I've lived in Canada all my life, and I'm slowly watching it burn from libtard political correctness and shitskin immigration.
If I had to pick a 1st world white country to live in, where should i go next to avoid being stoned to death here?
I've lived in Canada all my life, and I'm slowly watching it burn from libtard political correctness and shitskin immigration.
If I had to pick a 1st world white country to live in, where should i go next to avoid being stoned to death here?
Avoid Romania, it's a shithole.
USA is your best bet, we are the only western country so far that has a conservitive president that might fix the fuckups of all of the progressive and regressive left
I'd avoid most of continental Europe, but the UK, USA and New Zealand would probably be your best bets.
>Best bet
Manchester, anyone?
But if Trump doesn't get re-elected then I'm back at square 1
If you love Mexican people and fast food the US is the place to be
It'd be fine if I avoid concerts in the city
Not entirely, depends on how big the conservative resurgence gets and how long it lasts, and it is entirely independent of Trump at this point.
Just don't be a fan of Ariana Grenade, and you should be fine.
>authentic taco bell
No, the UK is getting worse off by the day with all of the radicals they are accepting as refugees. While they are better than most of Europe, they might not be the safest bet.
Give Argentina, Uruguay or Poland a try.
New Zealand
The ticket right there. Unless we fix our stuff here I'm moving there.
Czech Republic, hands down.
USA....for now.
New Zealand or Australia.
If the UK becomes an Islamic hellhole, and gets rid of the monarchy, then I would move to New Zealand.
Or Poland, equally good.
Probably New Zealand or Australia though chinks fucked up the real estate market there too so it's hard to get in.
Go fuck yourselves, we are full.
Just stay in Canada and move somewhere with a conservative base. Unfortunately that pretty much eliminates Edmonton and Calgary, think northern BC, rural Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba, or northern Ontario
If you're that worried, move to a Southern Suburb or somewhere like Montana. Sure, you may have to deal with Mormons, but at least they're white. From Northern Arizona to Idaho, expect Mormons. But Mormons tend to be white and conservative. I'll take them over Muslim shitskins any day. Honestly, man... even under the worst circumstances, USA or bust. All bias aside.
Thing is America is even less white then Canada, would rather be surrounded by retarded chinks then niggers.
It is absolitely white except for a few hundred niggers in the capital, but basically a completely white country. If you look at the economy, it is highly diversified so the chances of it becoming a banana republic or peteoleum niggerdom are very low. Czech Rep has a reputation for the high quality industrial tools and machines they build. A huge recent influx of startups and multinationals, tech is BOOMING. The people are the best of both worlds: Slavic no-nonsense and political incorrectness, Western-European civility and behavior.
Cost of living is 45% of what I pay here in this shitty non-country.
An absolutely stunning place, but Soros and co. have started working on it and injecting feminism. Czech women are already becoming cold and unfriendly from what I observed. So it begins.
But for now, this is as close as you will find to your white paradise.
>Just stay in Canada and move somewhere with a conservative base.
Barrie, Ontario is one of the least diverse places in Canada. They also have ribfest in summer.
Even then, Mormons are not all that bad. I live in AZ and up north is the best part of the state to be in because they all have solid values of work ethic and politeness. Stick by those and its a solid group to have to be around. Additionally, they are cool people all around once you get past the minor bit of racism and sexism, but when has that ever mattered?
In that case, maybe I'll move to Montana, so i can use my dual citizenship to go to Canada to use the hospital if i need to
Because your a leaf on Sup Forums
But desu I love Strange Brew.
Alberta's good, it's a man's world. I pray and pray for them to recover already.
A populist pandering to conservatives is still a conservative
I live there currently. God willing, our election will be a sweep for the right wing unified party, once they actually unify
That's what I was saying. Granted, a bit rudimentary. Mormon's can be pretty goddamn annoying, but never infuriating. They make for damn good neighbors.
Yeah, absolutely. I was up there to work on the rigs for a while, and fabrication when it all crashed. The only place in Canada with a pulse.
>I've lived in Canada all my life, and I'm slowly watching it burn
I don't see no burning here. Can't say the same about the US though.
I was neighbors with a larger family. the mother was a housewife and always made food for everyone. Like full racks of ribs and shit. It was great.
Did you get sacked?
I hear Texas is a pretty good country to live in.
>metaphorical burning of values
Well that's because of the college millennials are a bunch of autistic commies. Stay away from college towns and you will be fine.
Laid off with the drop in oil prices I'm guessing
Sounds like you'd prefer to tuck your tail between your legs and run away rather than actually stand up and fight, rather than actually contacting your local representatives, calling the libs out on their bullshit, or taking part in the next election to help purge Canada of this cancer. People are already referring to what's going to happen as an "exorcism". Are you even a veteran of the great meme war? Grow some balls.
No, I worked until breakup and then pretty much all of us were laid off.
The season after that was when shtf and tge rigs were shelved.
You're... right... its just... fighting my own people... will i be thrown into a cell or executed for saying the truth..?
You alright now? What are you doing for now?
I recommended Poland and the Czech Rep to him, but the truth is that no Western nation will be spared and we will ultimately have to fight.
Europe these days is a reminder of what there is to fight for, not a viable utopia that one can escape to.
I would even say, fuck the representatives, prepare for a Brazilified, Balkanized future. Build yourself and your buds up cause shit's heading in a dark direction.
Don't want anymore foreigners here. Fuck off.
Started my own commercial cleaning business, now pretty much sold that and transitioned into the exotic pet trade.
Are you still in Alberta?
