Why aren't Muslims bombing South America?
Why aren't Muslims bombing South America?
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Muslims are allergic to armadillos
Prediction: Chile y Argentia get invaded. Uruguay remains beautiful forever~
This picture was always spooky to me
Because South America isn't involved in war against ISIS.
Why do whites torture prisoners of war so often?
Because they aren't cucks.
WE do it less than any other race thats for god damn sure. People just hear about it because other whites feel bad for the prisoner
South America has commies and cartels, not a particularly lucrative environment. Mix that with a population that has a very strong Christian views it would be unlikely for them to push themselves in politically as they have done in the west.
Though, politicians in hispanic countries are heavily corrupt which in turn creates a disenfranchised youth vying for change one would assume that they would make for easy targets for radicalization.
That's a North and Central American meme.
because we are not politically, terroist attack happens here mudslime would be lynched in the street even the "good" mudslimes
No muslims in South America
because south america isnt cucked and most areas would probs kick them out/kill them for being muslim
There are quite large Arab and Muslim populations in South America actually
>0.03% mudslime
>95% roman catholic
>South America has commies
South America is the most uncucked continent.
South America is a very cucked continent though. Essentially the entire continent was born out of white rape,slavery, and genocide
They would get lynched south ameroca already has terror
Because literally nobody would give a shit.
In south america isis would get skinned alive tortured and enslaved
>There are quite large Arab and Muslim populations in South America actually
[citation needed]
If Brazil invaded a Muslim country, would you expect Brazil to suffer terrorist bombings?
Go look at live leak isis would just be another gang less dangerous.
really makes you think
Because they don't want to be tortured to death by countries who won't give a shit?
I can't wait until the spics have forced mass immigration placed on their countries.
It's coming
but they're alcoholics?
America has murdered and tortured roughly 1000x more people than every Latin American country combined though
yeah, pretty much
Some bandidos would just whip out their guns and kill the terrorist, then get shot by the police.
It's only spooky because of what the guy is wearing. The 'torture' was him being shocked and forced to reveal information. Really compares to thousands of US citizens being crushed and burned alive or forced to jump to their deaths. I feel so horrible for the terrorists in guantanimo.
God forbid.
The lack of niggers and muslims is the only good thing about this place.
Never going to happen son.
It seems that the logic whites are employing ITT is that Muslims don't attack Latin America because they are afraid of Hispanics
Braziliams kill 50,000 brazilians+++ annually.
don't worry, if they came, your populace size and demographics would go back to normal in a week
because the hispanics will give zero shit about them being murdered on the street lol
here we have cucks
They wont be able to strike terror, they will just face othet psychopaths who would track down muslims and murder/rape their families.
Yeah America murdered many times more civilians than that in 3 days
So is your logic then to murder people in the street, otherwise you like to watch blacks fuck your wife?
it's to murder Islamists in the street
The answer is to ban isis from spreading propaganda and ban all mentions of isis.
the logic is to quickly eradicate the threat not create hashtags #notallmudslimes
>Why aren't Muslims bombing South America?
1 - No one wants to come here, they love free gibs and first world countries are great for that. You guys just love diversity and sheeit.
2 - We kinda are very good at chimpouts, if a foreigner starts doing retarded shit here even our grandmas will go in the middle of riots fucking their entire families.
3 - The little arabs we have (mostly lebanese) are chill as fuck and adapted to our culture (aka alcohol, asses, pig meat, etc).
4 - This place is already a warzone, blowing some shit up won't scratch anything and will just make us very angry at you and you don't want angry monkeys wanting to murder you.
Anything else you want to ask?
How many Muslims do you suppose America has murdered in streets in the past 15 years
Those were Baathists in Abu Ghraib, not al Qaeda in Guantanamo. The guy was not being shocked -- he was wired up and told he would be shocked if he did not do as required.
Fucking idiots making shit up to fill gaps in their knowledge.
not enough
This, christianity is still a big thing here, there is no favelado who don't believe in god
In brazil christian parties and shepards get elected pretty easy
You are a very stupid person
1. Brazil is extremely diverse
2. This is true
3. Your president is literally a Lebanese man
4. Syria was also a war zone when isis moved in
don't know but america needs to step it up
If Christianity is so big then why is communism so popular there?
>black one is bigger
So then what is your position then? It seems you're holding a contradictory stance. On the one hand you claim Hispanics are more prone to violence, which you posit keeps Muslims away, but America practices extreme levels of violence against Muslims and that hasn't deterred them from attacking Western targets
>You are a very stupid person
How so?
>1. Brazil is extremely diverse
Less than you think bro, we are quite nasty to gringos. You just don't know it.
>3. Your president is literally a Lebanese man
No shit? You also know he's christian right?
>4. Syria was also a war zone when isis moved in
And? We have been like this for ages my friend. Iraq war had less deaths than a year in rio.
You're a retarded burger.
