Why are european men converting en masse to Islam?
Why are european men converting en masse to Islam?
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to get that fine hijab pussy
Are they? Can you give me some stats, instead of a picture of 1 guy that did it?
I am aware of a british ginger that converted
switching to the winning side
They all look like virgin neckbeards.
They probably look at the sandnigger neckbeard and though he was one of them then stupidity ensued.
To be honest, if the muslims teach them to stop being cucks that's a good thing, even if they have to suck some goat dick or something.
same reason why they converted:
my ex was muslim, tasting her pussy made me actually gag
Because they realize the truth bismillah
Mashallah. Conversion rate to Islam is in an all time high despite the attacks against it. It really shows you that the truth shines despite the unbelievers' wishes.
Becuase it's the future of Europe and some guys are probably enticed by the idea of living under principles, getting married to a traditional woman, and Islam is clearly offering stable social values where the mainstream leftists social values are ruining the European countries
It's not that hard to see that Islam is the future and that parts of it make sense to embrace. Muslims are the only people left in Europe who aren't ultra-liberal cuck faggots
It's trendy, same reason whites in America talk like niggers.
At least the whites in America aren't joining a fucking retard religion.
call them cowards or w/e but honestly i can't blame them. what is there to live for in the west? no religion, no god, birthrates negative, the women are stupid whores devoid of femininity. all we have right now really is video games, porn and movies. all artificial stimulation to keep your brain occupied. there's no greater purpose to anything. even the most primal forms of motivation (reproduction, traditional roles) have been completely destroyed to the point where we are literally going extinct demographically.
there's no point in being sad about it though, everything must come to an end eventually. what you do after that is what's important.
well said bro.
they only play their role.
they organize false flags to tarnish the name of islam.
but nobody can win against truth and God.
Here goes my supper. Thanks bong.
More than likely fear of losing their life, though they will not be able to save it.
Spirituality is still something people long after.
Outing yourself as christian will result in you getting made fun off and not being taken seriously.
Converting to islam is okay because everybody who is against it is a nazi.
>but nobody can win against truth and God
except cruise missiles
That's because you're gay.
>en masse
this is where you are wrong
you are wrong pecca. cruise missiles, even nukes are useless against the power of the Almighty. the west is desperate and knows about it very well.
Same reason Tunisian men are becoming jihadis en masse (Tunisians are the most heavily represented country in jihadist groups like ISIS).
Because in Tunisia, the women have become massively influenced by French feminism and this has caused the men to become extremely sexually frustrated, and they try to find a radical ideology which will satisfy and meet their needs: a release from worldly banalities, a way to release their sexual frustration and an ideology which permits the rape of women. Islam, of course, is the answer to all of these requirements, and this is the fundamental reason why people covert to Islam. They want to feel special, they want purpose, but most of all, they want a coherent and cogent ideology to justify the way they feel: they want to justify the anger and frustration they feel towards the world and most importantly, they want an ideology which justifies raping women who "seduce" them, if a women tittilates him, he wants a justification to rape them. In Islam, especially Saudi influenced Wahhabism, women are blamed for being raped because it's their fault for "seducing" the innocent and defenceless good Muslim. This is of course a perfect ideology for many of the angry loners and castouts of society, which is why so many gingers, weirdos and bearded uglies convert to Islam. Olivier Roy calls it not the "radicalisation of Islam" but the "Islamisation of radicalism", which has some truth in it.
Ultimately, it's so they have a justification to murder and rape.
Nah I've tasted loads of fanny, have been with two black girls and they both tasted rank, best I had was Indian.
>even nukes are useless against the power of the Almighty
I know it's a small sample size but so far 100% of nations that have been the target of a nuclear weapon have ended up as godless degenerates.
Look up Neanderthal/Kurgan theory. Euros with more of this blood tend to be violent assholes with a penchant for monotheism and anti-feminism. Jews and arabs are the ultimate manifestation of this.
>even nukes are useless
I well aware of that. Roaches are pretty persistent creatures
>joined 5 years ago
It's a "solidarity calling" that has been amplified by the political and media climate here in Europe.
Japan was already a land of godless degenerates. The nukes just added tentacle porn to the mix.
Another thought to entertain here. I was talking with a teacher the other day at a home church meeting. She was talking about how there were a lot of muslims in their school. Apparently a lot of muslim girls have to get counselling for being lesbian in a muslim family, some men for being gay too.
Maybe there's a light at the end of the tunnel where Islam will be reformed / modernized.
You also have the majority of sympathizers larping as muslims and portraying it as liberal.
If the left loves islam but at the same time all the other degenerate shit (lgbt, abortion, drugs) there has to be a fuck up somewhere.
