This dude has to be so mentally unstable at this point
This dude has to be so mentally unstable at this point
Other urls found in this thread:
Ebrietas! My cute daughter!
his acting wont save him.
Shame he couldnt ~not~ act like a twat.
only 30 but looks 45-50
I thought he was hiding in a shack in finland
Met him in person. Stench was unbearable, like a mixture sleeping in filth + booze.
Damn this timeline is the best timeline. Also pork for Ramadam today will be amazing. Even my normie friends are participating tonight.
Ha always have been mentally damaged. Sup Forums dindu nuffin.
Your autistic dedication is inspiring. How long have you been FPBPing her now?
He got rape by his rapist father so not surprising. He was a ticking bomb like every young hollywood actors
>5 million
What could the guy realistically expect, if anything at all?
>Bernstein is seeking $5 million in damages. The documents also accuse LaBeouf of entering the area where employees and bartenders work and slamming his fist on the bar. The conflict appears to stem from Bernstein’s possible belief that both LaBeouf and his wife, Mia Goth, were already overserved and LaBeouf’s aforementioned allegations that Berstein is racist.
oy vey, it's against the law to slam your fist on the bar!
seriously though fuck shia
That's what happens when you direct threatening language at innocent people.
Didn't he get charged with assault not to long ago? Why isn't he in jail?
This guy took too much MK ULTRA acid and is now a loon. He couldn't handle "muh patriot act"
I accidentally did pork for Ramadan today because I've never cared when Ramadan was
Does this get me into the Ben Garrison heaven?
He really must hate us, probably had so many more public art projects in mind but can't do them because he knows he'll get trolled.
>thinking virtue signalling will immunize you from the jewish infection
HAHAHA, enjoy your massive settlement you gigantic cuck
>Onstar can shut your car down
or speed it up (Michael Hastings)
what did bartender say?
I love how he's imploding in on himself, just like your people and your nation are.
He truly symbolizes modern day America.
It wasn't Sup Forums. LSD fucked him up. He Syd Barrett'd himself.
The potential for legitimately culturally significant "art" to happen skyrocketed with the application of a global autist network of resourceful ""fans"". If la Beef is too much of a numb fuckhead to utilize it, he deserves failure.
Money and buttbuddies.
"Ebrietas" is Latin for "drunkenness", fyi.
muh ego
>Money and buttbuddies.
bootlickers will defend this
he was fucked when he tried that HWNDU in new york.
Yes mein freund.
Since /hwndu/
Which is fitting for Bloodborne.
Only im America is this a 5 million dollar lawsuit.
He was hit hard by the jew propaganda mind control laser surgery everyone in hollywood has to go through.
Some people go crazy.
Is this homeless dude in picture the one who performed in Transformers?
If you eat 5kg of deep fried pork in a single sitting during Ramadan, a Muslim family spontaneously dies. Quick, get your whole family involved!
oh, poor bartender got his feelings hurt? :'(
I am experiencing so many cums at present.
he'll survive
She won't get a dime. According to Shia, she hit him in the head with a grey goose bottle.
I wonder how many celebs are verifiably insane after all the decadence?
no, he's the guy who voiced optimus prime
I'd just place springtraps in the assholes of every goat on earth. All mudslimes would be castrated within one generation.
mk ultra
so she got called racist over french fries?
did she call them freedom fries?
u wot m8, I think he's a faggot as much as the next dude, but that is ridiculous
>Didn't he get charged with assault not to long ago? Why isn't he in jail?
Jews are above the law, user.
I agree, but I'm not speaking exclusively of that, I'm speaking also of the unlimited drugs and sex partners they experience during their existence as a celeb.
You're only going to get the Afghanis with that.
This lawsuit is looking to knock 1/5 out of that, and I'm sure recent events are whittling down his worth by the week. He's not just going to look homeless by a couple years on.
there is no american people/nation
Thanks, nerd.
What do you guys fuck then? Piles of shit? You're a fucking poo in allahloo
legit feel sorry for this guy now. fucked in the head by elites. totally destroyed by Sup Forums (which is good), seems to be in a meltdown, now being hit by jewish lawsuit, by black waitress? Will she outjew the jew? Hard to believe I'm rooting for this guy ut what garbage fucking lawsuit. Made possible by jews manipulating the legal system.
White women. They prefer us over the ultra cucked white males.
Dont delude yourselves. You get only white women if you rape them you pieces of pseudo-indian shit.
>Rarggahrghrgh you're racist
>Oy vey oy vey no you're racist, now give me 6 million shekels
A nice romantic dinner followed by 3 hours of intense BDSM torture with Shia
Aren't white women a bit thin on the ground in goat fucking country?
HWNDU Shia was just a pawn for mind control system his mind is controlled too this jew is out to lunch, doesn't have any awareness
All Jews are guilty until proven innocent
Now there's someone I didn't see for a while... How are you doing user?
lay the foundation pupper
Hmm good point, also Jordan Peterson talked about extreme constraints and suffering producing the best works of creativity.
You're a poo in loo and a sandnigger, the 2nd and 3rd least favorable things you could be (with the worst being a sub-saharan nigger). No respectable white women would ever like to be on the same sidewalk with you.
bump 4 top kek
Nope they willingly throw themselves at us. Why else would you be so insecure about Muslims fritz? Your wife's son is brown not because of a tan, just by the way
I'm sure it does but you're so unimportant that your presence isn't even noticed by us
Then explain why your mother prefers the brown meat
>Shia: Your Honour, I acted like a jerk.
>Judge: Mr. LaBeouf, the record shows that you can't act
>Nope they willingly throw themselves at us.
Yes because you are accosting them in gangs of 20 and they are trying to escape.
I know rape is permitted in islam, but in civilized countries it is considered abominable.
Nope rape isn't permitted. And you think the West is civilized? Divert yourself to a thread where you can see transgenders getting sex change operations. That is the typical white male.
Sandniggers always have to brag about their masculinity to divert attention from their babydicks. Most muslims in my country are fucking manlets. Those who assimilated hate their backwards incest goatfucker brethrens roaming the streets more than any neonazi ever could.
Every cuckold, every faggot, every transfaggot is white and male. They're the most cucked little bitches in the world and the only thing they can do is talk shit on Sup Forums and continue being cucked even more
I find it interesting that brown people seem attracted more to white women than to women of their own race.
No Sup Forums found him too quickly and he got scared before we could deploy a ski recon team
Rape in a marriage doesn't even exist according to Koran.
I don't get how your highest moral instance is a pedophile from a few hundred years ago. Who says that it's okay to hit and rape your woman but not to have a dog in your house.
The smart muslims assimilate into Western societies. The dumb ones live in our ghettoes which are still a thousand times better than in your homeland.
I am not sure I have ever seen an Uzbekistani poster
Im pretty sure I've seen every other flag, including Antarctica and all the numerous little shitty island nations
Greetings to you sir
Women of our own race are to be mothers. White women are a free for all and fun times before you decide to settle down
That's surprisingly cute for what a fucking nightmarish creature the boss is
Yet most muslimes live among us like dogs. Socially, those dogs are way below fags and cuckolds.
The average white person is this
The average white person goes through this
Tell me which episode your mother was on kek
how is that illegal?
That's why they Have like 6 Gorillion Husbands
So kawaii
Muricans disgust me with their frivolous lawsuits
And this is what one male in every white family goes through
Why is it always white? Kek
Pretty bored desu
Ebrietas IS cute!
The kawaii'est
Friends of mine actually saw him on the Kittilä airport a few weeks ago. Sadly they took no pictures as they said he was looking at them with crazy stare. Guess he left already.
Only $25m. That's actually surprisingly lower than I expected.
It sounds like the case is referring to the time he was at the bowling alley making one belligerent drunken ass out of himself, which is illegal.
>double doubles
Ebrietas confirmed for very cute, even though we already knew!
Keep posting then
Oh shit
You got it!