Red pill me on this statement please.
Red pill me on this statement please
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It's wrong.
Life is not equal, some bum fuck terrorist in sandland is not equal to a beautiful korean waifu for example
They don't deserve any less love. That doesn't entitle them to come and live here illegally.
>Red pill me on this statement please.
gas the spics, race war now
>It's official: Latinos now outnumber whites in California
The jews and their treasonous state/federal puppets keep pushing white genocide on this country.
Had enough yet?
These people are incapable of loving themselves and therefore are incapable of loving others.
We must secure the existence of our people, period.
love and the rights given for being a citizen of a nation are not the same
He is saying we need to overthrow all foreign governments and rule with an iron fist in order to have true equality among all individuals.
This is not untrue, but that doesn't mean that child is my country's problem. The unfortunate truth of life is that you have to look out for your own first and foremost, and if that child's parents aren't looking out for them.. well that's very sad but it's not m fault.
Huh. Really makes ya think.
Citizens of a nation allow governments to be in power so long as the government is for the benefit of it's citizens. When we open borders to peoples that will statistically use more welfare and pay less taxes, that is not in the interest of the host nation.
Furthermore, immigrants from poor nations are generally low skilled and necer integrate. taking up our low skilled labor and forming enclaves within the host nation of their own peoples.
A nation has to be united.
That person is a traitor...
>fuck borders n shit history don't matter yo we all the same my nigger
God, I fucking hate communists
They don't think the same
It's called destruction of self preservation instinct.
That image says everything. It's not the kids fault, it's the "hide my face but use his as propaganda" pussy holes.
Officially red pilled.
its not my fault your country sucks and mine is awesome, opening my boarders makes my good country more like your shitty country
fix your own god damn country
What about the government of Mexico? Do they not love their own nation's children? Aren't they more responsible for their wellbeing?
Is this even english? Sentence structure bad.
I agree. I don't think anyone would disagree.
But how is love quantified?
Not my child. Not my people. Not my culture. If they cross the border we should indiscriminately be allowed to exterminate them.
He's right. However, that doesn't mean the love must come from me.
My children don't deserve any more love than the homeless drug addict downtown.
Which border we talkin bout
"Proud Democrat" is John Podesta. Gonna give em every inch of his love.
Wtf im a globalist now!
Agreed. Get the fuck out of my home spic backs
In Mexico they hand out guidebooks or pamphlets that give you a full tutorial on how to cross the border and reap benefits in our country. Mexican government is assisting their pathetic "reconquista".
People with ideas so dangerous they should be killed before they're allowed to spread. Insanity that leads to the death of a nation.
Always sage slide thread.
They should be loved.
That doesn't make them a citizen though.
Somebody else's interests are not necessarily the same as my interests. Morality is subjective.
A child on the other side of a border has his own god damn parants is this faggot serious?
Blah blah blah support brown ppl because why not.
Ha, that 'child' is at least 18 years old.
Go tell a father or mother that a child on the other side of the road is not worth less love than the child in their household. They will tell you to go fuck themselves, they will tell you they love their children and that it's natural. The same principle applies to every level of human organization. You have more love for people in your family, then for people in your neighborhood, then for people in your city, then for people in your country, then for people of your race, and then for people of your planet. This is true and will always be true, this is fine and will always be fine. You can't use the shitty argument "you can't love some people more than other" for the only purpose of shilling globalism. You'd have to be severely brain damaged, or a leftist.
Even if it's true, the child on the other side of the border is not our responsibility anyway.
They act like it's a death sentence to not live off of white men.
It's a false dilemma. Typical jew weapon to stir up emotions.
>a child on the other side of the border
>does not deserve less
>than a child of my own nation
its a fine statement, noble in fact, you can be proud of yourself for thinking that way.
but there are actually children in your own nation that need help and are being ignored
in order to help other nations children.
those nations have leaders too you know, put the pessure on the leaders of those nations to take of their children, and take care of the children in your own country first.
Shameless, disingenuous virtue signalling.
Parents value and love their own children more than all others. People without children value their friends more than strangers.
Bacteria on the other side of my skin are not worth, nor do they deserve any less nutrients than my own cells.
Also, stop brushing your teeth. The bacteria in your mouth have just as much right to live there as your teeth.
Would you apply this to your own child and a random kid from the street?
Fuck this degenerate kike propaganda, of course people are gonna naturally have in group preferences.
mexicans arent people, therefore are in fact worth less
I fucking hate this account.
Let's love them, but keep them on the other side.
Twenty trillion in debt so maybe til we balance our bank account we can only pick our own child? Or do you go buy other kids stuff and make your own go without?
this is the great libtard delusion. they don't understand that people can only extend their loyalties so far. they don't get that their brown and black pets don't give a rat's ass about them.
