I've been on Sup Forums for 14 years.
Ask me anything.
I've been on Sup Forums for 14 years.
Ask me anything.
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That's demontration!
how long have you been on Sup Forums?
14 years, ask me anything.
all of Sup Forums is pretty much newfags
FBI being on Sup Forums was already back in 2004 if I remember
Why did they rename the high energy quarks "top" and "bottom" instead of keeping the former "truth" and "beauty" names?
Why are you here
You are correct sir!
I even have a multi-year old image for that but I can't seem to find it right now.
i have no idea what you're talking about!
Becuase nothing else brings me happiness these days!
What do you recall of nurse kun, wtfuxrussia, the secret board, the banwave of 06, or the 2009 doxxing of the cat abuser (if you get this, I will believe you)
back when Sup Forums or aka Sup Forums wasnt full of kikes n shitskins and shitposters
Nurse kun? You mean ebola-chan?
We haven't been a secret club for over a fucking decade, people thought the FBI was trying to kill us cuz moot gave the OK for his mods to start banning racists, We don't dox here, that's how you ge boards shutdown, we're the board of peace.
Sup Forums was always full of shitskins, we just had more fun fucking without everyone else.
>14 years.
Fresh out the boat, eh kid?
>MFW when I've been here since 1998
Muh nigga, I have no questions for you.
also I forgot
back then CP meant Child Pornohraphy but here it was also very often refeared to
CP = CHESSE PIZZA and the fact that CP was refeared to chesse piza and now all of these new conspiracys coming out about pizzagate
its connected
this goes way back into the 2003-era
We were always full of kikes user, I haven't even looked at your links yet.
All that shit started in Sup Forums after /news/ was no longer a thing.
because youre fat american redneck fuck who is too lazy to open new link or youre so autistic that you have 88 tabs open and if you open one more youre shit pentium 4 crashes that, or your mommy is monitoring youre internet activity you barneyfag kill yourself
Could you 7?
How bad does it get?
No, I just know what it was actually like instead of trying to bait a bunch of BS conversation out like a fucking kike.
It will never get better. Drag everyone down with you and have a laugh at their expense.
here's a tip my friend the only people who care about how long they have been here are either newfags who read an ed article or attentionwhores.
also nice political thread I might add
killyourself old fart
age are you?
Or if they're drunk enough to see what comes up when they toss that line out.
Most fucked up post you've witnessed?
ever slipped your missus the rodger on a Saturday night?
Shit that's a good one.
Canada in general, I didn't even hate them, until a year or so ago.
Not sure what you're getting at, but I did stop watching SNL this year when 9/10 of their skits became Trump hit pieces.
Will I ever not be a newfag?
No, becuase actual newfags will call you a newfag until the end of time.
think you'll ever get out?
Oh God no, I'm here forever.
OP tell me how to 7
How old are you now?
Can remember when Sup Forums was liberal. Why do you think it changed?
Prove it
It was never liberal, libfags just couldn't tell cuz they were having fun trolling shit.
>on Sup Forums
> 14 years
> not learned to read rules
you are a nigger and you know it
reported and saged
OP I am a newfag, I can't 7, tell me how or you're full of shit
guy that called m00t a newfag here.
ask me anything
Impossible. Mother fuckers writing essays on the historty of Sup Forums now.
We're all niggers.
what year it became right wing jew naming site?
Sup Forums was a veritable RSS feed of straight CP back then.
True dat.
when do we rule the universe ?
After the kikes are gone.
Ummm so I heard u like mudkipz?
do you have a wife
I'm a fan.
ok . order 1488 ?
Hell no, bitches are a sickness.
what was the relationship between somethingawful and Sup Forums back in the day? i was a bigtime gbs shitposter back when that was good, and always viewed Sup Forums as anime shit for extreme nerds and it's never interested me so i never bothered
Gas them all, every assassination you've ever seen was about country's printing money.
what was your reaction
Ebaum did it.
confirmed commander .
>implying /new/ wasn't /stormfront/
Mein naggrah.
I hope you will stay with us for much more desu
What's worng with that?
>implying it was
Can you stop reddit from invading, oldfag?
tell me the whole(!) story about Snacks.
Got any old ass memes?
It's literally why moot deleted the board.
One digit away from propelling my post. Fuqqen Juden.
Hell no, they want to feel special just like the mask wearing faggots who fought scientology back in the day.
Its like saying I was in the Airborne 14 years
what unit?
Why would you shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?
Salty or sweet, anything else is shitskin streetfood.
Do you know what that is?
Lost my PC a few years ago, but I got a few.
He was right in doing so, we're all shitty human beings.
How is babby formed? how girl get pregnat?