Holy FUCK this is real! Can you imagine the chimpout if it said blackness?
Holy FUCK this is real! Can you imagine the chimpout if it said blackness?
Wanna post the text of the article or at least an archive link?
>Jennifer Gaboury, a women and gender studies professor, teaches “Abolition of Whiteness” at Hunter College. “‘POLSC 20474-01: Abolition of Whiteness’” can be taken as either a women and gender studies course, or as a class for the political science department, for which it fulfills a requirement for the ‘4 subfields of political science,’”
The site is the libertarian republic, its safe to give them some ad money
Hunter college. I took this pic of their ad before ripping them down
Who is in the board of directors
Students at a public university in New York will have the chance to take a class called the “Abolition of Whiteness” in the fall, all while knocking out a political science requirement.
Jennifer Gaboury, a women and gender studies professor, teaches “Abolition of Whiteness” at Hunter College. “‘POLSC 20474-01: Abolition of Whiteness’” can be taken as either a women and gender studies course, or as a class for the political science department, for which it fulfills a requirement for the ‘4 subfields of political science,’” according to Campus Reform.
The class’s listing on the school’s course catalog provides only a vague description of its content, but a flyer displaying a fall 2016 offering of the course claims it examines “how whiteness – and/or white supremacy and violence – is intertwined with conceptions of gender, race, sexuality, class, body ability, nationality, and age.”
Students obtain 3 credits for taking “Abolition of Whiteness” and 15 out of 25 seats in the course were full when the screenshot was taken, Campus Reform reported Thursday.
In addition to teaching the course, Gaboury serves as assistant director of Hunter College’s Women and Gender Studies Program. Her work pertains to “masculinities, feminisms, and politics; she is currently working on a project related to race and sex segregation in public bathroom facilities.”
The Daily Caller News Foundation reached out to Gaboury and Hunter College for more information regarding the course, but received no comment in time for publication.
Heres her ratemyprofessor profile:
Do what must be done.
KEK they freely advertise this around the school holy shit how cucked is it?
Yeah, abolish whiteness! Accept the superior black culture instead!
The school is 70% mixed and colored women. I don't see any whites anymore. When I went there as an undergrad it was a good school, much more white
Here's the archive since OP is too much of a fucking retard to do it himself.
She's white herself
>subfield within critical race theory
I thought there was only one race, the human race ????
And, unsurprisingly, a fat fuck.
We need to press college admin and board of directors AND donors AND alumnai networks
>how whiteness – and/or white supremacy and violence – is intertwined with conceptions of gender, race, sexuality, class, body ability, nationality, and age.”
Fine. Do they also run comparative studies, e.g. how the Japanese or Chinese or Bantu cultures relate gender, race, sexuality, class, body ability, and age?
Barely even human
Aka, pulls shit out her ass and hopes people gobble it up.
Of course not. This isn't about racial equality, it's about destroying the white race.
Can we ruin her life pls
And in doing so give her a chance to make herself into a victim?
Stay away from the ivory towers anons.
Actually it's funny, our engineering dept head quit because the school had allocated funds for a brand new course, and the entire engineering dept was happy because they wanted a Robotics department and had the perfect guy for the job, maybe one of the best guys to teach robotics in the country. What did the college end up doing? They gave it to the art department. They have over 40 Art classes and 7 Engineering classes.
Which college?
>paying 10 000s dollars per semester for this
Sure, I will name and shame them, it was LAVC Los Angeles Valley college.
just take a look at the number of art classes to that of engineering, pretty sad.
>ripping them down
Well done.
It's weird, for decades liberals have been crying for equality. Now they're saying it can only be achieved once they tear down existing social structures, and anyone who tries to enact equality right now, within in the current oppressive and patriarchal system, is not only misguided but a downright horrible person.
Talk about moving the goalposts.
>Los Angeles
No surprses there.
If that finishes her off, why not? Let this be a lesson to the others.
Question was rhetorical. Though it's revealing when one asks it. They have usually a default reply, that is, those other cultures' bad traits developed only as influenced by White imperialists or as a reaction to it. They will tell us, say, that Africans were peaceful until Whitey arrived and introduced suppression and inequality, that they didn't now BDSM before Whitey a.s.o. They don't even have to know other cultures, the standard answer is "Whitey made them bad".