> Sup Forums hates Islam
> Sup Forums agrees with pretty much all of the social aspects of Islam
Would you pretty much agree or sympathize with Islam if it wasn't mostly dumb brown people and had no terrorism problem?
Sup Forums hates Islam
It's because we are racist. Other than that, there are only pretty superficial reasons to hate islam.
The liberals should be glad I'm a racist, because if I did not regard brown people as disgusting, I'd be with them islamizing society.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums nothing more nothing less
>Sup Forums agrees with pretty much all of the social aspects of Islam
I don't like Islamic aesthetics, they just scream sandnigger. I'm white, I want a culture that reminds me of snow and European forests, not some ugly fucking desert.
>Would you pretty much agree or sympathize with Islam if it wasn't mostly dumb brown people and had no terrorism problem?
No. The culture which comes with it is too fucked.
>Create superpower country , Everyone happy , rich , most technologically advanced
>Everyone poor , ugly , Stupid , Never been successful and never contributed anything to the world , worship goat fucking fag
Islam is a religion for sandnigger
I am no sandnigger
> Sup Forums agrees with pretty much all of the social aspects of Islam
>pretty much all
Pretty much all != Literally only the parts on the vaginal jew
get the fuck out of here with your buzzfeed-tier post
>Other than that, there are only pretty superficial reasons to hate islam.
A'ight nigga, bait taken. It should be legal for white people to viciously beat the shit out of other white people that say shit like this.
Islam is a disgusting, filthy religion. Maybe not Sufism or Bektashi Islam or any religion which is more spiritual, but the religion practiced by most Sunni Muslims in the world, especially Arab Sunni Muslis and especially Wahhabi filth like Saudis and Qataris is the filthiest, smelliest, most disgusting and toxic religion on earth. It goes against literally every single principle which made Europe and the West so prosperous and successful economically and spiritually. Look at the Winston Churchill quote on Islam and Mohammedans, it's absolutely spot on.
So you have to ask, why do some people convert to this shite? Look to Tunisia, the greatest sender of terrorists per capita; in Tunisia, the women have slowly gained rights, rape victims don't have to marry rapists etc. and this has caused the men to become extremely sexually frustrated, and they try to find a radical ideology which will satisfy and meet their needs: a release from worldly banalities, a way to release their sexual frustration and an ideology which permits the rape of women. Islam, of course, is the answer to all of these requirements, and this is the fundamental reason why people covert to Islam. They want to feel special, they want purpose, but most of all, they want a coherent and cogent ideology to justify the way they feel: they want to justify the anger and frustration they feel towards the world and most importantly, they want an ideology which justifies raping women who "seduce" them, if a women tittilates him, he wants a justification to rape them. In Islam, especially Saudi influenced Wahhabism, women are blamed for being raped because it's their fault for "seducing" the innocent and defenceless good Muslim. This is of course a perfect ideology for many of the angry loners and castouts of society, which is why so many gingers, weirdos and bearded uglies convert to Islam. Olivier Roy calls it not the "radicalisation of Islam" but the "Islamisation of radicalism", which has some truth in it
Somewhere down the line this girl has Christian ancestors.
This is one of the main reasons we hate Islam: it has robbed countless peoples and cultures of their heritage.
Get out stormfag
That's where your wrong kiddo. There was a time when they weren't complete niggers
Islam does a lot of that
> Expect greatness
> Recognition of differences
> Noblesse Oblige
> Exceptional abilities valued and rewarded
> Against racist violence
> Ethnic solidarity
> National interests
Islam isn't inherently opposed with these, these could be/are compatible with it
> World conquest;evangelism
You're right there
> Salvation through faith and family
> Create and cultivate beauty
> Subsuming ego to higher ideal
Islam pretty much embodies these to a T.
> State is God
That's an element of fascism, Islam basically has that but instead God is state.
> Celebrate vulgarity
> all you need is love
> Tolerance
> Ego gratification
> Elevate mediocrity
Islam is either explicitly or implicitly very opposed to those and in-line with Fascism in being so.
>Would you pretty much agree or sympathize with Islam if it wasn't mostly dumb brown people and had no terrorism problem?
It's not Canadian.
You can day the same thing about Christianity; hell, most religions
Christianity is the religion of a jew.
Are a jew?
>using stormfag as an insult
kek, how about you get out you spineless faggot
i like islam's stance on women and some other things, the problem is terrorist attacks but more importantly the muslim immigrants who come to europe. if they stayed in their own countries we could have a nice discussion about how to stop women from being degenerates witch is their real nature.
You were the guy that wore wolf shirts in school weren't you?
