When did you realize that Christians are as bad as Muslims and Jews? That they're all part of the same cancer?

When did you realize that Christians are as bad as Muslims and Jews? That they're all part of the same cancer?

dibs badora

When I went to college and my Jewish professor told me


>Actually uses a quill and pot.
If his script is good enough, I don't see what the problem is.


Jesus said to keep a sword to defens yourself.

You will pay dearly for misleading people about the Messiah.

When I read the bible.

Why do you worship a jew?

Mohammad said to keep a sword to defens yourself.

You will pay dearly for misleading people about the Prophet

>You will pay dearly for misleading people about the Messiah.

Messiah = Jewish King

All Christian lands are ruled over by Jews or Kings who owe Jews money for their wars

>everyone has opinions and beliefs?!
>Why can't you see they are all the same??

Glory to the OP, and his infinite fence sitting wisdom.

Long live atheist sweden!


(Mossad), the paid Catholic shills, and the Paid Russian Orthodoxy shills push this... All of these groups = the Alt-Right meme.

The "elite" is code for Jews and their blackmailed sociopath pedophiles (Hillary's mom was a Jew). Because Jews run a child sex slave ring out of Ukraine/Israel and sometimes South America (see Hatti and Clintons) and use pedophiles as their boot-licking goy politicians/celebrities.

They use the symbolism of the occult because it's a marketing campaign to cover up for Zionist and Jewish Communist crimes/power moves. The occult became degenerate as fuck ever since Thelma (Alestor Crowley), Anton (((Levy))) of Hollywood Satanism, and Navy Intelligence groups took over the scene; although it was always a place for scam artists. Freemasons became corrupted after being bought out by Jews in the mid-1800s -- thanks to Napoleon emancipating the Jews and the Rothschild take over Britain with the fall of Napoleon (See Rothschild's run on the stocks after Battle of Waterloo)

Catholics and Russians are both pro-Communism and therefor cover for them too by telling you it's "Satanists" and not Jewish Communists and their Zionist mafia allies. This is something the John Birch Society did when re-inventing the "Illuminati" meme (see Alex Jones connection).

Moloch = word meaning KING (Assyrian)

Moloch propaganda = Jewish hate of enemy king, like they do to Assad

's'atan = Aramaic word meaning "adversary", any adversary, or many adversaries.

Satan the character = Catholic meme to demonize our ancestral gods and dumb down Bible references for stupid plebeian audiences.

Lucifer = Morning Star
Jesus = Morning Star
Luciferians = Christian monks who pissed off the Pope

Judaism = pre-Christianity

Marxism/Communism = Post Christianity Judaism

Cultural Marxism = critical theory, aka strategy to demoralize the Jew's enemies.

A Jew that was hated so much by Jews that that executed Him. He warned against (((them))) and their synagog of satan.

Muhammad said nothing like this.

Yes. The Jews have always played a prominent role in history.

Jesus is the good King who laid his life down for his sheep. Yes, He is the King, but his yoke is easy and his burden is light. The jews of today tax us at 40-50%.

I'm glad you guys took the bait, now we all can see what happens to a country that embraces atheism. Thank you for being our guinea pig.



Lucifer= a morning star

Jesus is THE morning star.

Big difference. A morning star (venus/jupiter) will come before THE morning star ( the sun)

Just like the antichrist will come before the second coming of Jesus.


This guy I want to start a crusade with. ON TO CONSTANTINOPLE

>Jesus is the good King who laid his life down for his sheep

Sheeps = slaves

Aryans have no "King" until they became "sheep" of some mind control cult

The sun isn't consider a "star" until modern NASA

>now we all can see what happens to a country that embraces atheism.
If it also embraces Capitalism, then I don't see the problem. Any other time a mostly "Atheist" state had cropped up it only failed because it was Communist.

What a stupid interpretation of the Holy Bible

Deus Vult Amen

Classical astronomers compared the sun to the stars. Once again, the Bible is confirmed by modern astronomey. Shew off flat earther.

