What is Sup Forums opinion on corporations having more power in the government then you do
Charles Hall
Luis Long
That's funny, I don't recall corporations being able to vote.
Camden Martin
What is lobbying and corporate personhood?
Let's just start by forcing AIPAC to register as a foreign terrorist organization.
Jeremiah Hill
Carson Baker
>What is lobbying and corporate personhood?
What is voting in representatives who aren't beholden to lobbyists?
Ryan Robinson
>what is it called when there's only one rep who runs in your district and he's the same horrible kike who's been there for g-d knows how long
Term limits when?
Colton Wilson
We have term limits, they're called elections.
Jaxon Baker
I don't know how you can decry reality this hard.
Josiah Phillips
It wouldn't matter if the government wasn't so fucking big
Nathan Diaz
Sounds American