Check out these based Sikh guys

Check out these based Sikh guys.

Other urls found in this thread:

You gay bro?

Bro tier.

If I remove the towl will they die

I have these guys in India and these are literal pride of India.
Literally very Alpha and very good at doing clean business.


we should set up sikh patrollers who hunt down muslims and "removes" them

fuck off t_d

I want that guy's mustache.

>clean business

you fo real?

Fuck Yeah!!!

Touch the Turban, get the Kirpan!

They don't cheat is all I'm saying.

make them sing tunak tunak tun!

>muh niggers vs black folk
>muh poos vs sikh bros

>fucking redditors

Guys, we get it. You like Trump.

it would be extremely painful

Murse in the US .
Sikh doctors are some of the coolest MDs to deal with.

Bait status: taken


1+ bless

Niggers and Jews are finally been wiped off the earth!! White Comrades...What shall be our next step in restoring America's former glory?

Sikhs are actually a pretty interesting people. My dad works with a bunch in the tech field and they always do nice gestures like bring him homemade lunches.

Potty training, pajeet.

The most corrupt man I ever met was a Sikh, he literally pretended to be an elective mute for almost a year to try and get out of a fraud charge, then a psychiatrist said goodbye to him in Punjabi and he answered. Most of them are OK though.

he's a big guy

for you

>that mustache
>that td
confirmed based

ugly fuckers

There could be few bad ones and I don't deny that but in general they're nice and most importantly positive people.


Yes, I like them. The guy's parents were based, old guy with a blue blazer and tie, you know the sort. The son was so dodgy you had to laugh, but even he was nice.

There was this one dude that went by the name Blackmanincharge back when i used to lurk , anyways that nigger was BASED as fuck , you can probably still find his Youtube channel. Just an anecdote.

a fifth grader could do a better photoshop job then that Indian IT bro, disgraceful

No sea berraco , Pablo.

was getting invaded by muslims a part of your plan?

Hold the fuck on right now. The entire Sikhs are bros has been around far longer than t_d has existed. The fuck is this bullshit

Was it yours?


I'm glad they are embracing American gun culture.

>Calling people redditors when you can't even green text properly


>green texting


It will hurt a lot

Hopefully, they'll start shooting a few mudslimes. Most Sikhs are good shots.

Wow so BASED

I mean #sikhsarentmuslim


So BASED guys anyone have any people of color with MAGA hats that's super BASED too!

Can't wait for the Great Paki Removal.

"ohh yass check out these based negros, #notevery[insert subhuman race]"


Sikhs = Good
Muslims = Bad
Jews = EVIL

>be me
>Sikhs at college
>Literally see them throwing punches at Muslims in circle
>Based Sikh steps in and smashes kebab's head to the pavement
>Said Sikh comes up to me and says thank you white man for the moral support
>gives me kiss

Why does Sup Forums hate Sikhs? Their turbans are super cute and are a nice little bit of multiculturalism I can appreciate. Some bro-tier Sikhs forgo the head piece for a more urban look. Most old Sikhs sit out on their porches passing around the hookah hose. One based Sikh named Bruce gave me a few hits from his Shisha unit when I was walking home from school one day. I think he laced it with heroine because my dick felt numb when my penis got touched.

Otherwise they are a slick group of dudes and aren't trying to be hip like Asians. They go their own way and some fully assimilate and die their turbans home colors for sporting events and such. I saw a Sikh that had a Canadian flag logo on it. I gave him a high-five and told him that he could be a valuable allly to save the white race but after that would be accomplished his head would be on the chopping block.

sikhs are bro tier!

bump 4 based sikhs


>put a turban on a poo in loo and suddenly they are based

pajeet please go

>Proper trigger discipline


Just look at this shitty leddit thread.
Fuck nu/pol/ really.

The women on the left in pic related is basically a white person with a little culture.

I think they are valuable allies going forward and they seem to not adopt cultural memes like Asians do with fashion, electronics, and consumerism. I know Sikhs that listen to Billy Joel and Wilco. Others are more into just playing hockey and getting drunk and doing what ordinary Canadians do.

That's cool and all, but I only upvote BASED BLACK MAN!


Pic related is an average Sikh woman.

They are more white than an Iranian or Italian at the very least. Perhaps more white than Slavs.

my next door neighbors are Sikhs. absolutely based family


Sikhs are fighters. They have pride and sense of good. There is something worthy there.

Ask them to invite you over for dinner.

They can whip up a spicy meal that beats the hell out of your average British meal.

Can someone explain me why the stormniggers get so triggered when a non-white is right wing?

They will learn. Right wing world wide, baby.

The Sikhs are bro tier meme is as old as Sup Forums itself, way to show that you're a newfag

I wonder why does Brazil have no Sikh immigration. The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

I've been here for 2 days and this is the second thread I've seen


sikhs are pretty cool but that trump shirt is gay as fuck

Sikh's are actually sound had dinner with a few different families, they hate Muslims even more than we do. I don't want more of them but meh now that they're here.

This. Every single sikh i've met has pretended to be an elective mute to get out of fraud charges, but they always get caught out by a canny psychiatrist who says Hello in punjabi, it must be in their culture.

>canada has lots of Sikhs
>no Muslim terror attacks



of course

Sikh's are ok. They assimilate, and fight to the death for their host countries. And they hate sandniggers.

but they vote for commies everytime. they're not bro-tier.

Wtf I love sikhs now.


Sikhs truly are the brown skin bros we should embrace.

Destroy all muslim shit skins!

Perhaps in Englandistan. There you have a different political landscape complicated by (((forces))) looking to maintain the EU. I'd still taking them over commie-voting sandniggers...

Fuck off back to r/T_D, civic nationalist


Eh, the Sikhs seem alright. They can stay, I guess.

Sikhs need to replace leafs

Sikh's are based. I used to live around a lot of them.

Hinduism is cool too.

Do you even energize your chakras, anons?

Sup Forums usually approves of sihks you newfag, theyre the only shitskins that get a pass besides duerte himself

least they hold a gun properly!

t. Jasmeet Singh