For now you need to build your connections and get money.
Nope, Montreal/ Toronto.
Why's that?
We're having a lot of fun here too.
See. I'd like to move away from Canada and into a place like Poland, but that sets a bad example. It shows cowardice, and an unwillingness to help your own country.
Who would want such a person?
I won't be leaving until I can prove I'm worth taking in.
Which will be when I start making money and decide to open a business.
The cities are were the libtards all live
buy property. keep the bubble chubby.
Don't come to England. You're not welcome. I have family from winterpeg and when they visit I make them very uncomfortable. I hate your fucking plastic yanks accents. Fucking egotistical moose fuckers, go suck a hockey puck, cuck.
That does look fun actually
Hostile territory, for sure.
A lot of us armored up for the day. Antifa btfo.
Bitch please, in the states we got based stick man and the proud boys fucking shit up
This 100%. Respect
I agree 100% and I try to make myself a known figure in my community. I will help to preserve conservative ideals as long as I can. then I'll leave if there's nothing more i can do.
Why are you bothered by this? Your desire to run from it instead of addressing the problem proves how much of a cuck you are. You should feel right at home.
I don't think open warfare will break out here the same way as it will in Europe. Things are under control here, the average niggers or pajeets are paying their bills nicely and drinking their fucking double doubles.
In Europe? The sense of destabilization and uncertainty is PALPABLE, last time I was in Germany the air was thick with it. There will most definitely be violent physical war in the next 5-10 years.
The long-term choice for people like us is lifelong decay and degeberation, vs. civil war. Escape from the problem isn't even on the menu unless you go innawoods and basically become a hermit.
Nope, just cause Brexit happened doesn't mean your country stopped an Islam infested police state hellhole.
Trips of truth.
Plus, we're probably the only ones who'd appreciate Montana's warmer climate.
Nigga this country was literally founded on the concept of avoiding war. Our only military contribution was field testing German weaponry for the brits.
Or you could learn sets of useful skills like welding, machining, hunting, growing food, etc, and create rather then being a passive, braindead consumer. The only reason its decaying is because we've become removed from our abilities and offshored them in a service based economy while only learning extremely narrow skillsets that leave you vulnerable to any sort of disruption.
Ireland is a white as fuck country.There are a few blacks in certain areas but overall they're pretty rare.
I can't articulate myself well enough to enter a political argument. Instead my goal is to raise funds for any computer-based business and to offer my wealth, experience, and jobs.
I want to have options in case I need to get out of future chink and nigger land.
Do any states in the US have a large white majority and a decent population of catholics?
mate dublin is nigger and arab city compared to 10 years ago
Most definitely.
You're sharing this country with incresingly low-level compatriots though, so the surrounding society will be less and less likely to share your constructive and industrious disposition.
wait two years moron.
Liberal party is dead on its feet. After JT is ousted they will never be in office again. They'll be 3rd party for years and Harper's dream will come true. A Canada with two ideologically different parties in opposition to one another...which will result in a healthier democracy. The Liberal party is a cancer on the Canadian polity.
They're moving quickly on this. Do you really believe the government-supplied figures on "refugees ans immigration"? Look around you, this is a rapid, covert demographic replacement.
Fuck off... we're full...
Of Mexicans, unfortunately.
I am moving back to the states. Cancuckda can suck it
Torontonian here, as soon as you leave the GTA there isn't a single coloured person. Somewhere like Peterborough, Lindsey or Huntsville are all really comfy
>metaphorical burning of values
The US voted a guy who said he grabs women by the pussy and tries to fuck married women. They burned a lot more values than Canada has.
Exactly, im just gonna get a college degree and gtfo to the US or somewhere white.
I'd suggest somewhere in Eastern europe. They might not be as fancy as western countries but that's a good thing because that means less jews and immigrants.
The rigs are coming back, my man. Just reading in the paper that they can't even find enough people to make full crews. They are leaving millions of dollars of work on the table because they wont be able to drill the wells that need to be drilled.
That's some pretty good fucking news right there. Only real thing we have going on outside of putrid real estate speculation. I'll hit the rigs for a season just for nostalgia's sake.
stop being an anglo faggot and learn the real canadian culture, which is french quebec, than when you master the language, can chop down a tree at -10 with no shivers , you move to quebec city. you're welcome
If they didnt need criminal record checks for drilling a fucking well they wouldnt be having this problem.
baltic countries. they are not wealthy but good enough to live in. their women are best and easy. 99% white. life is calm and safe.
Immigrants, bad economy, terrible jobs.
Only certain parts if you're rich, like the Rocky mountain area. Otherwise, terrible jobs, bad economy, niggers and spics everywhere, jew overlords.
>New Zealand
Jew president. Probably an overpriced hellhole.
Whites should qualify for refugee status in Eastern Europe. Hungary, Poland, Baltic states....
how much can you make working on the rigs?
Fight for your homeland you coward leaf
Come to Montana.
We love nature and guns.
We body slam British jews.
We're pretty white.
Few kikes though.
Enough to get a truck a boat and a quad on lease and then cry when the petrodollar collapses again and they come and seize everything.
I dont see it burning in Nova Scotia either
All pretty white
met fucking leaf this morning in Sup Forums chat
kik: yellowsad
butthurt leaf believes in "Liberal Science"
thinks that there is nothing wrong with smoking weed, yet "all alcohol is poison"
>show him NIH article that 1 glass of red wine a day can actually improve heart disease
"fucking lies, my high school education trumps your medical background"
honestly, I have fear for this new generation, he wasn't even questioned or debated on his crazy rants