>if a foreigner starts doing retarded shit here even our grandmas will go in the middle of riots fucking their entire families.
This favela monkey gets it.
There's no "political correctness" bullshit here. Look at this guy, he was bragging about how mexican suck and he stabbed a boy. He was lynched the same day.
The same would happen if a refugee rapped a mexican woman or bombed a concert.
I don't really think you understand the meaning of diversity.
Also a million Iraqis were killed in the US war on Iraq. How stupid are you, exactly?
We recognize Palestina.
Mostly because our high Catholic population I think
>I don't really think you understand the meaning of diversity.
Explain it then you retarded fat ass.
This "diversity bullshit" means nothing here.
You're either brazilian or not here.
The refugee will either be bullied and shit on every single day of his life or literally be murdered once he goes in the wrong place or meets the wrong guy when buying a packet of cheetos.
Are you trying to move to brazil with your sandnigger family or something?
All leftists do.
If we're including war too America doesn't even beat China in kill count
If Brazil is so closed to foreigners then why are so many of your women prostitutes who regularly hunt the ejaculate of foreign men?
Not the screaming fags on the street the countries itself.
Because the jews are more worried about ruining white civilization first
Because jews fear the samurai.
This, and they don't have that much political weight globally and therefore jihadists have nothing to gain.
Because commies took over the catholic church.
See the new pope.
We're slowly turning into fascists now because of that.
We have a ton of poor people which means lots of drugs and prostitution.
They aren't really exclusive for gringos sorry dude, Like seriously I know you want to be happy and all about being superior but they are just hookers.
I can go to NY and fuck your hookers too, it doesn't mean they are addicted to big brazilian cock (kek).
You're probably just a really young fellow. IDK.
cause we dindu nuffin :^)
It is not closed.
Also, they spread their legs to everyone, enjoy Jamal's seconds.
Why aren't they bombing China?
Because they fear the chinks.
we always have some muslims, but they are really quiet
All drugdealers in Brazil are christians fanatics.
Because if those filthy bastards try to do something we will do a SOPA DE MUÇULMANOS.
We might be apes, but we do not accept apes from other jungles.
I mean your women are literally all hookers though.
You should visit, maybe they can take your virginity.
Some of our girls also have dicks if that's your thing lel.
as far as your polls say the socialists are going to be elected when temer goes away
I would
>Why aren't Muslims bombing South America?
Why aren't Muslims bombing the Balkans?
Same reason - we are both politically incorrect and if some shitskin starts something people will lynch his ass on the street. Plain and simple.
Also, we are both pretty religious and hardcore Christian despite communism,.
not only women, it's so easy to get some nice mixed race boipucci also
Yeah, the near-fascist guy is in 2nd.
40% of the population are still commie drones.
Why are they trucking Sweden?
Because there aren't any white women in South America.
Most of them are Christian arabs converted generations ago.
Paco, you little dirty boy.
I got a buddy that call them garotas Pinocchio.
which is a joke about them being dolls with a big wooden stick.
how high does he poll?
I have no problems with femenine penises as long as the rest of her its really femenine
not all muslims practice islam or religious.
>in Brazil
As fake as CNN.
The true "workers" and the great masses of Hueland despite communism, see by our young boys, they stand proud to be right wing.
Everyone here is tired and exhausted of corruption, famine and violence, soon this melting pot will blow in chaos. I'm even writing an article to my uni and doing my researches, and as we all know, unis are well known to be socialists, most of my work is being rejected because is "too racist" and other kinds of bullshit. Trust me, the Brazilian people is really tired of everything.
they should attack every villa here, they will make us a favor desu
>elected erdogan
>gave more power to erdogan
that destroyed my notion that not so religious muslim countries can exist
western countries are 1000x more powerful than your shitholes by military, police force, secret service system.
not bombing you because you are easy, weak, irrelevant. after conquering uk,france and germany it will be easy cake to conquer you.
The muslims whould not have a chance against our drugdealers
Lately i've seen women with arabic lettering as tattos, maybe they will bring a bastardized version of islam just like they made with Catholicism and Christianism
It's actually kinda hard to find one that's not manly.
Most of them are big as fuck, have giant dicks and just bleach their hairs so they are kinda fuzzy and weird.
I think I only ever talked to 1 tranny that ever cared about trying to use a female voice instead of full blown dude voice.
Anyways whatever floats your boat. I prefer the real girls.
erdogan got elected by 51% of total votes. that means half of country who are also muslims are not very much religious by islamic standards which prove my point.
also unlike popular belief, erdogan did nothing to destroy secularism. he is just a conservative politican.
Most of the people in the (((west))) are pussified liberals. Slavs are hardcore, every single one. 1 slav is worth 20 roaches easily.
The Balkans would be a hell on Earth. It took you several hundred years last time and at the end your (((empire))) was broken to bits.
Muslims will never rule the Balkans again.
Never heard of Brazil or Argentina Invading iraq. Hmm really make you think