I can't write my thoughts out very well.
I wish charls from mde was my friend, he seems to have gucci conversations
>be me
>start as Christian nationalist
>spend years attacking Muslims and liberals both
>socialize with Muslims and realize liberals are much worse
>realize Muslims are also nationalists and hold very similar beliefs
>realize Muslims are greater in number and stronger than Christian counterparts
>become Muslim
they aren't.
only criminals do
the amount of people who give up on islam is way higher than the amount of people who convert to islam
no Pecca. the problem is you cant nuke 1.6 billion people. meanwhile many europeans became muslims, too. the west might choose a total war on islam, but will again lose that war. you'll see soon.
is this true?
Most British post I've seen all day
muslims are mentally inferior, like all non european groups they need european technology to survive.
nothing but filth.
this sounds real
They already had the tentacle porn and while they have always been degenerates they had a deified emperor.
i used to use interpals, fucked a german girl i'd been talking to for a few months
now the site isn't what it used to be. it is dead
I refuse to believe this is true
of course not.
>be me
>sexually frustrated
>sympathize with Islam and Muslims whenever I learn more about the religion
It's true honestly
White people converting to Islam is just another way to commit suicide, albeit a slow way.
You see, these wastes of flesh can't just go off themselves in the woods with daddy's gun and save everyone else the trouble. They have to work themselves up to it by surrounding themselves with poisonous people who constantly reinforce to them that blowing themselves up and taking out a bunch of innocent children is the only good way out. Basically, go out in the most retarded, temper-tantrumiest way possible.
That or they just want pubes on their face
I don't think nuking middle-east is necessary. You sandniggers are already really efficient in killing each other
everytime the shitty muslim were focused on science it was to make better optics to know more precisely when to start the ramadan.
really an inferior useless "people"
of course you inferior intellect will push you to deny it. animal.
because the west is nothing but an empty void after ww2 and there was nothing to fill it
while in fact it is you who have been killing us in millions since two hundred years. but soon things will change pecca.
just another idiot who has never heard averroes, avicenna, tusi, biruni, kharazmi etc.
shoo gypsy, civilized are talking.
So muslims confirmed thirstiest sand niggers on the planet? So much that they have to create an ideology of polygamist nature, pedophillia and sodomy. Damn son.
>european technology
That might have been the case 100 years ago, but now scientific journals receive research from all over the world in many fields. Catch up with the times, grandpa.
No. Let's stop memeing here and be serious.
White people in the white are losing faith in life and feel that they are doing nothing with their lives, that their lives are empty. This is where Islam comes in, it gives meaning to their lives and actually gives them a reason to live, so that instead of sulking all day, you gotta pray, you gotta go to the mosque, you gotta help fellow Muslims etc.
The only way to fix this is by giving purpose back to the people. Albeit how, I have no idea.
Because Islam is the ultimate red pill.
>be tunisian man
>oust dictator because democracy and western awesomeness
>live in it for a year
>feminism, pc culture, affirmative action, still dirt poor
>what have i done
>time to kill some cracka faggots
better start organising my friends for the future crusade
>civilized cockroaches
A boot is a boot and a roach is a roach, they go together, just like muslims and goats.
lol do not project your bestial desires to others gypsy
and please stop stealing our things.
just play your accordeon and it will be perfect.
say whatever you want to that roach but it's always funny when the worst people attack other less inferior groups.
you gypsy should just stop posting here.
same experience, desu
ex-gf was indian and she practically bathed in coconut oil and perfume
she always smelled and tasted like a sweet dessert
>white liberal virgins who find meaning in a hocuspocus book instead of their own life, like establishing a family and providing for it.
No argument from me there.
>Why are european men converting en masse to Islam?
It is the only way for them to get women. They do not have to ask for consent.
yes hans is the ultimate arbiter of universal hierarchy
with his germanic tribal past
The real truth? Jews. I'll explain why
>Since man first looked to the stars he wondered what lay beyond
>He had no memory of being born and no memory of what was before (obviously) so he had to believe that he came from an intelligent creator
>For 15,000 years man believed
>He didn't know why, but it was just as much a part of him as knowing he needed a drink when he was thirsty or needing food when he was hungry
>Then came the Jew
>The Jew who pushed (((atheism))) into Christian countries
>Tried their best to erase Christianity from the west
>Goys fell for it because it's what goys do, they follow the popular things and being (((atheist))) was popular and was edgy (some people in their 30s embarrassingly think this is still the case)
>But the goy felt he was missing something, a part of him that he couldn't put his finger on, this sudden gaping black hole that was once filled with belief was now...empty
>In came the (((Muslim)))
>"Oh my brother, I felt like that! Read my quran brother! It will fill your void!"
