>conservatards will actually defend this
Is being a guntard a sign of psychopathy and mental illness?
>conservatards will actually defend this
Is being a guntard a sign of psychopathy and mental illness?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Every swiss male over the age of 18 has a FA rifle in his home
makes you think
Try finding the amount of violent stabbings in those countries, and compare those.
Oh. and then kys
seems like americas problem isnt a gun problem, but a nigger problem.
member to sage retard threads
>Based on 1979 statistics
Really makes you think
yeah America's gun laws should obviously be more like Switzerland's
and how many of those deaths were suicides
Yes everyone who likes guns are retards.
Now legally repeal the Second Amendment or fuck right off, faggot.
>West germany
How many were niggers? Also Israel has more relaxed firearm laws than the US
Fact Sheet: Guns Save Lives
Clackamas mall shooter faced man with concealed weapon
>Israel has more relaxed firearm laws than the US
uw0t? Israel has laxer gun laws than freely walking up to some random faggot and giving them a handful of cash for their sidearm? You want to elaborate on this for me?
I agree
Isn't it like 30,000 handgun deaths in Brazil? Isn't it obvious niggers are the factor here? Aztecs and Mayans in Central America also have a high rate.
MS13 helping them out now. Most hispanics hard working and Christians. Just saying...
it's the price you pay for your freedom, cuck.
you can find several left sources for the reason. google things such as "Is safety worth giving up your liberty for few radicals" etc.
>west germany
It amuses me that libtards have to use 27 year old propaganda since the gun control movement died in the 90s and they aren't creative enough to come up with anything new.
We really should start institutionalizing you people.
Dat G-3
Why is it everything to a leftist a mental illness, is this projection? Also, everybody knows gun nuts are just demon possessed. Try and keep up.
Would that year be 2001?
Damn I wish I had a family Photo like that. Currently I have a Kar98k from '44 and a mossberg 500. Probably getting a mosin PU sniper next when I get cash
>1979 statistics
What did they mean by this?
Look at other violent crime statistics, and also, maybe look at America's gun crime statistics outside heavily gun controlled areas. Fucking socialist retard.
They suck compared to 1488 statistics
if we ban guns, what will niggers kill each other with user?
you really want people being burned alive like in Africa?
>Is being a guntard a sign of psychopathy and mental illness?
no but fear of weapons is a sign of emotional retardation
no really google it
it is
anti gunners are retarded according to modern psychology
Most of those were by niggers though.
No, being fearful of guns shows mental retardation. You're like a child, desperate to avoid the elephant in the room, which is that niggers cause the vast majority of the problems when it comes to guns
America has way more blacks.
The white gun crime is at the level of Sweden or some shit.
ban high capacity trucks
>Based on 1979 Statistics
Why the fuck do you tards even bother responding to OP
The Death toll is Much higher and that's a good thing!
gun control should only apply to blacks and Mexicans.
>don't need a gun for protection get a dog
>ban assault dogs
check mate libs
I got a Mosin too, damb I love USA
meanwhile the cops are using training targets like this
and this
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Based on 1979 Statistics
>last year
That ad is either 37 years old or is intentionally misleading. Either way it's garbage.
Fucking THIS.
>1979 statistics
Get cucked faggot. LARP harder next time.
and this
>girl you don't need to protect yourself from rape
>Based on 1979 statistics
It's a matter of principle. If you ban something because it poses a danger, or rather because your interpretation of the facts is that it poses a danger, then that means anything that somebody in the country could interpret as dangerous should be banned. Unless the law arbitrarily prioritizes certain people's sensibilities over those of others, but then those 'others' have no reason anymore to abide by the law or be responsible citizens, due to the law's arbitrariness in this hypothetical case.
1 Post by this ID
Sage in every field faggots
>based on statistics from nearly 40 years ago
Yeah okay. How many Americans have died from suicide bombs recently?
bombs are better honestly :D better at killing Ariana grande fans
If we simply got rid of our violent minorities, we could start seeing those European numbers.
>Is being a guntard a sign of psychopathy and mental illness?
>1 post by this ID
What's up DNC! Still trying to disarm the populous that's about to blow your lying heads off?
>6 000 000
oy vey!
feel safe?
the police will protect you right?
-crazy people without treatment
how do you not need a gun?
>implying a nigger problem = a gun problem
>t. slide thread faggot
Saged and reported
trips of truth
>Schindler's List
JIDF pls
now let's compare their populations
>Japan 127 mil
>UK 65.1 mil
>Switzerland 8.3 mil
>Canada 35.8 mil
>Israel 8.4 mil
>Sweden 9.8 mil
>Germany 81.4 mil
>USA ****321.4 MILLION****
and the number of homicide by use of firearm in 2014 was 8124
>gun death statistics
usually include suicide
which is idiotic because if they dont use a gun they'll just overdose
When your country has so many people you can push any lie you want but they're also equally stupid enough to believe it.
source of gun homicides - FBI's numbers
and even according to the JewYork Times (which is of course anti-gun) that 60% of all "gun deaths" are suicide
Guh fuck, I need those fucking guns
I already got a K31 but a diopter would be so nice
>seems like americas problem isnt a gun problem, but a nigger problem.
Muslims killed 22 a few days ago in Britain
>libtards will still defend this
I have guns, shitlibs don't. If they don't want me to have them they can try to take them.
>inb4 muh drones
Sorry, government won't drone it's labor force just to take their guns.