Hi Sup Forums. Nigger here. Was raised pretty much in white and asian culture my whole life...

Hi Sup Forums. Nigger here. Was raised pretty much in white and asian culture my whole life, so i didn't realize people of my race could be so unreasonable until the past few years. I often try to brainstorm ways to revamp the culture, but it seems like insightful or helpful members of the community get ignored or shouted down. I'm not sure if it needs to be a memetic thing or a generation project or what, but i do know that we really need to work on our relations with other cultures. So to that end what do YOU all think blacks can do mend their relationships with other races?

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How can niggers be real if our cottons not real?

Look up for "Frankfurt School" and what impact it had on the USA.

You will understand why the victimization of blacks is needed for kikes

I've not heard of this. I'll poke around a bit. Also i have to admit that i know next to nothing about the racial climate outside of America (other than for some reason we see fit to intellectually and politically shield one of if not the worst religions known to man)

Also, answer to original question please. What can blacks do to help fix the problem? What would white people like to see changed?

Honest hard-working blacks speaking up against these regressive liberals. Men like Thomas Sowell and Larry Elder are good examples. All shitposting aside, I want to live in a country where everyone shares the same values as me, I couldnt give a fuck what they look like

Less single-parent households, less dependency on government. This goes for any racial group.

undo integration, re-segregate

black culture and white culture will never get along

diversity + proximity = war

Fight the kikes and fight for the white race. Humanity's survival depends on beating the kikes and white civilization.

One of the biggest ideas i try to push around the young black people i do know, is that working hard is like exercise. It just feels better. You feel more spry, you feel better about yourself and your place in the world, etc. It doesn't just help society. I think a lot of these stupid protests aren't just niggers being sold on a lie about the source of their problems. I think some of them are mad and embarrassed that they're ruining their lives, and just double down on the blame game so they don't have to face it


Ehhh while i agree that proximity of different cultures inevitably leads to friction, There's no way segregation would ever happen. I know there are a lot of blacks for this as well....But i just don't see it being feasible. And there are two many cultural mutts that would get fucked by such a shift

>So to that end what do YOU all think blacks can do mend their relationships with other races?

It's pretty easy STOP BEING BIGOTS

Mugi is such a coalburning slut
>So to that end what do YOU all think blacks can do mend their relationships with other races?
Negros must be vanquished from the earth regrettably. You are less developed creatures that commit an unforgivable sin against God by impersonating human beings. Acknowledge what you are and witness the higher purpose of wiping out all Negros and see to it that justice prevails. I feel bad for you being born to such a fate but it would be wrong of me to discriminate from Negro to Negro due to personal preference despite my own misgivings.

>what do YOU all think blacks can do mend their relationships with other races
Go the fuck back and stay gone

ironically this was abe lincoln's after the civil war but was stonewalled by congress because of cost (doesn't that sound familiar...)



Here i am, trying to extend an olive branch and you've got the NERVE to call her a slu-
> looks at picture
Ehhhh you right nigga you right all them bois hittin she aint lyin to nobody wit that face

Blacks do not have role models other than sports stars and rappers. This is no doubt intentional.

1. stop committing crimes
2. get jobs
3. speak proper English
4. dress like respectable people

I really want to see an edit of this with black science mans face

>I want to live in a country where everyone shares the same values as me
This is exactly what liberals want, too.
What the fuck is happening in that webm? I don't understand.


> no Malcolm x

The funny thing is, i was thinking to myself, "my parents always made me iron my clothes and wear them properly, and of course i was trained in proper diction. Of course." And then i realized. All of my aunts and uncles didn't. And they're still in the ghetto. I don't know how to convince the terrible ones to cut it the fuck out. Sorry.

You're a credit to your race.
If almost all blacks we're like you, you'd see a whole lot less people screaming blacks are inferior.
Heck, sub-saharan africa would be full of super powers at this point.

It too late. Ever since they were let free Jews told them "it's not your fault". When you have generations raised like this how can they ever develop a sense of responsibility and accountability. It's sad really because they will move forward.



by 2033 the shit hits the fan , massive destribution probs in the western world . we will cull you . that`s all .

Well that's what happens when both parents are there, and education is made a priority. Also there was always like, for me, the stereotype of the old wizened black man who ran the chess club at the community center. THAT's the role model that i guess is gone now? Even if chess doesn't matter, having an adult going "ok kid stop fucking around and pay attention" does wonders. That's why i think the solution might need to be generational. Perhaps the black community needs to cultivate an team of mentors. Because i mean honestly, how is anyone supposed to talk down the maniacs throwing rocks through windows?

Cut them off. Makes them have to support themselves and take responsibility. No gibs.

>So to that end what do YOU all think blacks can do [to] mend their relationships with other races?

Go back to Africa and stay there. I'm not even kidding.

>Bix nood

Holy fuck whistle the Andy Griffith song while you're at it


Speaking properly and dressing at least somewhat professionally are important. People want to pretend like they don't matter, but they do. This is true with everyone, poor white trash definitely not excluded. It's an immediate, obvious sign of degenerecy that smart and aware poor people can learn to crawl out of poverty, but retarded meth babies will never grasp.

Sure you will, Achmed, it definitely won't be the Mormon, other religious, and nationalist militias that restore order to regions of the US, it will be you

tits or gtfo
oh, wait

>So to that end what do YOU all think blacks can do mend their relationships with other races?
go extinct


Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.

the solution is self-determination, imo

with freedom comes dignity

when pharoah freed the slaves moses and his people didn't stick around

in the meantime just need a positive message, and there's plenty in the black community already


I 100% agree. People do not understand how human motivation fucking works. You take everything away and give someone dust, and WHOOPS all of a sudden they have a castle. Pity legit kills people. It blinds them to how strong they can be.

Just stop being criminals. Follow the Noahide Laws.

> So to that end what do YOU all think blacks can do mend their relationships with other races?
an absolute FIRST, has to be quit whining and crying every time you don't get over on someone else.
Blacks don't even have to be aggrieved, they just have to think that someone else got the same or better end of a deal for them to go into hysterics that they are being oppressed by centuries of ghosts and goulies

HAHAHAHA That black Israelite lol

Yeah I've heard this general theory before. But i can't...Man, i understand the value of culture. And that the death of culture is when we're all oatmeal gray. I actually agree with this. I think we should all be on good terms, because that's how we create and talk about cool shit, but, I'm not on a crusade against whitey. The regressive left hates on "fetishism of the foreign". Instead of thinking that maybe, it's just cool, and we want to preserve that social lab where other cool stuff comes from. While we cook up our own cool stuff over here. This is not complicated. (If this is pasta i swear to fuck)

what the fuck kind of fighting/fucking/dancing is that?

Yeah, the ethos of the frontiersman is more than just exploration. Whatever the situation, black culture is unwilling to cut the umbilical cord.

Actually, I'm reminded of people who are diagnosed with depression and mope around in their beds for five years

>One of the reasons we’re never going to be successful as a whole, because of other black people. And for some reason we are brainwashed to think, if you’re not a thug or an idiot, you’re not black enough. If you go to school, make good grades, speak intelligent, and don’t break the law, you’re not a good black person. And it’s a dirty, dark secret.
>Charles Barkley

The problem lies with the black-American identity and modern identity politics. "We were slaves, we are owed, we are right, we deserve, we should not be criticised," and that inevitably leads to the idea that anyone who goes against that (by being successful through hard work and learning) is an enemy of it. Therefore self-improvement is shunned. The only way to quickly change that is to destroy those ideas completely and start anew, but achieving this would require either a fuckton of resources or mass killings and that'd never happen. There's also a lot of money to be made from it by politicians wanting a vote, by vampires like Al Sharpton, by media pandering to it, etc. Perhaps in one-hundred years time black-America will have woken up and started turning this around, perhaps it'll just be worse than ever. The good news for you is this isn't defining on an individual level, if you're not a part of it you don't have to be (and if you are you can still get out), and whilst this might feel a bit traitorous take comfort in the facts they don't (and never will) give a fuck about you either, and pretty much all other black people around the world hate black-Americans as well.

>Whatever the situation, black culture is unwilling to cut the umbilical cord.

maybe after the apocalypse. we have to survive (together, perhaps) first.

his post reads like pasta.

more eloquent;


> dirty dark secret

Yeah not even anymore. That was the only reason i ever got bullied in school. It's HUGE among blacks. It's fucking ridiculous. My sis got it, and just kinda folded, my bro got it, and just became a maniac narcissist to push back. But I'm sure tons of kids just drown. And i bet that the ones that survive it just want to move away from it all, and build a healthy life away from all that. But i mean, I'm sure we were lucky. Some kids get beaten to death for being a "traitor". Ridiculous.

Why are you have such a low IQ?

Move to Liberia.

Prove blacks can be civilised by building a proper nation state there.

>It is a law of nature we overlook, that intellectual versatility is the compensation for change, danger, and trouble. An animal perfectly in harmony with its environment is a perfect mechanism. Nature never appeals to intelligence until habit and instinct are useless. There is no intelligence where there is no change and no need of change. Only those animals partake of intelligence that have to meet a huge variety of needs and dangers.

most of Africa has no winter to plan for; not like in europe and northern asia

why so many "hey pol I'm a nigger" threads? is it because of the (you)'s? why do people like (you)'s.

Are you nigger?


Well yeah it's obvious to you, you went through it, but for little Tyrone and DeShawn who fell for the conditioning, for Rebecca and Snowflake studying their liberal political theory, for Cletus and Bob who ain't ever met a black person, you think they know about it or accept it? The very reason it exists is because it's either seen as racist or it's the white man's fault thus the white man needs to fix it. Shit hasn't changed, you've just got your eyes open.

Key correction

>What can blacks do to help fix the problem? What would white people like to see changed?
get them to stop blaming all white people for slavery. half of my family was from the north where slavery was illegal. the other half of my family came to america 50 years after the civil war. not my fuckin fault.

Malcolm X wanted segregation of blacks and whites, not slavery of white people.

Just leave us the fuck alone, stop trying to move into our neighborhoods, stop shitting out so many babies, stop playing the perpetual victim game, stop committing fucking crime. JUST. FUCKING. STOP.

Just my humble opinion, but you don't sound like a "nigger" to me. More like a regular person who happens to be black or whatever.

Get with other like-minded black people and proceed to live your lives your way. Based on the left's failure at ginning up "race riots", I suspect there may be more of y'all than the crazy type.

We're going to need each other if the left gets the conflict they're looking for.