ITT: Truths that Sup Forums can't handle

>ITT: Truths that Sup Forums can't handle

Sweden is a better country than Poland


Quality of life is much better, Sweden has contributed more to the world, Sweden is more relevant, despite having 1/4 of Poland's population.

Not in 10 years, Ahmed.

Sup Forums is mad about the fact that in reality sweden is about 95 % white


Poland: No sandniggers
Sweden: Shit piles of sandniggers.
UK: Shit piles of sandniggers
Germany: Shit piles of sandniggers.
France: Shit piles of sand niggers.

Politics that we fight over aren't going to have any affect on our lives. We are better off spending our time learning skills than shitposting on an autistic girlscouts forum.

jews are the real master race and stormfags are the niggers of the white race

Sweden predicted to become third world