How can we help Poland anons? Are there Polish firms we can invest in? Products we can buy? Memes we can magic?
Poland Tells EU to BTFO
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love you Sup Forumsand
Wtf i love poland now
Inb4 Germany invades Poland again
They need to stop bullying polfu
>living in times when common fucking sense and protection of your land is considered as something unusual and backwarded
Jesus Christ i dont want this attention, our behaviour should be something normal
>when poland is the only smart country in europe
what the fuck happened to this timeline
>Memes we can magic
They're magicians of their own accord
Sup Forums is short for Poland now
Don't forget Hungary too.
and the whole V4
>Are there Polish firms we can invest in?
>Memes we can magic?
Based Poland
>Not my circus; not my monkeys
Thank you Swede.
Good job Poland
Kurva anyatok
Fucking Poland. Stop being so based. I'm getting too jelly.
How can Poland be so fuckn based?
>tfw I'll never have a beautiful slav wife.
you're better off just paying for the hour
No money.
>pole stuck in leafland (fluent and born in PL, parents fell for the leafland meme)
>tall, educated, muscular, wealthy 6'2"
>want nothing more than a cute polish wife and lots of white children surrounded by other whites
>literally masturbate to kinga like a fucking degenerate
>believe races should live in their own country, which is the ultimate racist crime in leafland and can get you a life sentence
>isolated from society because it's degenerate, wages don't even pay that well here relative to the cost of living and you have to interact with shitskins
>look outside some days
>see nothing but SJW, blacks, muslims, arabs, pakis, chinks, viets, etc degenerates. grandma constantly asking why i'm not married yet, have to explain to her it's all non-whites and she actually understands and says never marry those subhumans
>islamophobia is a crime here now, meanwhile grandmother in poland talks about shooting muslims and literally believes niggers are monkeys
>Turn on TV occasionally: Trudeau talking about how he's a feminist, we need more Muslims and that Canada doesn't need White Men anymore
>sometimes literally just sit in a chair staring at the wall without moving for hours just wondering how the fuck I got here
please kill me
Save lots, move back.
Go home white man.
Heh, same with me. My moms always asking me why I'm not married yet, so I tell her women are garbage here. She says I need to find a nice polish girl...alright, then why the fuck did we move here?
It is actually the other way around.
Wow, so after Poland leeched 100 billion $ off the EU, it asks the EU to fuck off?
Why are the Poles worse than literal trash? Why are they such subhuman scum? They live in an utter shithole where life is miserable and grim, the EU comes along and spends 100 billion $ making their shithole livable and this is how they respond?
Hitler should've genocided all of them.
How the fuck can Denmark contribute more than Austria? What even graph is this?
Don't get me started on Polish women in Canada. Complete night riding SJWs
It's a graph of the net contributors of the EU and the leechers. Denmark spends more money to help other EU states than it receives, making it a net contributor.
Poland has sucked EU money like a Russian whore, now it's time to do your part
>Poland Tells EU to BTFO
Poland Tells EU to Blown the Fuck Out? Where did you come from before you started posting on Sup Forums, OP?
>they are giving us free money
>we accept it
>they are telling us to fuck up our culture
>we decline it
>a fucking leaf calls poles worse than trash for not commiting ethnic suicide
t. Sorosbot
>replying to leaf posts
>Huurrrr give me all the GIBS but none of the responsibilities!!!!
Worse than niggers. Oh and it's Hungary, another prime leecher.
This. Theyre leeches that cant do anything on their own.
Finally a Sven that is not a cuck. Thank you.
come home Slav man
rusz dupę chuju
Get out and move to Poland, nigga.
>free money
No theres conditions.
Based Polan
I just lived in leafland, Vancouver for a year. It is literal SJW hell.
I went back to my country 3 months early because I couldnt stand it anymore even though its located in the most beautiful paradise Ive ever seen.
