What is Sup Forums opinion on corporations having more power in the government then you do


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That's funny, I don't recall corporations being able to vote.

What is lobbying and corporate personhood?

Let's just start by forcing AIPAC to register as a foreign terrorist organization.


>What is lobbying and corporate personhood?

What is voting in representatives who aren't beholden to lobbyists?

>what is it called when there's only one rep who runs in your district and he's the same horrible kike who's been there for g-d knows how long

Term limits when?

We have term limits, they're called elections.

I don't know how you can decry reality this hard.

It wouldn't matter if the government wasn't so fucking big

Sounds American

Nigga please

Everyone knows West Virginia would be the Mountain Dew state

They consume more Mountain Dew than any other state

Is that because of the mountains?

Based Banquet

I'm not the one who thinks all of his problems can be solved by avoiding personal responsibility.

I hear this sort of BS from idiots like you all the time. The government is corrupt, big corporations run the show, politicians don't care about voters, etc., etc. Then when it comes time to vote you re-elect the same idiots into office, then when you get called out on being lazy and irresponsible it's everyone's fault but your own.

The state gets away with this crap because you let it. If you don't want politicians to ignore you in favor of lobbyists then vote them out and find someone who won't. If you don't like what corporations do in government then find out who they are and boycott their products. Stop asking for the government to make more rules and more regulations that are more likely than not going to bite you in the ass instead of help you because you're too lazy to help yourself.

The best part of democracy is that you get the government you deserve and right now you're getting the government you deserve, good, long, and hard, because you dropped trou and bent over for it.

I'm fine with it. Dog bliss cabitalism

>most notable brand from Maine isn't Moxie
a true mistake
The red pill soda desu

OK. Give me your name so I can write you in next election.

>I don't recall
Burgers and their American entitlement. Every. Fucking. Time.

Actually it's because in its early days, Mountain Dew was used as a mixer with moonshine and whiskey. Moonshine was a huge business in WV and Mountain Dew gained popularity there for that reason. Why it's kept its popularity in WV isn't exactly clear but WV is definitely Dew country.

Not necessarily us personally, not everyone is as "enlightened" as us to see the broader people. Ask the average voter what a lobbyist is and they would have no clue. Thats the problem, because people are so complacent with it.

r u tryna goof me again?

No hes 100% telling the truth

It's the inevitable result of centralizing power into the government. When you give monopoly power to the government over the private sector, people will step out of the woodwork to take and use that power. You can always say no to an exchange with a private entity, you can't say no to political exchanges.

Take away the government's power to grant subsidies, to grant bailouts, restrict supply, force consumption, and regulate, there would be no reason for someone to lobby because there wouldn't be any financial gain.


See for yourself brah

total bullshit, please go regurgitate this fucking trash on leftypol.

Are you sayin that mega corporation are a result from government monopoly over private sector ?
Wtf those this crap even mean ? Kill yourself dumbfuck.
>hurdur mega corporation are creating monopoly of their own because muh government.
If anyone was still questioning himself why America was fucked.

Corporations and government are made of the same cunts. If you don't like a corporation, you don't have to give them your money.

What do you think "mountain dew" means?



Thanks brahs. My favorite part of Sup Forums is learning something new.


It's just as bad as huge unions, guilds, and activist lobbying groups having more sway because of money and influence peddling and it would be nice if we could find a way stop it all. But until then I'll support the NRA to keep the faggots from trying to take my guns and etc.

>Albertsons is the biggest corporation in Idaho

Really? We have a bunch here and they're pretty meh.

wishful thinking

>Why it's kept its popularity in WV isn't exactly clear
Mountain Dew is actually good. I don't do soft drinks that often, but if I had to choose one it would be MD.

We voted Trump, you stupid fuck. If you don't know what he was about it's because you listened to brainwashers during the election cycle rather than hunting down news.
now gtfo of our way, we have a civilization to save.


Don't like it very well, no it should happen, nor corporate welfare to spend on niggers. NOW having said this, NACALT. It's all a matter of a corporations ethics, why they used to make them pay the charter fees to prove they served the public, not the other way around like boomers and todays even more fucktarded boomers we all refer to as leftists who, like the cuckservative commies in denial who shop and spend there so they can bitch about it, for ex. liberals all going to StarCux and "right-wing" commies refusing to shop anywhere but Wal-Marx even id they can get a lower price and/or higher quality elsewhere. "give me convenience or give me death" mentality. Shame people in bigger cities have no real choice to go anyway but the high and mighty niggerized castle of Wal-Marx and Starfux, after all they do run everyone else out of town who provides quality products.

bump 4 corporate takeover

don't mind the kike shill

it's sad that braindead people can vote

Illiterate leaf. You think corporations are affected negatively by big government? See George Stigler's capture theory of regulation. Everytime an alphabet soup agency is made to further public interests, it gets captured by the industry it was supposed to regulate, and the monopoly power the agency has is used to further special interests at the expense of the public. If the government could not grant corporation X subsidies and special privileges, why would corporation X bother lobbying?

Fuck why can't California just fucking secede already