>implying any other alternative is better
between Islams crazy killings and pagan/atheist degeneracy i would take Christianity any day.
Christianity is a sandnigger/semitic religion too. Are you a Europagan? kek.
Canada has no national identity as stated by Trudeau himself, pretty much anything can be Canadian. There are Canadian Muslims.
Somewhere down the line your ancestors were nomads with some bizarre dualistic religion we wouldn't recognize today or were just not religious in anyway we would define.
There was a time in which Persia and parts of the Arab world were among the most developed/advanced on earth.
It's not just the vaginal stuff, see
Yup, Sup Forums is all PEDO-worshipping moon lovers who think rape is righteous.
God you're dumb.
>inb4 leaf
>Peru motherfucker
Dumb fucks focusing on Islam whilst Jews plunder your nations.
answer is yes, christicucks are jewish
Im actually an atheist
>"has no terrorism."
Roach detected.
I read the Quran.
I know what it commands.
Kebab removal pending.
Yes there was , when they were lead /ruled by white people or nazi's
>fucking prove me wrong - oh shit u can't it's fucking impossible
>create and cultivate beauty
>bans statues and art and creates ugly ass buildings - the only good ones are based on existing Christian buildings
>ethnic solidarity
>national interests
>Islam is a globalist movement which eradicated native cultures wherever it spread and demands fealty to the faith rather than one's national interest
also pedos, pedos everywhere
the only muslims who contributed anything good were european converts, ffs
>Arab world
>most advanced
Try again, apologist. All they got was astronomy and math which they stole from the Egyptians/Greeks when they conquered Syria and Egypt. The Muslim Golden Age is a fucking fiction, especially considering the Byzantines were still the RomanEmpire and continuing its scientific exploits
> Reading comprehension
I never said it didn't have a terrorism problem and asked if people would agree/be fine with it if it didn't have it.
> Persian/Arab world ruled over by whites or nazis
> Inb4 Persians are white
> by Sup Forums standards
what's the situation in Ireland? I hear Dublin is like London now
>pumping all exp into your WOKE stat
>liberals dislike child murder
>nazis dislike child murder
would you agree that liberals and nazis are the same in all respects
To a liberal all things which are antagonistic towards liberalism are the same, because once the liberal virus is embedded in your brain, you can't interpret ideas other than liberalism without being scared and rejecting them
Fuck islam dude, it's just old political propaganda. Like all the Abrahamic religions.
Agree with all that except pre-islam sandniggers contributed and created civilization.
right on, death to white converts lol
Yes. I don't even mind the terrorism, I mind that it's directed at whites (and non-white christians to a lesser degree). If it was directed solely at the jews, fuckin A.
The irony of a lot of this is that Hitler actually like Islam, or at least respected it and didn't think negatively of it.
i just wanna fuck a thicc one desu
Shes iranian so no, probably zoroastrian ancestors though
You hear correctly , used to live near Dublin and it's a fucking shitskin fest , moved to countryside recently tho , only 2 shitskins (dark Asians not even real shitskins) in my whole school and never seen a nigger in the street
>woman fall for all this multicultural bullshit but lads are pretty redpilled
Islam prevents degeneracy by scaring people, which turns people insane and rebellious sex starved and violent beast.
I think Sup Forums wants a society that refuses degeneracy not by force but because of positive values.
>> Sup Forums agrees with pretty much all of the social aspects of Islam
That's where you are wrong.
Majority of Sup Forumstards are true right wing liberals.
As in believing in civil liberty, individualism, the free market and personal responsibility.
Islam is all about goatfucking neets who will violently spreg out in the name of a dead autistic pedofile.
>liberals dislike child murder
That raghead looks pretty fuckable.
>apostasy = decapitation
>theft = chop hand off
>these are repercussions
>Sup Forums doesn't want to prevent the problem
there's the problem in your thinking.
for fucks sake, my grandparents were from South Dublin, good on you pal, if you haven't already i hope you find a gorgeous lass and have some kids but sometimes i think it's pointless with the way things are going
You and I know that's B.S. during the middle ages. Muslims did contribute plenty. The roles were almost reversed. The fact that we use the numbers we do is an example.
Arabic numbers are actually from India and not the result of Arabic/Muslim thinkers.
Sup Forums agrees with paedophilia, inbreeding and illiteracy now? Great.
I want this stupid Islamic golden age propaganda to die already.
>hurr durr we call our numbers ARABIC XDDD
Kill yourself.
you think so? when you say muslims contributed, you are referring to the turks? i know you're not talking about the paks
We do not agree with goat fucking and pedophily.
