What does Sup Forums think about Ireland?
too many west brits
I'm 50% Irish so by nature I love the country. Love the resistance to British rule.
Wtf is a west Brit?
Filthy degenerate alcoholic terrorists. Literally the niggers of the white races
Seems like a very nice place. The ones that speak irish sound a lot more badass than the english speaking sellouts.
potato niggers
potato niggers, but a lot of them are right on the cusp of the next evolution to being white so i call them my friend.
some potatoes are ok, the others are catholics.
You're fine. The Jews are the ones who push the anti-red hair and anti-green eye memes in order to kill off the most recessive and unique traits of the white race by getting them to mix with niggers.
I like Northern Ireland, just not the shitty Southern bit of it.
Great country and people but the past century has been such a total fuck up that it's hard to be optimistic about it's future.
white niggers
stupid motherfuckers died from a potato famine while being surrounded by fish
Hard to say. Relative of mine, who's living there for 10 years already is trying to convince me to move there. Wages are times higher than here, that I know for sure.
Ahmed plz
And somehow, due to their persistence on neutrality during wars, I have a feeling they'll be the last whites to fuck themselves by mixing
Stupid Britbongs. Get blown up again
I have a friend living there., he seems to like it
These niggas are incredibly pale white
Fucking disgusting, bog trotting, potato niggers. The only good Irishman is a dead Irishman!
You can't store fish without smoking it which requires quite a lot of effort, most Irish fishing villages (and Brit ones) only caught enough to provide for themselves and Britain took the herrings to be canned. Imagine today, not if every single trawler was out 24/7 bringing in their maximum capacities could you even feed 1/100th of the population.
potato niggers tbqh
from my experience they are a lot more accepting of eastern europeans than even england is, though its very unlikely you'd get any grief over here either. Lower wages than Britain though and certain things are more expensive like energy and medical care.
I like their potatoes. But I think most British people did in the past, too.
So many fucking Jew shills even when they're pale ass white with almost no minorities compared to the rest of Europe
It's funny breh
Belongs to Britain
My grandparents on my mothers side were Irish. I've never been but I really want to go. Great people. Just a shame the EU basically runs the country now.
Still dont understand why a small part of the Irish island is a part of the UK.
I wounder how difficult would it be to go there and redpill a qt redhead?
I like them
If you have to ask you probably are one. Basically people from the pale, support British football teams, no real interest in our own culture, consume a lot of BBC and itv media etc.
You guys are stupid and allowed in minorities en masse.
The Irish low IQ shit is a meme. Pale ass white. One Asian
It's a shitty poor country and we're basically niggers. Don't come here, you won't like it.
Medical care more expensive?
I thought you lived in a Socialist Utopia where everything was freee.
There's no way we're still 96% white. A quick walk around any city says otherwise.
>no minorities
Not anymore. Successive neo liberal centre left and right governments have been destroying this country slowly with immigration.
6 counties in the province of Ulster. The island of Ireland has 4 provinces, Ulster is the only one with counties part of the UK. 3 of the Ulster countries, Donegal, Cavan, and Monaghan are part of the republic while the rest are the north.
Fuck yeah it does.
rains too much
That's because of our love for Bacon, Alcohol, less draconian 1984 society, and high paying easy jobs.
Also less mussies than the UK.
Lower wages? What industry? I left England to earn more here in IT.
My family is from there, and I would like to visit someday, but I would just be another dumbass American going to find their roots in Ireland.
Better than anglos.
It's a hidden gem, but it's fastly becoming muslim, poo infested shithole if you guys don't do anything about it.
Despite what some retard neo liberal fools online might say, we still greatly respect ancestry.
Everyone here will be respectful of that except the typical pixie cut tumblr types.
Just don't ask where the leprechauns are and don't assume we all know your entire extended family and you'll be fine!
>Lower wages than Britain though
In certain fields, yes. On average, though, wages here are higher.
Have been cucked by everyone. Even the Welsh.