No motherfucking treaty told us to trade our culture and free will for the gibs
>Finally a Sven that is not a cuck
>tfw Seattle and Vancouver are literally my perfect climate (I'm from Texas)
God fucking damnit, why does it have to infested by hipsters.
Any Polish girl would love to marry you in a heartbeat.
If you're feeling brave, go to PL. If not, go to Chicago.
And this comes from A fucking leaf. And yet you faggots wonder why other countries take your opinions with a grain of salt. For fuck sake we may not be doing better but aleast we are trying even if our president is a cuck.
So if we leave the EU we'll have a higher living standard?
They did the only right thing.
I hope my country follows suit. We must remove kebab.
Poland would annihilate Germany.
>How can we help Poland anons?
Yay, I can help. When-ever my car get stolen. I'll wait 24 hours before I report it so Piotr has a chance to get it across the border.
This Polish lady explained it to the Germs perfectly here
God bless Poland!
this, the other option cost way to much.
it's gibsday come monday. You'll be alright
I'd rather spend that gold on myself.
Exactly. Remove all the EU investment money from Poland and that shithole would instantly collapse and crash down.
Even with all the EU money and no migrants the Polish subhumans still do nazi riots and incite public disorder. Imagine if you took away all the GIBS, it would be utter chaos...
Not an argument. If you take money from someone, you obey that person, otherwise don't take money at all.
Not really. While Denmark does pay more than it receives directly, overall it makes much more money due to economic collaboration and other social programs with the large EU members. Look at how hard the British economy was hit after Brexit to understand this.
They didn't do the right thing. Germany, France, the UK and many other EU members like Denmark spent a fuckton of money to improve the living conditions of Slav shitholes like Poland Hungary.
Yet despite all of that, they have no gratitude at all and send in their cheap labor to destroy other EU countries like Germany and the UK. What Poland is doing is nigger-tier behavior, they're going full Mugabe telling the white man (EU) to get out, only to call them back in once the country has gone to shit.
Can't really see anything wrong with that reasoning.
If it wasn't for fucking Germany our population would be nearly double. You fucking useless cucks should be paying us 50B euros a year for all the fuckery. In fact, Russia should be paying us or at least giving us free gas for fucking us over with (((communism))).
Meanwhile Canadians are nothing but hewers of wood and drawers of water, and they can't even monetize that wealth properly. Instead of being an advanced, highly mechanized economy like Switzerland who have $700B ($1T CAD) in Forex reserves for a fucking population of 8M, or even socialist Norway with their 1T wealth fund and population of 5M, we with just 35M and our vast resources of oil, natural gas, minerals, wood, fresh water, etc can't save a single cent and can't even balance a fucking basic budget. Canada is going to be running deficits for the next 30 years. Ontario has the highest sub-sovereign debt in the fucking WORLD. Canada's communist economy, which redistributes wealth to useless government employees (teachers, cops, firefighters, politicians all make $100-150K/year) and migrant parasites that sit on welfare and has tax rates as high as 58.75%, has been fueled by the world's largest housing bubble where prices have been fueled by rampant government mortgage-insurance that's now going to blow up hard and hyperinflate the worthless currency that Canada has, the fucking LOONIE!
You want to talk about parasites? Most "skilled economic" are nothing but Soros-funded Metropolis-project backed White replacement pawns. The top fucking professions for economic migrants were COOK and RETAIL SERVICES MANAGER (ie. cashier). Canada has 4 million unemployed. Yet Canada is bringing in 750,000 useless 98% non-whites a year that don't get jobs ("refugees" for example, get $110K pre-tax income equivalent in government welfare and free housing). Less than 5% of "refugees" get jobs. Canada will be less than 50% white by 2027.
Fuck Canada and fuck you Wang.
>Exactly. Remove all the EU investment money from Poland and that shithole would instantly collapse and crash down.
You're retarded, EU gibs are just 2% of Poland's GDP and they end in 2020 anyway. Poland is one of the fastest growing European economies with a 4% GDP annual growth and would and will in 2020 manage just fine.
