Heroic white computer tech blasts Mexixan

Mexican thief tried to steal his computer back with his white girlfriend. Do you think she stayed with him after seeing an aryan god curb stomp her beaner bf?


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He's going to go to jail lmao.

Beaner is going to jail yeah


>some guy named devine (stripper name?) tried to rip me off. so i told him to leave and ended up macing him. then i charged my regular rate + a $99 macing fee (his girlfriend came in and paid of course). the cops saw this video and laughed and said play it again. no charges were filed.

That looks more like Tyrone than Jose.

That's why before any operation is done to repair whatever (computer, cellphone, car, etc.) You ask: How much is it going to cost to repair it?
If you can both agree on a price for a said operation, the tech goes ahead. If not, you move to the next technician. If you forgot to ask "how much will it be?" And get a bill higher than expected, it's your own fault. That beaner sucks at civilization and deserved it.

is that a vape pen that fell out of his pocket?

White women suck.

I used to own a computer repair shop - this is why it's so shit. If you don't replace any parts or "it took too short" then the agreed upon price is no longer valid and they want their shit back without paying.

looks like a nigger


I love when whites fight back

That spartan kick to the ass

>That's why before any operation is done to repair whatever (computer, cellphone, car, etc.) You ask: How much is it going to cost to repair it?
Strangely enough, you can't do that for healthcare in the United States. So they come up with any price they want after care is provided, which is illegal in every other industry. And now you know why we have the highest healthcare costs in the world.

Can't believe no one's made a .gif yet.

>Macing him when hes talking
Perfect timing. Taste the rainbow motherfucker

Too bad the shop owner was too busy trying to be a tough guy to realize that his dog wandered out the front the door and is now probably dead.

maze that fucking spic

2016 videos :(

Come on guys it's the current year!



>he cops saw this video and laughed and said play it again

Yeah, he raised it, threatened to do it, then showed mercy, and when the shitskin thought he wouldn't do it, he waited for the right time to give him the gas. Fucking perfect timing. Completely unexpected.

USA isn't Sweden, doggo is probably doin AOK.

>that kick at the end

>gay rainbow flag in the background

pol eternally literally BENT THE FUCK OVER by a dick sucker


He gave him plenty of chances
>what is a bench fee?

Sounds and looks more like a dindu, I agree. You could tell he was going to pull some shit though, they way he kept glancing out the window from the beginning of the video.

When I worked at a hardware store we'd do small machine repairs and chain/blade sharpenings. We kept their item in the back, in a locked cabinet. When they came to pick it up we collected payment first, then unlocked the item and brought it to them for inspection.

You like maced too, Bean Machine?


le mayo

He did notice, that's why he asked the GF to shut the door. She said something like "I have him" meaning she grabbed the dog. She seemed pretty embarrassed by Tyrone's behaviour, doubt that "relationship" will last much longer. Especially now that he's been dominated by the Aryan Lord of Computers.


I'm stealing this using to reply to Juanposters now

Not a Mexican, more like Dominican

good video

Fucking nigger spics think they can just push their way around.

I don't know who is right or wrong in this situation but I would of hit him as soon as he touched me.

Never give a subhuman the chance to sucker punch you.

Those are iphones. It's a poster ad.

I'm a retard faggot, so if I can't fix a tech issue I have a great local business that hooks me up. Pretty simple: I pay an $80 bench fee. He opens it up and takes a look at it. If I want him to continue after diagnosis the bench fee is applied to parts and labor. The guy does great work and he doesn't judge my taste in degenerate pornography.

>the cops saw this video and laughed and said play it again

lol kek wasted quad sevens

That guy's obviously black.

So satisfying when he gets maced. It was like taking a shit that you have been holding back for a day.

>still willingly having a rainbow configuration in your shop

The cope is real


this is the perfect metaphor for America right now.

beaner told to git, says he not going anywhere without what he feels entitled to, doesnt want to pay, get maced and booted out.


