Reminder that if you don't live in the circled part of the US you are missing out on a white utopia
Reminder that if you don't live in the circled part of the US you are missing out on a white utopia
I fucking hate this meme
>Detroit in circle
>Chicago in circle
ok champ
Ah yes... the flyover states. Truly a utopia that inspires envy.
thats all age groups though. if you look at children ages 5 and below, only 50% are now white.
>tfw I live in the only red county in the Michigan section of the map
You need to go visit Minnesota again bruv
What can we do to stop the browning of America?
where's spanish
Why is Arizona so white compared to Texas, New Mexico and California ? Also why are there 2 majority spic counties in the middle of WA?
>detroit is a white utopia now
There are too few spanish-americans.
Absorbed into other populations, depending on the region. There aren't any major enclaves of self-identifying Spaniards left, just smaller ones that don't show up on a national map.
Any genuine white Mexicans tend to identify as Mexican rather than Spaniard as well, but they don't move to the US in large numbers. They're the ones promoting the mestizo rats to leave Mexico for the US.
Fucking nuke those two cities, then we'll be set.
Bitch I paid an extra $400 just to avoid STOPPING in that city for a flight.
>grouping of people that are genetically similar
hispanic is a race
Rhinebeckistani here.
Dutchess County, New York is definitely not mostly Irish.
Northern New Mexico has a large Spanish population, descendants of Spanish conquistadors, they call themselves Nuevo Mexicanos, then again, a lot of them have mixed with the Pueblo indians in the area, in some areas they are just Mestizos who identify as Spanish
>white utopia
pick one
It's true. I've only seen 15 niggers in my life, and three of em were tolerable. But I've seen plenty of natives though.
>mestizos who identify as spanish
kek this is like somalians identifying as swedish... oh fuck
how is this even fucking possible for some of the nothern counties?
>tfw I'm 13% spanish and 10% native american and the rest nord
I'm spanish okay!
>tfw I live in the state with the lowest percentage amount of white people
It's alright though. Japs, Koreans and most Chinese are basically white people with squinty eyes. It's the (((pacific islanders))) you have to watch out for, they commit a lot of crime and bring old-world diseases that people think don't exist anymore.
Rochester makes the cut.
Thank god , I thought I was in rust belt nigger hell.
been lurking chan for almost a decade, pol for few a years, the browning of the US is not avoidable im afraid, its been settled
dammm this disociation of reality can only happen with chicanos and cubans
You spelled mestizo wrong
You encircled Detroit & Chicongo
Why are Mexicans and Turks combined?
When is that Map from, the 1950s?
Here's a more modern map.
Don't forget Kansas City and St. Louis. Full of nogs
>white utopia
Nigger Detroit is inside the OP circle.
This map is actually a moving pattern one. For example, in Miami-Diade, non-Hispanic white people are increasing in percentage thanks to higher birth rates yet this map shows the county losing whites.
Arizona is one of the greatest states in the Union, that's why.
I wonder if Mexicans being counted as White on Census, and Arrests, does anything to the Data?
More contemplation needed.
Meanwhile in Detroit
Problem with the census is that it relies on how people self-identify themselves. Tons of Latinos identify as black or white, not Hispanic.
>the only place with white population gain in california is fucking San Francisco.
They actually do since Hispanic is not a race but an ethnicity which you can cross additionally to your race.
It's not accidental, it's intentional. They are intentional misleading us about the numbers, to give a false sense of security.
It's actually quite beautiful downtown
Reminder that 'they don't really care a bout you'
How is detroit nowadays anyways? It had its big downfall but you dont even hear much about it nowadays? Is it a big ghost town now?
hahaha wtf is this, are they even allowed to do this ?
No it's not. They all have white European ancestry from being colonized by Spaniards and such giving them common European genetic signatures. The only genetic difference is pretty much skin tone but race actually goes beyond skin color. They have Caucasoid bone structures, it's possible to do organ transplants with them and be perfectly fine unlike if we used niggers or gooks, etc.
80 and 97 percent isn't too huge of a difference. Hispanics however can be divided between black and white Hispanic, but over half of them in the US are considered white Hispanic. Light-skinned Latinos are practically just white people with a built-in tan per se so they're fine. We just have to avoid the more darker and afro-haired ones.
>Genetic research has found that the average non-European admixture is present in both White-Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites with different degrees according to different areas of the US. Average European admixture among self-identified White Hispanic Americans is 73%
>Hipsters insist Detroit is beautiful
>Try to rebuild the city
>A couple blocks are filled with coffee shops and sushi places
But don't stray one block too far in the wrong direction, else you'll be robbed/raped/killed.