UK just had the son of a refugee kill 22 girls and children a pop concert. Anyone who want to take in more is insane.
>So if we leave the EU we'll have a higher living standard?
Possibly, but only if we handle it right. We'll be able to spend more of our GDP on ourselves instead of bailing out greek-bro and such costly affairs. But we'll loose a lot of trade, hurting our GDP. Our market is no where near as big as the bongs, so it'll be even harder for us to get good agreements on our own. Especially with Germany, one of our biggest markets. Just think about how but-hurt they are about the Brexit. And how they chimped out when we tried to bring border patrols back a couple of years ahead of everyone else.
Now if we get rid of the parasite people after a Danexit, THEN no lost trade will be able to put a dent in those savings. We could even help Poland by letting them put a revenue on things we export to them, and not put anything on whatever they'd want to sell us and it still wouldn't cost a fraction of what we could save if we send all the MENA parasites back
open up a restaurant and make polish cusine, hire polish ladies and gentlemen to do the job and learn yourself along the line the wonders of polish meals
Poland did nothing wrong, those gibs are reparations from Germany for WW2
What is Poland going to do once that investment money stop coming in and they have to support their own infrastructure?
>Of the 10 mostly post-communist countries that joined the European Union exactly a decade ago today, none has benefited more from membership than Poland. First and foremost, there's the cash: the country received £56bn in development funds between 2007 and 2013, money that was used to build hundreds of kilometres of highways and express roads as well as youth sports facilities, modern sewerage systems, kindergartens and pre-schools.
>Add to that the £60bn earmarked for Warsaw in the EU's 2014-20 budget and the country will have enjoyed a windfall equivalent to roughly double the value of the Marshall Plan, calculated in today's dollar figures. And that does not take into account the tens of billions of pounds that Polish farmers continue to receive in agricultural subsidies from Brussels. What we are witnessing is, without doubt, one of the largest wealth transfers between nations in modern history.
That feel when the prosperity of your country is entirely because of foreign countries and you tell those foreign countries to fuck off.
Nice. Poland has one of the largest diaspora in the world and sends a FUCKTON of emigrants all over Europe and North America, yet gets triggered when someone tells it take in some migrants itself, the hypocrisy is fucking astounding.
>Unemployment, at almost 14%, remains stubbornly high and would surely be higher if so many had not left. Poland exports its furniture, food, cosmetics and unemployment, so goes the joke in Warsaw. For those who do have a job, wages remain low compared to "old" Europe, one of the main reasons the country is a darling of western multinationals.
Those Polish fucks wouldn't dare leave the EU, otherwise Germany and the UK will stop acting their hobo refugees and cheap labor, making Poland implode.
you buy yourself on an hourly... Man, good thing you are on this ultra broad minded anime bord. Because whoring yourself out to yourself. Charging and Paying for lonesome fap is one weird fetish. But I can see the benefits, you can keep using the same money for your fun. Well thought out user.
I don't want my gratitude to be expressed through taking mudslimes.
Stop LARP'ing.
>What is Poland going to do once that investment money stop coming in and they have to support their own infrastructure?
Start paying with it's own money like it has been doing all this time already, just more.
>send Poles abroad to do menial work because there's no work at home
>take in useless migrants who will just squat on gibs
>We gave you money so we can force you to ruin your country and culture, goy.
So we'd need to establish a new trade-route then.
Kalmar Union 2!
I don't get your joke.
Seriously, just declare war on the EU. Britain will join. And many Americans like me would love to volunteer for the honor of our ancestors.
Poland actually has a better military.
You call Vancouver a paradise? It's literally 60% Chinese, 20% Pakis and 20% White. It rains year round non-stop (I lived in Portland for a while, I couldn't stand the constant fucking rain). The architecture is gross and consists primarily of glass towers. The east side of vancouver is hilarious too, highest amount of drug addicts and HIV-positive people in North America
It has a major paki gang presence, who drop weed off across the BC/Washington border with helicopters and trade it for cocaine. There's public shootings all the time
Yeah, a fucking paradise
>Bought the Witcher 3 collector's edition for $180
>Little did I know it would be the best single purchase of my last 3 years
I did my part. Are you?
If Denmark ever said NO the EU and told it to fuck off for asking to accept immigrants, I wouldn't even say anything. Denmark is a leech-country and hasn't taken in tens of billions of dollars from the EU, meaning that it owes nothing. I didn't really oppose Brexit because Britain is a large net contributor and pays too much money for other European shitholes.
The Poles are different. Those fuckers owe so much to the EU and yet are ungrateful fucks.
Denmark isn't a leech-country*
Uncuck Sweden, and you all can crush Neo-Prussia together.
I'm polack and i want to suck swarthy refugee dick!!!! Omnomnomomnomnom
>poland has a better military
Source? I dont believe it
That Poster is awesome!!
>If Denmark ever said NO the EU
In some ways we do. Not a total no, just a no about how we have to treat them (EU says we have to treat them far better than our own people). We're not hugely succesful with those no! situations, but a few things has worked. I think there is a typo where "is a leech" should have been "isn't a leech". Otherwise I'm getting really mixed signals from you.
Heh leafs always talking shit about America but your country is a big shithole anyways.
>Kalmar Union 2!
I'd give up our weird number system for that.>I don't get your joke
No worries, it was an excessively silly one
gypsies willy are to small
Leave then and take your shitty manual labour back with you, whiny two faced untermensch cunts.
Its inferiority complex/jealousy. I'm actually an Ameriboo. Also full blooded Polack so I could get passport/citizen ship EZ PZ. Canada has some of the best fucking land on the planet but its ruined by SJWs and shitskins. Why didn't you guys finish off the Invasion of 1812? Could have had at least a non cucked constitution.
Does Poland have or considered a space program?
I would gladly invest in this.
Yep, minor no's but even if Denmark really did a big NO, I wouldn't oppose it leaving. Net contributors have the burden of carrying other European shitholes to prosperity, wanting to leave is understandable.
Also, right after my other reply, I fixed my typo even before you replied. It was a huge mistake, Denmark is no leech. But I personally think a Danexit will never happen anytime soon, because Denmark and the EU have a good trading relationship and many intra social programs.
Kalmar Union was literally ruled by a Pole lmao.
This is why poland ball was always the protagonist. So plucky and lovable.
>muh globalization conspiricies
Classic states can't deal with current and future problems.
If you love Europe, you want it cohesive and organized, not a group of protectionistic backstabbing, spying, arguing, and eventually warring states. More power to state nations just means more power to the elite of said nations, not civilians. Check all the conflicts over the years between UK and Brussels. The EU is unironically right in almost all its goals and economic and ecological 'restrictions'. But that's not even the main thing. Even if EU is extremely flawed and needs a lot of work, the world is 'global' now, deal with it. In order for Europe to play any sort of role, it must be as Europe. China was right to economically suggest to open up to Eurasia, and basically propose itself as forefronter of new global world, as opposed to USA's protectionistic route. Protectionist states will implode, or be overtaken, if Brexiters and Nationalists win during the next decade(s) then we're headed for ecological disasters and eventual occupation/wartime in Europe.
Our msm don't want to report about it. I suppose that it could damage the fictional consensus.
it's 1 city faggot. your whole country is 60% white
>that's with counting "white hispanics"
you have 1mil+ cities that are only 5% white.
>because Denmark and the EU have a good trading relationship and many intra social programs.
Yep, itt I pointed this out to a fellow Dane. The intra social programs wont hurt us much. In this area we also contribute much more than we receive. But a tiny country, with very few natural resources NEED good trade agreements. And I saw your correction after I was done slow-typing. But out of context I would have assumed it anyway even if that had been your last post itt
Norway my dear Fjeld---übermench... Invest in ours! We have one, a fairly serious one even. If you do, I'll let Piotr get away with stealing a few more cars - that way you can help by proxy