LOL, Dog prolly got petted in the parking lot by families watching the crying nigger leave in his G/fs honda.


I bet it was flag related. They're highly aggressive as well and always 'mi orgullo n'sheeiiiit'.

>a $99 macing fee

>Jewish homosexual sprays kang-descendant negro with bear mace
Can't believe pol is taking sides, both are subhumans.

bean BTFO

That's one big pepper spray can. Is it the one made to fight off bears?

Subhumans cannot understand the concept of paying for goods and services, thanks Obama.



>Not asking how much is going to cost beforehad
is that guy even mexican?


>harged my regular rate + a $99 macing

doggos are to well behaved.

"You must not know who I am" is a nigger/spic code-message that ALWAYS means "You bout to get yo ass kicked, mufuckin cracka ass white devil honky."

He should have bear maced that arrogant piece of shit for longer, and kicked his "sex junk" inside out afterward.

After Tim Pool and this guy, now I think every guy who's wearing a cap is fucking bald.

That's the poster for races staying with their own kind.

>(his girlfriend came in and paid of course).

She couldn't have been retarded enough to pay a $99 macing fee.

he gave hin too much slack imo, thats how you get sucker punched or worse. you dont show them your weaknesses by talking too much, once they lay hands on you and strong arm you like he did, you pepper his ass immediately and toss him outside

In exchange for not pressing charges himself, it seems reasonable.

White people say that shit too

both of them are retards

But when white people say it, it frequently literally means "You are uninformed about who I am and my status in society". So when white people say it, it doesn't always 100% definitely mean "you bout to get yo cracka ass beat, fucking honky".

mudsharks everywere

bump 4 top kek

Read the comments, shop owner says the girl with the beaner was his DAUGHTER

>uploaded 4 hours ago
don't shill your videos here faggot

It was his daughter

I can't even take my own side because both of them are gone


That's how you're suppose to conduct business these days?

>lol he has more than one color in his store what a fag!!

>be nonwhite in country created, built, and maintained by whites
>allowed to live in white country because of white generosity
>order service from white-owned shop
>service is performed, regular fee charged
>try to steal from them because they are white and they deserve it for letting me live here
>they won't let me steal
>when I hurt him, he hurts me back

when will the racism end? :'^(
Justice for juanito gonzalez!

That's a light-skin nigger, not a spic.


It's a spic, the girl with him is his daughter so he most likely knocked up a white woman

He should be happy he didn't got shot in the leg/arm.

White chick isn't the spic's GF, it's his daughter

no, no, ese, joo see, messicans can steel whenever dey wan' too see ese lol estupido gringo! we are messican an' we can steel becoz iss okay becoz iss only wite man, see ese?


Recap vid complete with product review.


yea,she was used to daddy giving tantrums in order to get gibbs

That's a nigger you retard.

What's wrong with these low IQ MOTHERFUCKERS??

There is no "conducting business" with subhuman niggers and spics, you retarded gypsy. It doesn't work that way.

I laughed

Why are so many fucking degenerates using vaporisers?
I'm legitimately using them to simply stop smoking cigarettes, and it works very well for me.
But every time I go buy a liquid there's a bunch of animals in the shop.


Why do messicans go from 0-60 in anger/aggression in conversation?


>Because if you do tha-

holy fuck my sides, this couldn't have been better

Looks more like his car keys.

Remember, Sup Forums, stepfathers exist.

>the cops saw this video and laughed and said play it again
I worked at a college years ago where I tackled a thief against the wall and slammed him to the floor. When the cops came and the guards showed the video they kept laughing and demanding to see it over and over. They said my form was hilariously bad. Whatever I got the job done.


Smart to spray. That spic was sneaking in for a sucker punch.

This is why every white man should buy a dog with wolf DNA in it. Those sissy as fuck dogs didn't realize the pack leader was in danger at all and casually walked by the spic so they could take a shit abandoning their pack leader.

lol rekt