>And it does
>Because the gist is the same as nearly any other religion
>It doesn't matter what the religion is as long as it plugs that black void
>Which is what (((Islam))) did
>Thanks to Jews pushing (((atheism)))
>Without it there never would have been that void to be replaced
Jews detest Christians. Any Christian who defends Jews isn't a Christian at all.
If you look at any bad thing that's happened in the last say 1000 years or so you will always, ALWAYS, with no exceptions, find a Jew behind it. Every time.
>but soon things will change
First step for you uncivilized savages is try to work together, but that already seems to be too hard a task
i actually defended you, you subhuman filth.
taking it back, fuck that roach.
bump 4 survival
i'm afraid you are a little bit underinformed pecca
thanks but stick your "defence" to your ass hans.
10/10 mad for no fucking reason
average turk and muslim
>while in fact it is you who have been killing us in millions since two hundred years.
>finns killing turks for two hundred years
my fucking timeline, i fucked up somewhere in my calculations and ended up here
Just take Islam for ourselves. It really is the easiest way, otherwise we have to have a war. If we take Islam and reform it for huwites then we win. Liberals would probably shit a brick if the right wing started embracing Islam, its closer to our ideology as it is anyway.
how ironic
it has not been 30 years since the srebrenica massacre of bosnian muslims
pathetic idiot
*blows up*
good night islamic pride
isis and marxist-leninist-atheist pkk killing our civilians?
is this your evidence pecca?
you still believe isis are muslims?
or are they maybe western proxies to kill muslims and say "look muslims are killing each other, we are innocent".
watch this pecca. you'll get red pilled.
If you can't best your opponent and you don't want to be killed, you submit.
Part of the reason those white people convert is because of all the degeneracy in the West. It's what drives them to depression and makes them vulnerable to Islam.
Why bother saving a country that has abandoned you? Those people were brought down by their country, they have no will to fight for it or try to improve it. I agree with you but individual fascists working alone can never accomplish anything with a strong group and leader.
There has to be some other way to fix the void many white people are feeling.
you first took the weapons of bosnians
sent un troops back home
promised you would not do any harm to them
and killed defenceless people
and now you are proud of this cowardice?
typical serb subhuman.
why do they always have ginger beards is the real question
If they join they get a complementary 9 year old bride, and can legally fuck her, regardless of the laws of the land, because only Sharia law matters.
Because they're sick of European women. Their own culture was not strong enough to counter them. Now they've joined one that is.
Not the path I'd recommend but it is better than leaving the bitches in charge.
>having no idea what happened buy keep larping about `truth` heard from local mosque pr
it's a great time to be alive in turkey isn't it?
stupid lies operating again
the whole world knows what happened in srebrenica. it is well documented. you will pay for it one day.
roach, are you triggered?
>>the whole world knows what happened in srebrenica. it is well documented. you will pay for it one day.
the whole world about srebrenica from (((media)))
ftfy roach, keep larping, keep erdogan and also keep being retard sandnigger as you are
we all like you that way
the day of justice will come serb. sooner or later.
don't talk shit about vidya or i'll bomb you
islam is the only way forward for western civilization
let me guess: your filthy god will make sure?
being winner is the natural male attidude. you can't blame them.
What really happened in Srebrenica 101:
1. muslim commander Naser Oric kept slaughtering rounding serbian villages for 4 years from protected in UN safe-zone,
2. 4 years later serbs enter and order all women-elder and children to depart, in provided buses (also recorded an well know),
3. off the rest (mainly mujahedeen cucks and other military personnel), some of women, elderly and children die in breakthrough to Tuzla, since they couldn't go in peace because of their shit-tier leadership,
4. they're all put to same graveyard in Srebrenica and the (((media))) made up a big thing about all of it, disregarding all of this happened to numerous other enclaves in Bosnia and Herzegovina on all sides
>> relevant
die roach, die larping for Allah, die in your on stupidity
>you still believe isis are muslims?
Of course, west and saudi funded or not, the point is that you apes only need someone to give you few guns and we see yet another conflict in ME. No reason is too insignificant if it gives a reason for you to start wasting each other
>this is what serb believes
Man gotta call nato again
Why are the converts mostly redheads? Wtf
Naser Oric, the great commander of Srebrenica fled, leaving all of his own to die
top fucking kek hero
you muslims are joke, i really don't understand how westerners are considering you seriously as a fucking threat, just look at memri TV
muslims are fucking joke
>The country with a flag that looks like toothpaste has something to say.