If you are not a follower of Christ, you are a slave to sin. Jesus came to free the slaves, and in Him there is true freedom and in Him alone.

>What a stupid interpretation of the Holy Bible
It's appropriate I think and so does the Church.

Catholics and Orthodox are fine. It's the various forms of Protestantism that are the problem. Especially here among us burgers where they circumcise male babies just like kikes. Filthy kike traditions and they love those jew testament fairytales and lies more than Jesus. I hate them all. I want to exterminate not only the entire jewish race but their proxies, the Protestants. Messianic jews. Especially the ones in America where they circumcise their pricks and pretend is was because of
Kellogg when in reality it was because of jewish legislation which the Protestant Anglo retards over here are up because it reminded them of that fictional kike patriarch Moses who they believe to be their ancestor

>A Jew that was hated so much by Jews that that executed Him.
I hate and would like to execute our open border shills too. Nice victim mentality you got going on there btw

You shouldnt masturbate though.

You forgot a little detail, the swedish are atheists by free will, those in communist regimes are not.

haha the girls are laughing at that nerd

>Once again, the Bible is confirmed by modern astronomey.
Well the "Bible" aka a bunch of Jewish books written by people who lived BEFORE Christians killed off all the philosophers/astronomers would say something about the heavens, but calling Jesus a Sun God is pretty funny.

It's funny how slippery you Jesuits are.

>If you are not a follower of Christ, you are a slave to sin
Sin is a Babylonian god. You don't tell me what I can and can't do, slave. I'll pay the priest to fuck your children if you don't watch you mouth!

I guess i didnt answer your question.

I worship a Jew because He is the one who gave me life and forgave my sins before I even comitted them.

>You shouldnt masturbate though.
Don't touch yourself, slave!
>fucks your kids

People who denounce Christianity are shills, kikes or edgy teenagers who haven't got over their atheism phase

>I worship a Jew
I know, jew lover.

At least one Christcuck in here that's honest

>Well the "Bible" aka a bunch of Jewish books written by people who lived BEFORE Christians killed off all the philosophers/astronomers

Catholics are not christians. Especially the evil popes who brought the christian dark ages. They constructed a religion of control that is not based in the Bible.

>would say something about the heavens, but calling Jesus a Sun God is pretty funny.

It is an analogy.

>It's funny how slippery you Jesuits are.

Not a Jesuit. I am a Bible believing Christian.

>>If you are not a follower of Christ, you are a slave to sin
>Sin is a Babylonian god. You don't tell me what I can and can't do, slave. I'll pay the priest to fuck your children if you don't watch you mouth!

Wrong. Sin is the breaking of God's commandments by man. A priest cannot forgive sin.

>People who denounce Christianity are shills
You in 30yrs

All abrahamic religions are cancer

Eternal life and ruling the earth when Christ returns sounds pretty amazing. I personally believe this will be when the human race explorers/ populates the known universe but that's just me.

and here is you today, at this very moment

>Jesus is the Sun!
>It is an analogy.
An analogy is Atenism and Mithra-ism. You're sound like a gnostic hippy (a perversion of Zurathustra's teachings)

>Sin is
A Babylonian god. I don't need forgiveness from some fucking Jewish deity, you poor slave.

>and here is you today, at this very moment
Wow, the generic Jesuit meme.

Modern Christians and Jesus are very far from each other.

>Oswald Spengler

>Friedrich Nietsche

>Ayn Rand

Man you sure proved a lot there pal

>When did you realize that Christians are as bad as Muslims and Jews?

Not even close to true.

Around my 3rd year of high school when i learned science existed and thought "ya this makes much more sense"

>Eternal life and ruling the earth when Christ returns sounds pretty amazing.
So does getting to fuck 72 virgins, but I'm not a muslim either.

This is the funniest shit ever that people believe this.

>An analogy is Atenism and Mithra-ism. You're sound like a gnostic hippy (a perversion of Zurathustra's teachings)
These stem from Biblical truths that have been twisted through the years.

Jesus refers to himself as the morning star.
Lucifer is a morning star.

