Is there scientific evidence that proves that a woman with multiple sexual partners that finally has a kid has dna from...

Is there scientific evidence that proves that a woman with multiple sexual partners that finally has a kid has dna from each sexual partner to the kid?

Tl;dr - does a woman with many sexual partners transmit DNA from all of the sexual partners alongside the father of the kid to the child? Even if small amount of DNA. Couldn't this be a problem?

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Tl;dr - does a woman who fucks a lot of guys keep DNA from each guy she fucks?

This is why I dropped the idea of ever getting married and having a family years ago. By the time a woman is in her 20s, she's most likely had 15+ sex partners. It's not worth the embarrassment, and most women cheat too.

No idiot.

yes user.

> tl;dr is longer than original post

I am confus

>american education

Nobody will invest money researching this, like the french that make paternity tests illegal

RNA, this is how HPV works.

no its not true in the slightest.

sci has debunked it already.


There IS evidence to support that the more sexual partners a woman has had, the more male DNA she has in her spinal/brain fluid.

>American Education at work
Jesus Christ you fucking moron

do you even know how sex works?

>other men slut
Nice grammar where ya from shill?

i tohught i would share my thoughts

Also that pic makes me depressed as it is exactly what I am doing. And I know that by the time I am 30 years old I will have no choice than to settle with a woman who has had fun in her twenties or just find a qt who is barely of legal age.

>when the tl;dr is longer than the full content
No you fucking idiot. Go take a sex ed class, then apologize for making burgers look retarded.

No that's fucking retarded
But she will be way more likely to divorce or cheat on you or both

I've seen such a study, but I didn't bother saving it.

Your best bet is

My question is a bit off topic. I've seen multiple studies (pic related) correlating promiscuity with really poor quality marriages. Basically the more of a slut a woman is the less she'll be married for.
But why is that? Why is it that they're broken after riding the cock carousel?

No, that kind of chimerism doesn't occur in higher organisms.

What CAN happen is that stray or damaged DNA from past sexual partners can get left behind as junk material in the body, the same way malformed proteins do - the body can't figure out what to do with it so it just floats around.

If anything, that would seem to indicate that women with multiple sexual partners are at a greater risk for prion diseases.

how can she be multiple men and why are you calling me a SLUT? Plus - there should be a comma.

This is why you need to snag one that's 18-20

>tfw fucked over 30 different girls

Do I have the right to be judgmental?

Pair bonding, male-dominant primate societies mate for life, you never love someone as much as your first fuck

For the same reason idiots get tattoos.

I don't know if that's proven,but research has shown there is a direct correlation between the number of sexual partners a woman has and marriage failure. Sluts don't ever make good wives, as much as society tries to convince men otherwise. Most modern women are sluts. Don't ever get married unless it's a highschool sweetheart situation. My brother married his high school sweetheart. He took her virginity. Now they're going 15 years strong and have raised a family, whilst my degenerate childless sisters are in failing relationships and marriages.

>Americucks are so paranoid.

>Burger education

Even I, living in a favela, knows about meiosis.

first you elected Trump and now this...

That much IS true - success of marriage drops off exponentially with the number of pre-marital sexual partners.

The reason is simple - people don't change, not in any fundamental way: Disorganized people are always going to be disorganized, immature people are always going to be immature, and promiscuous people are always going to be promiscuous. It's just who they are.

A women who's fucked a different guy every month since she was 16 isn't going to suddenly stop when she gets married.

No of course not.
-b.s. evolution

>women with multiple sexual partners are at a greater risk for prion diseases

This would explain a lot of things user.

Promiscuous women have other problems as well.

Are you talking about that experiment scientists did with fucking FRUIT FLIES?

Yeah, it's true for some bugs, but it's not true for humans.

20s? More like teens. By the time most guys lose their virginity half the girls are already whores

The problem is once you have samples every flavor in the store it becomes hard to settle down with the same flavor for the rest of your life.