That's what I'm trying to tell people, that this is intentional, not accidental.
Once again the Jews are scheming to hide Non-White Crime, and Census numbers, from Americans.
It's a systematic, multifaceted attack, that we're all under.
So basically they are ugly white people who voted like shit.
Kansas City is all white people
is this real? I want to trust you, but Sup Forums is mostly fake news.
Uhhh Minnesota? Pretty sure they love some somalians
>Blue eyes
He's colorblind.
I dunno man. I live in Colorado Springs and we have everyone. TONS of blacks, latinos, asians, and fucking muslims. My kids are a minority at their school. Oh it's not a black school. Again, it's every fucking race in the book that goes there.
So again, I'm not seeing it.
Barely in the circle but it's hardly a white utopia.
You don't have to be black to be a nigger and let me tell you, Kansas has plenty of white niggers.
>tfw don't live in Great Divide town with conservative waifu having many beautiful white children while being part of a strong local community
>tfw live in spicland southern california
>all those commiefornians invading texas
>tfw live in a white country
>Implying the only white utopia is in the US.
It's real. Go look up the FBI's Most Wanted.
Look at the picture, name, and race posted. Or any US Police Department. They're doing this across the board.
the welsh were never white lad
Welsh people are just Anglo colonists at this point. The only places where the majority of people have Welsh surnames are the council estates. Wales is just West England at this point except the Anglos have gone native with their culture.
With the sheep being fucked out the window that welsh lad could be anywhere in the British Isles.
>Over half of those latino men are taller than me
It's stuff like this that genuinely makes me consider suicide or at least not reproducing so I won't spread my manlet genes.
>implying natives don't like a bit of the boom and bosh with their livestock
Only 4 are taller than 5'9. How tall are you?
>Kansas City is all white people
You have a strange concept for "all White people."
its just the boomers dying out all at once
Where do you live, bro?
5'7". So two are the same and six are taller.
I guess those guys are just freaks though cause I live in a fairly latino heavy area and I'm taller than probably 70% of them. Saw one that was like 6'3" the other day and just had to wonder what the fuck his parents fed him.
Just breed even if it's only with a latina girl.
>m-muh huwhite
Come home, white man
Yes and no. "Hispanic" in and of itself isn't technically a race, like White European, Subsaharian African, East Asian, etc. But it's a political term that groups together people of Latin American origin, who usually are made up of different % of mixture of Native American, White European, and Subsaharian African DNA.
That said you have to go back, Juan.
FBI crime data separates Whites from Hispanic "Whites" now.
Census forms explicitly ask if people are Hispanic now since the retarded spics kept putting themselves down as White. I think they started doing that in 2010.
God damn that's depressing. Only in the middle of fucking nowhere are white people breeding. This is the number one sign of a truly fucked up society. We pay all the taxes, carry everyone rich and poor, and we can't even afford to feed our own so we stay childless because we don't assume someone else will pick up the tab.
This is the world they created for us. Government need to hang for this.
Alberta. It's great. Fuckin beautiful nature, great economy even after the oil bust, and the immigrants are actually integrated
Flyover states are where dreams go to die. Except for pol autists who care more about muh white purity then actual economic opportunities, good looking girls, and cool city shit
Basically it works like this:
Cities: Death traps for white people (unless you live in Fort Bend, El Paso or Miami)
Suburbs: Doing okay-ish and not losing "too much" each generation
Rural areas: Losing only a few % or even gaining whites
>Texas regaining the borderlands
Doesn't the white category include sandniggers too? How many of them are over there? Do they assimilate?
All the niggers live in ghettos.
WA: Agriculture, Yakima and Franklin counties have assloads of Mexican field workers.
Actually no, Hispanics are still outbreeding non-Hispanic whites there but a bunch of white young people are just moving there. Only in El Paso and Fort Bend whites are holding steady (and in some other rural areas).
The US only has like 2% sandniggers and most of them live in big non-white states where it doesn't matter.
Flatland faggot. Learn how to drive a car. You ever consider moving back to Newfoundland, you goof fuck?
>entirely white
>not circled
Hell yeah... im Michiganfag and fucking love white people
>Detroit is nigger hive
Dude anything over 5% Negroid, is an infestation.
Kansas city was 30% Negro 7 years ago. That's shit-hole status.
why in the living fuck is colorado in that it is a spic shit whole in the cities any where that isnt the mountains or but fuck nowhere is spic cental
fuck off i hate my state
This is why it's "white"
Holy shit we have to build the wall. I knew it was bad but didn't know it was that bad.
here is a better map that can zoom in: