What did he mean by this?
His haircut looks like shit on his fat egg head.
That can't be real?
what a fucking embarassing haircut. Like an edgy teenager described skrillex's haircut poorly to a barber and this was the result.
goes well with the titties
is he fucking serious
I'm dying, this thread is hilarious.
wonder what he asks his barber
another david duke. someone needs to curb stomp this piece of shit.
it's shopped stupid
now thats just cartoonish
The ol jewish Photoshop huh
David Duke isn't as autistic as Richard Spencer. I think Spencer is trying to be like Milo, a provocateur and it's really bad for any kind of white nationalist movement. He's a plant.
*Teleports behind you*
Nothing personelle, kid...
Nah, only you deserve that kike. Jews filth can't ever contain their hatred for the brilliant doctor Duke.
Thats fucking stupid. There's more to being white than skin color.
such as?
Why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Its nice getting a taste of your own medicine huh faggot?
im white
I wonder what he tells his barber
That fucking Nazi haircut looked good on the Nazis even while they were tied to an 8 x8 post waiting to be shot for war crimes. They were pissing and shitting themselves at the same time as they waited for the MPs to shoot.
>Richard Spencer
Stop talking about this guy, he's a meme and nobody here cares about him
>this fucking german shill
This german retard photoshops pics of spencer and posts them here every single day.
what did he mean by this?
This larping fag smells like a kike plant to me.
Obviously a fake quote. Only leftists use the term "whiteness ".
And Spencer has little relevancy in WN circles. He gets so much attention because the media anointed him the leader of the so called "all-right".
shut up kike
Why are Richard Spencer threads always so hilarious. A majority of the board loves to shit on him and thats gold because he was trying so hard to be one of us going as far as to mention Sup Forums memes in a lot of his speeches.
This man is a living meme. Him getting kicked out of that gym last week by some cunt and having to ask for a black guy's help killed me
He is truly a fool lol