Who is top shill?

Who wins?

OLiver has been shilling longer but colbert has a large audience. Both need to be euthanized

John Oliver is really the perfect shill: Unquestioning, passionate commitment to the script, smarmy certainty in its infallibility. Colbert is more the court jester of the imaginary Obama eternal kingship taking place in the collective consciousness of liberal slaves. He's more liable to get cucked eventually by millennial whores throwing pies in his face, once they get sick of his Trump jokes, or once another liberal wins the presidency.

Colbert has really been ramping up the bullshit lately. I don't remember him shilling so hardcore with his previous gig

That's because Obama was president

Colbert. Oliver shills on hbo to people who already agree with him. Colbert shills on late night to a lot more people. Plus I think Colbert is more obnoxious for some reason. Oliver can at least be funny at times, Colbert is just typical liberal.

Oliver is a better shill, Colbert has abandoned his previous gimmick and hasn't made the transition to commentary shilling very well.

Not really. I see Oliver as more dangerous because he's better at the online game. He does shit tier charity gestures and DDoS incentives to get attention and gain trust and then slides in his shilling in between.
Colbert is better with MSM and has arguably the better spot and has no shame when it comes to just breaking character and going straight political.

current year man is more tolerable than two scoops colbert.

Anderson Cooper has em both beat so fuck it. Gas all these CIA nigger fags.

Anderson Cooper doesn't have the international presence

I see what you're saying. Honestly they are both propaganda pushers though. Oliver just makes me laugh more.

Colbert has been 99% Trump content, Oliver branches out to different topics.

Colbert is the 100% Hollywood and DC establishment shill.

Oliver shills enough to stay on air.

White male liberals are a dying breed on the left, though. They might all find themselves in the Bill Maher boat, eventually.

They know that dudes like them are on the way out. Pretty soon, all 3 may be replaced by male POCs who will reinforce liberalism in POC males.

I miss current year man

I hate this smug piece of shit.

Kek his brother ruined that 70s show

This. I don't even like current year man but you can tell he at least tries.

Colbert is pretty much FUCK YOU TRUMP YOU COCKSUCKING MOTHERFUCKER. Why do I need to watch that when I can probably just go on Twitter or YouTube to see that?

Maybe John Oliver is too smart for even his own liberal audience to understand.

Oliver is so biased against Trump that it really puts the integrity of every other piece he did into question.

If that shit doesnt end soon and real reporting with evidence beginns again, we will have seen the last of it.

He is literally the new age "televangelist"

They both are. (((Jon Stewart))) has taught them well.

Oliver is an English tardo so easy to hate and definitely expect him to be a shill.

Colbert is a treasonous whore who felches Podesta.

Pretty sure they have dirt on Colbert while Oliver does it willing.

Can we get a photo line up of Colbert, Oliver, Stewart, Podesta, Jared Subway, De Blasio staffer all with glasses on, any user

Do all Pedos look the same?