She makes a lot of valid points.
Dear White People: What Brand of Sunscreen Did White Ancient Egyptians Use?
Other urls found in this thread:
What brand of sunscreen do modern Egyptians use now?
Egyptians were not negroid, DNA testing has proven this, Nubians were slaves at best, weak bait
What? Who claims Egyptians were white? They were the same colour as they are now: sandcolour.
someone post the "we wuz dickwashers n shiet" pic.
I don't think they had that since they were mediterranean and accustomed to the sun.
Egyptians still fucking exist.
bitch what is she talking about, black people can't even farm
cocoa butter
>Who claims Egyptians were white?
Richard Spencer unironically
blacks in shown in egyptian art were slaves
Ancient Egyptians used rice and jasmine
just look at these stupid monkeys, lol
They was Central Asian, so they tanned like Spics, Mexicans, Romans.
The basal white man can tan. This is how he conquered a vast stretch of the planet.
How do you think the ancient central Asians got into India, Mexico, Peru, Europe, Egypt, Chad, Germany, Spain, Britain?
The motherfuckers could tan. They looked like Sean Connery or Conan the Barbarian. Swarthy ass white man.
ya muvafuckin' donuts be ready, massa
>dna some random just so happpened to be light skinned and buried in Egypt
>looks see this proves all Egyptians that are in fucking Africa the darkest nation on earth were white skinned blue eyed
I can tan so dark I don't burn. And I'm pretty damn white otherwise.
There's a video of the niggers at Evergreen State saying this exact shit. I thought WE WUZ KANGS was only used by Sup Forums and the Black Israelites but I guess a lot of nogs actually believe it.
The same Italians, Greeks or Spaniards use, I'd assume.
The Ptolemaic dynasty ruled Egypt for most of the Roman era, they were descendants of the Macedonian general Ptolemy who helped Alexander the great conquer Egypt. Ergo, if Greeks are white, the ruling class of Egypt had some serious cream in their coffee for several hundred years. Cleopatra was reported to be pretty fair skinned.
Just because two groups of people are genetically related doesn't mean they have to look the same fucknuts. They referred to themselves as redskins so they were probably more similar to native Americans in skin tone.
this lol
Why are you people so obsessed with ancient Egyptians? They got fucked and cucked by the Romans.
those are caucasian niggers
it you can trace a line between the nose and the chin without making contact with the lips then it is depicting a caucasian from africa.
They were even related to brits. That's genetic proof not even a debate.
>Up to 70 percent of British men and half of all Western European men are related to the Egyptian Pharaoh Tutankhamun, geneticists in Switzerland said.
this can be perceived a white lie for niggers, the method I talked about can easily be understood and accepted by niggers
What are the genetic diseases that black suffer more?
>inb4 AIDS
egypt at the time wasnt hot like it is today so nice try
>Dickwashing requires holding someone's hands from behind
Vid by nigger.
Instantly don't care.
Welp, I'm convinced, the only way to fix the problem is total elimination of all blacks everywhere. They've lied to themselves so hard that their jealous hatred of whites is incurable.
Are those all troll accounts?
Blacks arent that stupid,right?
No Germany, blacks are stupid as hell and hate the high holy FUCK out of you. Don't expect mercy, and don't be caught unawares or unarmed.
We are speaking of a race of "people" who think that all ancient societies across the world were black and rape infants as an "aids cure".
Nah,the refudgees here are manlets.
Many blacks wear crosses and my cross is always on display.
And the actual syrians always notice my russian accent.
How has this not been posted yet? Come on pol, you're slipping.
Thats why most niggers are now claiming romans are black