The statement is essentially true, but the premise it attempts to convey is flawed. A child deserving love is not necessarily a child entitled to my love. No one is entitled to that other than God.
They are also not entitled to my money or my giving a shit about them. If I choose to do so of my own accord then that is my choice. And I do. I sponsor two children in central and South American countries, feeding and clothing them supposedly. My choice. Probably a bad and useless one but I'll continue to do so on the chance that it makes a small difference to someone less fortunate than myself and my family. But not a goddamned soul is entitled to it.
Fuck off and practice what you preach you degenerate monkey loving fuckstick.
allow me to ask you a series of rhetorical questions
do you have a good relationship with your father
do you think he loved you more than the other kids on the playground
does him loving you mean he hated the other kids
congratulations you're now a white nationalist
How about posting the REAL picture shitlord? This is the real one, yours is an edited one.
in my eyes, my child deserves more love and is worth more than your child
in your eyes, your child deserves more love and is worth more than my child
if you don't adhere to this, there's something wrong with you.
If you care so much about those children why don't you adopt them?
Of course they aren't, but it's more disgusting how you'll use children to pander for positions completely unrelated to immigration.
it's unrealistic utopian feelpolitik that has no practical application to government?
You do realise this board has ID's, right?
I love my children. It's not my job to love everyone elses children. That's called being creepy, weird, and pedo.
In loving my children, I want a future for them, full of culture, values, and life. If other nations children come here and do not share the same values, and I have cheered for it, then I have no loved my children at all. For they will share the world with those other children who do not believe as they do. This will create a chaotic world for them.
He might not be worth less, everyone is equally worthless, only through the context of who you're emotionally bonded to does value to a life come about but he's not the responsibility of the taxpayers of that nation. He's the responsibility of those in the other nation
We cannot save the world. Leftists seem to have a messiah complex where they think it's the job of westerners and whites to provide for every other group
To me my own child is worth more than any other child. Our forefathers built up this nation so that their children could have a better life. Not so that the children of people who contributed nothing towards making this country great could come in and take from their children
You should focus on your own children first. Why do leftists insist on making life more difficult for their own offspring in the future in order to benefit outsiders
Life is competition. Children grow up. Stop using this "think of the children" rhetoric to try and push for flooding the country with outsiders. It's emotionally manipulative for the idiots among us.
You're not being altruistic, you're not being moral, if you were housing them and providing for them 100% yourself then maybe it would be so. you're expecting others to pay for kids they had no say in wanting to provide for. Children that aren't their own. Thieves plain and simple
Money and resources aren't infinite. Stop pretending like they are
i trided to love a child once.... didnt turn out that well
Send this to PD.
No he doesn't we should go right back to Sup Forums pass only posting to prevent this MODS PLS LET HIRO KNOW PLS TY
>some bum fuck terrorist in sandland
>Implying that will actually do anything.
>Implying it won't just lock posting behind a paywall that only serves to link people to a bank account.
>Implying it won't just turn this place into more of a honeypot.
Posturing will get you no where.
>t. a liberal who has never been to Mexico
Mexico's immigration laws are more strict than the US
Board was so much better yesterday only poorfags and NEETs would be upset about it and it did do something it improved quality posting for the first time there were almost 0 shitposts,no shills, and comfy discussions. At this point we should do pass only posting to purge them all away.
>samefagging like a dumbass
Hey shareblue, can you post IMG_3865 and IMG_3866 please? I'm curious as to what they might be
so we can go back to Something Awful's level of shit?
Except when the border is Israelian, right?
>on other side of border
>immigrated to America
>drops American wages by flooding market with cheap labor
>is technically worth less
so, why aren't their parents loving them then?
Take care of your own and other children with your own money and I don't give a damn
No matter how righteous anyone claim to be or racist, it will always be something like this: my child over your child. It's an evolutionary trait and if you take care of the children of other men, well i doesn't feel right.
Something strange is going on with muslims, trains and SJW's. It's pretty obvious that a Muslim woman can't get on a train without a Trump supporter calling her a terrorist. Luckily, there are usually Social-justice minded citizens to call out the white privilege of the Nazi's and win the day. It sells newspapers and teaches lessons about virtue to be tweeted into urban legend.
False flags or not, the fable of "The Hero who Defends Muslims on a Train" is now so deeply ingrained into the mind of the SJW that two Portland men are dead after LARPing as white knights vs. a mentally unstable man.
Were these men spurred to action through a spontaneous sense of doing the right thing, or was their actions triggered by conditioning to this specific situation?
>muslim+Trump supporter+train+Social Justice=VIRTUE
Has the media somehow created a generation of Manchurian Candidates? If so, what other acts are they programmed to perform with the correct stimuli?