong with giving urban depressing looking walls some colour and character? That intersection looks much better now than it did before.