The Babylonian religion is based on the promise God gave to Eve that from a Savior would come to crush the serpant would come from a woman. The Babylonian/Egyptian mythology gets it wrong however, as the savior god gets his deity from his mother.
>>Sin is
>A Babylonian god. I don't need forgiveness from some fucking Jewish deity, you poor slave.

All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. The wages of sin is death.

Christians didn't do any of those things though you dumb nigger.

No other religion makes a promise of returning to the physical earth. Only promises of heaven/ a peaceful afterlife

>No other religion makes a promise of returning to the physical earth.

what is Buddhism (but that's only if you sin)

Galatians 3---------------------------
>23 Before the coming of this faith,[j] we were held in custody under the law, locked up until the faith that was to come would be revealed. 24 So the law was our guardian until Christ came that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. 26 So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. 28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29 If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.

This would go against Judaism, as Jews are no longer a unique group, or God's chosen people. Although this scripture signifies no one is special. If we go by your logic, "nor is there male and female," that scripture could be twisted to say that sexes/gender do not exist. That is not the meaning. It just says everyone is same in Christ. Can you all make up your minds if you dislike Christianity fundamentalism, or prefer the cucked version? I always see people saying that Christianity was just as extreme as Islam, but it is now "cucked." Chose which one is better.

>No other religion makes a promise of returning to the physical earth.
Any religion with reincarnation.

Nope. The promise in the Bible is a return in your now glorifed phsyical body that everyone can recognize as you. Not reincarnation as another person.

You worship kikes.
Calling Nietzsche a cuck is an old Jesuit shill trying to fit in with the kids


Hitler fucking hated Nietzsche's faggot ass

>lol ur a jewsuit fag lmao

Get a real insult you low-test single brain-cell milquetoast cuck

Communism and Islam = Christianity's bastard children

>The promise in the Bible is a return in your now glorifed phsyical body that everyone can recognize as you.

Once you reach enlightenment you can do that too by the way, just saying.

Communism is just slavery but karl marx was a Jew

The fake church of Rome helped found islam. Catholicism is not Christian

>Hitler fucking hated Nietzsche's faggot ass
Nice try Jesuit. That's why he visited his sister and she gave him Freddy's famous walking stick


>low T
You worship an feminine Jewish hippie who was afraid of pussy, dude. And at the feet of gay pedophile priests

>Promoted the equality of all races and sexes, thus end of all individual uniqueness.
You are so fucking thick. This teaches compassion amongst followers of Jesus. If you want to obsess over your divide and conquer go ahead.
>End of Private Property
Matthew 19:21-24
21 Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. 22 But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions. 23 Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. 24 And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

This doesn't mean the end of private property you idiot, just means to let go of your material life, something which both (((capitalism))) and (((communism))) are for. Same thing applies for the other verses.

People can look up the rest desu your arguments are so fucking weak it's pretty pathetic to even try to rebuke it since there is nothing to rebuke.

>Catholicism is not Christian

>that meme
You Jesuit shills are all evil child fuckers

Matthew 19-------------------------------------------------------------
>19 honor your father and mother,’[c] and ‘love your neighbor as yourself.’[d]” 20 “All these I have kept,” the young man said. “What do I still lack?” 21 Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” 22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. 23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” 25 When the disciples heard this, they were greatly astonished and asked, “Who then can be saved?” 26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

I'd argue this is referring to materialism. A wealthy person is more likely to have a difficult time entering "the kingdom of God," as they hardly have any sufferings, or may become corrupted by materialism. Although if you continue to read, it says
>“Who then can be saved?” 26 Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
"With man this is impossible..." this would imply that Jesus is referring to almost everyone. I am not sure what it meant to be "wealthy" back then, but apparently, this was applicable to most. No where in the scripture does it mention:
>private property
>giving away property
It mentions:
>sell your possessions and give to the poor
That either means sell your possessions and give to the poor from the profits you've made, or give them some of your possessions. This doesn't end private property as it targets the wealthy, and says that they have a harder time entering heaven.

>feminine Jewish hippie
I think you're projecting just a bit.