Well, fuck what I said then. Still refused to fight the last Jew war
>Not anymore. Successive neo liberal centre left and right governments have been destroying this country slowly with immigration.
As long as they are not niggers and integrate, where's the problem?
I wouldn't consider moving to UK after all the shit I've heard and seen. Literally George Orwell’s 1984 lite (for now).
Irish music is beautiful
Our new taoiseach (prime minister) will be harder on immigration and welfare cheats. Economy on the way to being sorted just need to sort one or two social issues.
Cheers man, unfortunately I can't say the same for yours
Varadkar will be the same as Kenny except a poo-in-loo instead of a bogger.
Nah, Ashkenazi music is pretty good.
Well they don't. I have no problems with Eastern Europeans especially Polish who even say we need to speak Irish more.
Recently we've had a massive influx of Africans and Muslims. Tons of muslims. Hijabs wearers are everywhere, and the men are going around in their rags too.
It's 94.3% now. Black pop is down, sandnigger pop is up.
Ugly People
Awesome Songs and dances
Kenny has been quite good imo. Shit leader, good politician.
A significant portion of jews have red hair
Kenny would be fucking GOAT if he was proper right wing on social issues. He's hard as balls when it comes to sticking with economic plans, himself and Noonan have saved the long term viability of Ireland as a place to do business, that I don't doubt. But Ireland's culture is disappearing.
>Ugly People
You don't have much room to talk. Most people are ugly. You just cherry pick good looking people from each country and then base your whole view of the country on it. Sup Forums has a tendency to do this
Russians are more attractive though.
Yet, red hair is not a "Jewish" trait. Hitler was of haplogroup E1b1b like me, but that doesn't make him Jewish even though 20% of Jews are of that haplogroup.
They murder children
Meh. The women possibly. The men look like Slavic impotent rejects.
Well, poles are universally hated by everyone. Thoughts on latvian diaspora? Are they trouble? There about 40k of us there.
He's right though. Irish and British women are the least attractive in Europe
Charming Celtic potato niggers who support terrorism.
Never mind, anglos are uglier anyways
Nah, Russian men are attractive too. Eastern European people in general are very attractive on average.
But why are those places not Ireland?
Worse than Lithuanians and Poles. Better than French and Brits.
Kek. Micks are the biggest race mixers, illegal loving children murdering cucks in the country
Famine 2 when?
Most "Anglos" who are ugly usually have a lot of celtic heritage, be it native Briton or Irish.
Look at my 100% non-cherrypicked examples for reference.
Also rate my OC.
You are really friendly, but I fear your women are too easily influenced by American culture through TV and social media.
Also please stop killing one another over here.
Kenny has been little more than a mouthpiece for Merkel.
So are red haired jews not "real jews" to you then?
It isn't a semitic trait no, but most European jews aren't very semitic anymore
This. Would rather have Unionists than West Brits.
Primordial is a great band!
Irish guy here. I am actually drunk, the memes are true.
I was kinda hoping Ireland could be the secret forgotten hide away. A refuge of Celtic peoples that the migrants hoard would just not go to.
Whenever Eastern women move to the West they become complete whores. It's unfortunate, but 9/10 coalburners here are Polish.
The NP are probably our only hope and even then it's unlikely they'll gain enough power to do much of anything.
Australia was literally an ex-prison colony packed with irish people.
You think your shitposting skills come from Britian?
Perhaps. But the men aren't. You can tell which way their reproduction skewed. Towards the males.
fukin protty fuks will pay
Well played.
>t. 1/4 Irish
It's unlikely they'll even register and stand any candidates at all. Best hope is the collapse of the EU.
Well it's true, but i don't care because i am among those ugly men, being surrounded with beautiful russian women (all handsome russian men were killed during WW@ or sent to gulags). Murrican women are decent too. But European women are somewhat uglier (i am not talking about baltics, they are beautiful, but mentally degenerate) - all genes were burnt by witch-hunts?
False, your true hope is accepting your inferiority and rejoining the union.
So would we. I'm fed up of faggots like Dara O'Brien coming on my television.