Calling the Brits the "strange British".
Brexit was a mistake, it is like Brits losing the war all over again.
Calling the Brits the "strange British".
Brexit was a mistake, it is like Brits losing the war all over again.
Stay mad cucked kraut.
Your great grandparents would cry if they saw you
well at least the EU shows its true face now. Farrage was right, they are like the Mafia.
Scotland here. It's absolutely not a mistake. This Kraut is just so dim that he can't see that what's good for the German Empire isn't necessarily good for everybody else. Also, fuck England. Get out my country you subhumans.
Keep dreaming. Brits has some brains and balls left unlike you cucks. Bitching about them won't save your own ass.
why do they insult the people they want to change the minds of? I don't get it...
Brexit was indeed a mistake.
they could profit from the EU without being shackled by the EU currency they could disturb EU projects they didn't like.
If a country needed to leave the EU it sure as hell wasn't the UK
They hated the British just as Schaeuble hates you. They would be so proud we are your fiercest enemies!
malta will leave in solidarity with british and enhance the chain reaction
Out of control immigration tops every other argument for staying in. This is how they made us leave. Look at gross numbers, not net. I don't care how many of us leave, I care about the 600,000 FOREIGNERS coming each year and destroying communities, cornering our housing and labour market and generally making it a less friendly, secure and comfortable place to live. Kick them all out. Time for everybody to go back home and end this Jewish globalism meme
fair enough pham.
Malta is a little island which makes money off of tax scams and tourists from the EU.
90% of Maltese want to stay in the EU. It is among the highest approval rates in all of Europe.
yeah sure, they love the muslims you´re force feeding them
imagine the knife-attacker had aimed properly...
germans must talk more about brexit than brits on Sup Forums
sad really
Yeah, well we'll see what happens when you've forced through the common tax regime that you're currently plotting. EU is just a mechanism to economically and politically empower Germany. It's the German Empire, plain and simple. You keep the nations you've impoverished and the poorer joinees happy by giving them handouts and access to England's labour economy, which you know they want because everybody speaks English and not everybody speaks all the other European languages. It's a loss for you that we're losing and that's just a fact. It might - might - be a short-term loss for us, but the potential long-term gain is tenfold. The same reasoning applies to Scotland leaving the UK. All multicult organisations are possed up Jewish memes which harm the weaker states and keep them chained with remodelled economic dependency on the larger nation.
>yeah sure, they love the muslims you´re force feeding them
They can legally disallow NGO boats from entering their harbors. But they do not do that. Why? They love all the blacks that can enrich their women. Because Maltese are generally like Brits who also let in 10 million Commonwealth negroes and Pakis and Indians.
>germany does none of this
This guy she get his ass beat by refugees. Fucking scum
They're so fucking brainwashed.
Looks like war in the future to me.