It's okay, you'll get over this phase. I got over it when I turned 16. You're probably a few years off from that, but you'll wake up eventually.

>equality is anti-individualism

Couldn't read past that, if anything it promotes it.

>atheism and LARPagans are the answer guise!


Oh and the soothing properties of Christian submission are the psychological equivalent of not trying too hard to remember something specific when you forget.
Human intervention fudges shit up.

Mark 12---------------------
>41 Jesus sat down opposite the place where the offerings were put and watched the crowd putting their money into the temple treasury. Many rich people threw in large amounts. 42 But a poor widow came and put in two very small copper coins, worth only a few cents.43 Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, “Truly I tell you, this poor widow has put more into the treasury than all the others. 44 They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything—all she had to live on.”

Come on, that doesn't even mention ending property again. At least you could imply possessions might have meant everything including property in Matthew 19, this just says that in regards to the percentage of their personal income, the widow gave all of her belongings. This still doesn't show the end of private property.

>the answer to jews destroying our homelands is embracing a jewish cult that actively participates in destroying our homelands guise!

We are literally the only reason the communists lost. Fuck off back to Pleddit.

>feminine Jewish hippie

living waters
rejection of mother
absentee father
whore bestie
never touched "virgin"
kisses men

> I got over it when I turned 16. You're probably a few years off from that, but you'll wake up eventually.
Boomer Jesuit loves to think he's arguing with young boys

I'm not even Catholic I am Orthodox
>that meme

I already know this is bait considering nobody is as bad as the Muslims and that you think they are all the same. While the Muslims pray to a fake god and are promised man 72 virgins or whatever, Christians actually want to build a relationship with the real God.

Have fun with this bait thread though.

turning the other cheek is not a bad thing

only a nigger with no self control would not want to turn the other cheek and feel compelled to attack

but yet Sup Forums always talks like thats a bad thing

nty ill be a civilized human being over here you can fight eachother and punch the shit out of eachother like subhumans

Jesus was a Galilean. He was not a Talmudic Jew at all and hated the Pharisees. Stop listening to Jewish lies.

>I'm not even Catholic I am Orthodox
So you're a paid communist shill


(Mossad), the paid Catholic shills, and the Paid Russian Orthodoxy shills push this... All of these groups = the Alt-Right meme.

The "elite" is code for Jews and their blackmailed sociopath pedophiles (Hillary's mom was a Jew). Because Jews run a child sex slave ring out of Ukraine/Israel and sometimes South America (see Hatti and Clintons) and use pedophiles as their boot-licking goy politicians/celebrities.

They use the symbolism of the occult because it's a marketing campaign to cover up for Zionist and Jewish Communist crimes/power moves. The occult became degenerate as fuck ever since Thelma (Alestor Crowley), Anton (((Levy))) of Hollywood Satanism, and Navy Intelligence groups took over the scene; although it was always a place for scam artists. Freemasons became corrupted after being bought out by Jews in the mid-1800s -- thanks to Napoleon emancipating the Jews and the Rothschild take over Britain with the fall of Napoleon (See Rothschild's run on the stocks after Battle of Waterloo)

Catholics and Russians are both pro-Communism and therefor cover for them too by telling you it's "Satanists" and not Jewish Communists and their Zionist mafia allies. This is something the John Birch Society did when re-inventing the "Illuminati" meme (see Alex Jones connection).

Moloch = word meaning KING (Assyrian)

Moloch propaganda = Jewish hate of enemy king, like they do to Assad

's'atan = Aramaic word meaning "adversary", any adversary, or many adversaries.

Satan the character = Catholic meme to demonize our ancestral gods and dumb down Bible references for stupid plebeian audiences.

Lucifer = Morning Star
Jesus = Morning Star
Luciferians = Christian monks who pissed off the Pope

Judaism = pre-Christianity

Marxism/Communism = Post Christianity Judaism

Cultural Marxism = critical theory, aka strategy to demoralize the Jew's enemies.

>He was not a Talmudic Jew at all
Of course not, there was no talmud back then, dipshit.