Yeah it's bad , all the muslims are just leeching council
I think people are waking up tho , most people don't know the truth about politics so you've got to beat the feminists with common sense if you hear that nonsense
>liberals dislike child murder
This is top quality bullshit. Liberals insist on infanticide being legal, and without shame they demand the public pay for it. They call it in the USA "a woman's right to choose [whether or not to murder an unborn baby]."
I want the legal right to choose [whether to murder people I don't like] too. I wouldn't even force the taxpayer to subsidize it.
Also the "Islamic" golden age was nt Islamic at all, but claimed from the conquered Persians.
Didn't they steal most of the stuff from other populations?
Yeah and most contributions were made by persians that arabs stole the credit for
tfw no submissive hijabi thicc grill
I have this one teacher in my school
>fat , (most likely feminist) constantly repeats all that shite like "migrants are needed to support the old
Females constantly agree with her
Why is it so hard to understand that it doesn't belong in the West whatever it might preach?
> thicc
You spelled "lardass" wrong.
aye, it's a mess.. just curious is your surname actually irish or english in origin, i don't want to know your surname obviously
would still plow
these truly are end times.. bring it on
Donnelly , very original name please don't dox me
dast is not gut! fk is wrong with you?
Islam is a pedophile worshipping terrorist cult that wants to kill or enslave everyone who doesn't follow their cult
Fuck Islam and fuck these blatant shills
While we are here laughing at how beta and pathetic you north europeans are, I'm watching the fall of western civilization.
many things, I ain't a hans though, just here for holidays
i don't dox, irish kindred you are legit irish, like myself, fatherline anyway
She'd get stoned to death if her parents seen that lol
No, Christianity exists. How about Islam denounce allah and mohammad and convert by worshiping Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior. Maybe then they'll learn how a religion of peace truly operates.
Girls whoring themselves like that is haram.
I've seen many muslim women with tight leggings so thin their thong is visible and belly showing and boob cleavage. That's what western society does to most women, no wonder the Muslim men are pissed off
They're getting cucked by this degenerate society just like most people
wtf? where the hell did that come from my fascist brother? we have survived worse! hold the line brother, not much longer now!!
>There was a time when they weren't complete niggers
Well that time passed by probably about the time that Muhammad initiated the Jihad.
I will laugh like a moron when muslims take over Europe and will have to deal with issues like that.
my gf makes your lady friend look like a camel
That's why they always got their ass handed to them by Christians. Islamist have always been stagnant, worthless and cowardly, Sup Forums may think we are the same, but we just want pre 1939 era of morality
Sup Forums would worship us if we were white.
We don't have to hold any line, we're a bit poor but we are doing fine, remember britbro, you're welcome anytime as long as you don't make trouble.
i keep forgetting that most users are muds D:
>agrees with social aspects of Islam
lmao no, just the vocal neckbeard virgins who live in their mom's basement
don't you have refugee feet to kiss you race traitor ?
>muh based beaner, must race mix cuz he a gud practicing boi
It's not like Italians are bringinng them in by the boatload... oh wait
Don't throw stones in glass houses.
western society has its upsides a guess, I enjoy viewing the tight hijabi meat
>Would you pretty much agree or sympathize with Islam if it wasn't mostly dumb brown people and had no terrorism problem?
Sure. That and bowing to some sandnigger god 5 times a day are my main problems with it.
The co-opted (((right's))) fixation with Islam is just a pretext for our Zionist AIPAC foreign policy and distraction from the tribe who created the instability and let these people into our countries.
If we had our own people making policy the Islamic problem would be confined to the margins of our concerns.
Anyone who bashes Islam without addressing the real threat is a worthless or dangerous shill. The media figures who have done this for decades and those who carry on their legacy are enemies to our race and its nations.
what about the football ultras? you guys are savage when organized
>Following the tradition of your ancestors.
>Refusing to worship a foreign religion which is basically Judaism 2.0 but still syncretic with Pagan rites and rituals just to bring anyone to church.
Oh well, I wouldn't expect a deracinated mulatto like you to understand.
And yet they're all moving to Northern Europe.
>Sup Forums
>wishes to be alpha
>favors Natsoc
>please let the government tell me what to do
Sup Forums just wants pre WW2 moral and social norms, nothing compared to islam
many traitors down there, friend.. it's a mess, the pope washes invaders feet ffs :-/
Fucking retard during the Dark Ages in Europe the Middle East was the pinnacle of civilization in the world. While Europeans were dying of disease, the middle east was studying science and philosophy for literal centuries. Lots came from the Islamic Golden Age. It's a fact that the caliphates were pretty productive and impressive militaristic accomplishments.