That and FOMO

>the flag
>the hypothesis
>tl;dr is acctually longer then the post

I hope this is ironical, holy shit.

one of the neurological reasons is that every time a woman has sex with a man, a rush of oxytocin gets pumped through her entire body which creates a feeling of euphoria and bonding, because, as far as her mind is concerned she is with the father of her child even if they didn't conceive. But with every subsequent sex partner, that oxytocin bond is going to lessen more and more thus creating a shallow woman literally chemically incapable of bonding to a single mate later in life.

>couldn't this be a problem
Only if you're some otaku neet who's afraid your shit genetics will be overcome by more dominate genes. Christ you're pathetic.

that picture is so true, lmao.
But so is life. Find one young so she was only a few men's slut, as few as possible

I can't imagine myself with a teen because each and every generation gets dumber and dumber. The age gap is already too much at that point.

Good luck with that

BTW OP its called micro chimeraism

>sexual partners transmit DNA from all of the sexual partners alongside the father of the kid to the child?

What is stds dumb nuts?
You think hpv and the rest of the crap is a gift?

You might not be as far off as you think. Many serious neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, GSS, etc) are suspected to be prion diseases. Malformed or misfolded proteins or chromosomes lead to transcription/replication errors and many of these diseases lead to things like dementia, paranoia, mood swings, etc.

It's not entirely out of the realm of possibility that promiscuous women are medically more likely to become crazy whores.

What's FOMO?
Thanks for the replies. It makes sense. I'm 100% sure of the factual accuracy of all those studies (mixed in with a bit of anecdotal evidence of my own, that sluts can't be wives) but I just wanted to see why that is.

It's like a drug addiction. Some women can't function without having a different dick every few months.

This has never been so appropriate

Even if it wasn't the case you still should only marry virgins if possible. There truly are good girls out there, and yes they're harder to find, but the best way to find them is to be the kind of man that good girls go for.

It is considered a truth in dog breeding. Pic related. I see no reason why it should no be true in humans.
In dogs it matters because a pure breed bitch should not have a litter with another dog breed and then go back to try and breed a pure dog breed litter.
Pic very very very related.

The age gap is better user. I'm 34 and I'm banging a 16 year old whore who's probably been with 10x as many partners as I have and I've been with a few dozen. I'm not going to meet a pure girl so might as well have a young slut as apposed to a used slut

Just open up my picture in a new tab and zoom in.

This makes slot of sense

Inability to pair bond. Commitment becomes an impossible concept. Has nothing to do with DNA from past sexual partners.

I am talking about serious relationships.

That's basically what I was getting at. Add in the raging toxo and they're pretty much fucked.


"theire r gud grils out ther u just haev 2 lewk :)"

Gee thanks for the invaluable advice .

>"there are winning lottery tickets you just have to keep trying :)"

what do you think the average iq of women is?


yeah but thats rna of the virus. not from the host. now its been years since i went to college. but doesnt a virus take host rna to replicate itself. essentially redesigning the rna in a way thats usefull to the virus. then once a live virus is transferred to a new host it takes the new host rna to replicate. so never actually transferring rna between host. 95% sure thats how it worked. could be wrong.


There is scientific evidence that DNA from donors stays in the woman's body indefinitely.

Look into it for yourself, most of it is hidden from cursory view for obvious reasons.

this is based on a study that found women who conceived children, keyword conceived, acquired dna from the father of the child. Semen doesnt transfer dna, but a fetus with that dna does.

Another reason why abortion should be illegal

I live in a sanctuary city with a culture of degeneracy. It's not happening here. Maybe it's different where you are.

maybe we should fuck more bitches to raise their iq

Then you are admitting that the Jews beat you.

Brainwashed faggot

Yup, OP posted the same thread yesterday and abandoned it after I posted the same answer.

You're trolling, right? This makes zero sense regarding everything we know about animal reproduction.


>Semen doesn't transfer DNA

SLIDE THREAD. Sage in all fields. 1 Post by this user.

He posted the same thread yesterday and did the same thing even after receiving the answer.

>Semen doesnt transfer dna,
Wrong, see my pic here.

just get one that's younger than 20

I'll actually reply to this post again because if you want to attract a decent woman, being a decent man is not the best way to go about it.

Tons and tons of young women who are virgins get suckered into their first lay by shitty guys . so really if you want a decent woman you have to learn how to be a piece of shit because thats the only thing women are attracted to

I am sorry to hear that. Well it is a bit better but Western degeneracy is quickly spreading. Young girls want to be like Rihanna and Kardashians and waste their days making glamour Instagram pictures from low tier restaurants and shit ass clubs.

Also now everyone wants to travel

Yea absolutely you do, it's fucking hard being a stud it's fucking easy being a slut.


The sperm cell has to fuse with an egg, it doesnt inject or transfer it like a virus, thats why only half is found in either egg and sperm

americunt, commoncore pleb



This is what is known as a game changer see

i am constantly reminded why Sup Forums is the lowest IQ board

There's a risk. Farmers, i.e. people with an actual livelihood-relevant STAKE in the issue, have known this for centuries, and the scientists are only just catching up.

I dont personally have an opinion one way or another but I have talked to a few chicks who were virgins and around 18-20 and they wanted their husband to be a virgin like they are.

I think 50+ years ago it was the norm for experienced guya to settle down with virgins but I think young women of late millenial early gen z Are developing a different values system in response to the rampant degeneracy around them. Just my personal anecdote tho

CONCLUSIONS: Male microchimerism was not infrequent in women without sons. Besides known pregnancies, other possible sources of male microchimerism include unrecognized spontaneous abortion, vanished male twin, an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation, or SEXUAL INTERCOURSE. Male microchimerism was significantly more frequent and levels were higher in women with induced abortion than in women with other pregnancy histories. Further studies are needed to determine specific origins of male microchimerism in women."

Every male you absorb spermatazoa from becomes a living part of you FOR LIFE.

The male DNA can also pass into and become part of a fetus from an entirely different male. So if your woman has a long track record, then your kids are likely carrying DNA from her past hookups.

How does it feel to be a cuck?

Because they get so used to having sex with multiple men they get bored of having sex with just one.

>Retards still believe in telegony

How come people be so delusional and retarded?

I'm in luck then. My gf's never been with any other guys before me
>incredibly rare 23 year old virgin qt when I met her
>I was 19 year old goofus. I've had 9 previous gfs, but sex with none of them (*2 offered, I declined*)
>Now be 24, her 28
>tfw our kids will be 100% ours

Lol american education.
Go read a book.

Are you screwing a fruit fly? Otherwise no. Women are born with all their eggs and sperm die after a few days. After a month or so there's a fresh egg every time. There is no way it can happen in humans or other mammals, it's just a meme meant to fuck with men who have trouble with women. The (((scientific study))) this came from was on fruit flies, which have different reproductive systems than humans.

saging this slide shit

>you never love someone as much as your first fuck

That is extremely doubtful. First love, maybe, but first fuck seems to be completely irrelevant in the grander scheme of things.

For example first girl that made me cum (handjob) I barely even liked at the time. The first girl I fucked I argued with all the time and we stopped speaking to each other after about a month into that "relationship".

>2 offered, I declined

As for successful relationships, don't expect anything out of your partner that you wouldn't expect of yourself. Never hold them to a higher or lower standard than that to which you hold yourself. And be with somebody because you want to be with them and not because you don't want to be alone.

Denial is a funny thing

>an older brother transferred by the maternal circulation,
do I want to know what that is?

It's just stupid to dismiss something just because scientists haven't fully got their heads round it yet, when common sense combined with tradition suggest caution on the matter.

no. you are the same as a slutty girl

You like the idea of having indirectly impregnated your Schwester? You Fritzls...

>9 gfs
>0 sex