Explain to me logic behind Russian Collusion/Hacking and Putin Puppet Trump
Explain to me logic behind Russian Collusion/Hacking and Putin Puppet Trump
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Trump mentions Russia early in his campaign against Republicans and says let's try to get along with everyone
He said it about other guys too, but they ignored that. NeoCons like McCain flips out
Hillary tried to use it later on as a meme.
Now it's a conspiracy to cover up for their email leaks and pedophilia blackmail ring.
Session has now busted hundreds of pedos and saved many child sex slaves
that butt/thigh ratio is terrible
How does she wipe her ass?
Ypu have to be as vague as possible and talk about innocuous woth russian diplomats, such as outside of a heritage foundation dinner, as if they were meticulously planned with malicious intent. By being as vague as possible, just like all conspiracy theories tend to be, you get to change your accusations along with the current narrative. Do you hate Comey for going after Huma's husband a week before the election? Well, he was searching for funding fo a Russian investigation months ago, stop clapping, stop it! Good guys can turn into bad guys during your Russian connection narrative and vice versa, so watch out and make sure to download your correct CNN opinions with anonymous sources daily.
Trump once saw a guy out Russian dressing on his salad.
>hacking hacking
>hacking / collusion
>collusion collusion
>collusion / communication
>commmunication communication
The Democratic party is a criminal organization that would rather tear the country to the ground then lose its grip on the power it only had for 8 years. They are quite literally fascists.
Democrats are triggered by the fact that they couldn't successfully meddle in Russia's election.
So by repeating Russia>Wikileaks>Election haxed they are sayin #Imwithher
Actually I still don't get it.
Like they hack the election? Or they just hack the emails? Even if that's the case, they just made things more transparent considering the Dems don't deny it. The people voted but werent put a gun with their head. What Russia did was just give more information.
Occam's razor would say considering Russia hates the us, wouldn't they just being unable to hack the republican server due to higher security?
I'm just really confused how this works.
there is no logic
lookup the term 'the big lie'
also, lookup propaganda techniques
this is how the media behaves in non-1st world countries
That ass is absolutely revolting
1/10, would divorce over
probably like this
Not even worth an obligatory Brrraaaap!
By saying Russian hax aren't the Democrats/Progresses admitting the contents of the Wikileaks emails are legitimate.
The contents revealing the outright collusion between them and the corporate media and the subversion of the Sanders campaign.
That pic is disgusting.
gosh this is fucking disgusting, the fuck are you posting your shitty fetish you underaged compulsuive masturbator.
They allegedly hacked the emails.
But you know, the most reliable "proof" they have is "according to Washington Post's insider's cousin's roommate who knows a guy..."
>that cellulite
Fucking disguisting
Grotesque tbqh
The main opposition to Trump based on Russian hacking.
From watching corporate media, we are lead to believe Trump is one step away from being removed from the White House with Hillary taking over the job.