Either he did fulfill the jewish messiah prophecy which means he's a jew, or he didn't which means he's a fraud. Which is it?

>>The promise in the Bible is a return in your now glorifed phsyical body that everyone can recognize as you.

After the resurrection of Jesus, Peter said he would not believe unless He felt Jesus wounds. Jesus appeared to the disciples not as a ghost/spirit, but with his physical, now glorified body.

We believe because of this. A physical return from the dead is the only reason I can believe in Christianity. If Jesus does nit have power over physical death, there would be no reason to believe in Him.

All mens bodies will be raised from the dead in physical from according to the Bible. Those names who are not found in the Book of Life are thrown into the lake of fire.

>Once you reach enlightenment you can do that too by the way, just saying.

There is no true bodhisattva.


look im a hyper agressive monkey i hate jesus because he said turn the other cheek

why cant he be like me a violent tough guy asshole who wants to go around starting fights with people

who couldnt jesus had just got into a slap boxing match like me and my nigger friends do in the streets

jesus is such a cuck wow

Catholicism doesn't follow the Bible.

Orthodox Islam/jihad is a return to the teaching of the koran.

I asked for a source not a more elaborate unsourced claim.


>he did fulfill the jewish messiah prophecy which means he's a jew
>which means he's a jew
Non sequitur, please post argument.

A voluntary ending of private property is not communism.

Communism is endining of private property by violence

Jap porn Jesuit strikes again!


That is right moron... since there was no Talmud at the time calling Jesus a Jew is a lie. He was a Hebrew born in Galilee who fought against the Pharisees and Scribes who would become the authors of the Talmud following the destruction of the Templ.

Try again dick face.

Luke 6---------------------------
>20 Looking at his disciples, he said: “Blessed are you who are poor,for yours is the kingdom of God. 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh. 22 Blessed are you when people hate you, when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man. 23 “Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in heaven. For that is how their ancestors treated the prophets. 24 “But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort. 25 Woe to you who are well fed now, for you will go hungry. Woe to you who laugh now, for you will mourn and weep. 26 Woe to you when everyone speaks well of you,for that is how their ancestors treated the false prophets

Again, still doesn't mention the end of private property. Yes it scrutinized the wealthy. This would reinforce my other point that the wealthy have a difficult time entering heaven because of materialism. "But woe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort"

I would argue that the scripture means since you already live a comfortable lifestyle, as in all your basic needs are covered, it wouldn't be bad to help out those who still do not have food, water, clothing, shelter, etc. If anything, the scripture is telling people with wealth to be helpful. It isn't telling them that it is bad to be rich. In other scriptures throughout the bible, money is shown as making people depend on materialism, I do not see how telling others to help the poor is the same as ending private property. Btw at the time, people who charged taxes were seen as evil, as they frequently took advantage of their powers, and would hog wealth that they got from charging people too much

Also, would Nat. Soc. not support that? Last time I checked, tons of them are okay with providing a system in which all the citizens of the country have basic needs fulfilled


>Catholicism doesn't follow the Bible.
>Orthodox Islam/jihad is a return to the teaching of the koran.


I wonder how many people that regurgitate this hollow 'argument' are jews themselves.

I'm from a leftist family. SJWs before that was even a thing. So I was taught to hate christianity, and suck jewish and muslim dicks.

You've obviously never read the bible

they are a little odd

The requirement of the messiah according to the prophecy was the jewish heritage of said messiah, Jeremiah 23:5

So no, not a non sequitur. Just you, a follower of a jewish sect, denying that you're exactly that.
Because deep down you know what an embarrassment this is.

>So you're a paid communist shill
I kinda feel bad, ShareBlue must have traumatised you. I am not paid by anyone, you have legit 0 proof. Plus, all the conspiracy garbage to which you have provided 0 proof, is just beginner level trash.

>Lucifer = Morning Star
>Jesus = Morning Star
>Luciferians = Christian monks who pissed off the Pope

>When you think masturbation is an example of freedom.

Have fun... with yourself then.