White girl here. Why does the Alt-Right hate that blacks date white women? If we want to get blacked whats the problem? The white man is not as sexually masculine when compared to a black man.
White girl here. Why does the Alt-Right hate that blacks date white women? If we want to get blacked whats the problem...
I bet you like horses, too.
You know the drill, TITS or GTFO.
shut your whore mouth
Enjoy your crisis in your 30s
Voted Trump.
If you want to go and get blacked then that's your perogotive. Just don't get all upitty with the rest of the male population when we view you as used trash while you carry around your fatherless molato child.
>white girl here
Nice try
tits or die, probably just a nigger trying to justify racemixing
Poast tits and timestamp. You know the drill, future toll payer.
this. proven decent men dont want a nigger lover with half nigger child. this drives the whore insane as she cant understand why she should be responsible for her actions
Love "Nigger dick"
If you wanna get blacked, enjoy the stds, single motherhood, and domestic violence that comes with it.
Sorry femanon I'm gonna have to stop you right there
I'm gonna need some proof that you're a white girl
I wouldn't mind at all if it didn't mean 1-10 more niggers in my country for each the likes of you.
Black girl here. Shooba doop bobba doopa doop muhfugga bix nood crackaz sheeeeeit whoopa boop ugga bugga yousa say wez gonna die, Annie?
TITS or GTFO! Oh yeah, your LARPing.
Tits or GTFO
sick LARPING Tyrone
White men are infinitely more sexy than black men. Brains + bod. Also big lips on men are gross.
>X here
DO NOT reply to these posts in the future
wtf i love herpes now
>White girl here.
There is no problem. No one here wants you already. Just make sure you advertise it as much as possible so no one gets confused.
And yes, after this? Black guys are your only option. Do enjoy.
I know you're a neckbeard but I always wanted to go to the US just to fuck some of your girls. They just love to fuck other races out of spite, it's like they think they are getting back at you guys for some imaginary shit you have done or whatever.
Anyways, easy sex is awesome even if they are dumb.
If you want to date a black guy, go for it. What they hate is when you get pissed that they don't want you afterwards, especially when you're dragging around a half nigger child.
This. No benefit to being with nog. Its literally just perverted zoophilia.
I'd never let a woman touch me if I knew she let a black guy fuck her. Just couldn't.
mods failing to do their jobs as usual