I'm starting to hate my country, not for what it once was, but for what it is, and what it has become.. I even, and I hate to say it. Am starting to hate my own people, the swede. Nobody gets it, and those that do, are targeted by cuck swedes.

On the other hand, I believe every man should love his nation and his own people, but look at modern sweden, what is there left to love about it? If I hate swedes, I feel like I'm a self-hating cuck. I am torn between hating my own country, yet being extremely nationalistic and loving the history of sweden and It's native population.

It would be easy to just say 'I hate the swedish government, but I love sweden and swedes!'

Well, at the end of the day, swedes are the ones who voted for our politicians..

Other urls found in this thread:


When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in sweden, you get a front row seat.

dane here

come to denmark and spread the words about the downfall of sweden

never utter a word of ((((swedish))))) again

tell all your swedish friends about how much better denmark is because we have much stricter immigration laws and generally are more conservative

kom hjem, bror
kom hjem, hvide mand
fædrelandet kalder


Video for reference

Is Norway ok too?

thanks danebro, I never liked your language to be quite honest, It's an uglier version of swedish, but I guess that's the least of my worries now, considering sweden is now the uglier version of denmark

Not everyone is like that. Be part of NMR or something similar and meet people like yourself.

>Well, at the end of the day, swedes are the ones who voted for our politicians..
True but there's more to it than that. It's the kikes.



Det finns mycket att vara stolt över. Vi ska fixa problemen som judarna och förrädarna ställt till med.

Gå med i NMR.

>Well, at the end of the day, swedes are the ones who voted for our politicians..
You can't blame people for it. They have been brainwashed since a young age.
The ones to blame are the politicians, jews, liberals movements, etc etc. But not the typical swede.

If you can't stand the state of Sweden and is getting tired of its people. Then do like past swedes said, join for example NMR and find people that is just like you.
It does actually help more than you think.

>Well, at the end of the day, swedes are the ones who voted for our politicians..
They got heavily manipulated into this. Just like the children who got manipulated into blowing themselves up for ISIS. At least stand up for your ancestors and don't let the country they build go to ruins.

The jews did this to your country. You got too nice and complacent living in an isolated homogeneous society. The jew knew you were ripe for the picking because of your trusting nature. The jew does not think like you or the midslime. Thwy seek only to destroy not build. The world all knows about niggers and is just realizing what the jews arw doing and cant put thier finger on it until you inform them by connecting the dots for them and pointing to the source.

The jew.

Form an exile government that releases statistics

Revolution. Or if you choose to just fuck it, immigration and assimilation to nearby cunts.

Haaaaahahaha! Now you know how it feels to be an Australian.

Go full brevik.

I'll do a one up on that. I can hate you both for what you once was and what you've become. So, now that the niceties have been observed. Please fix yourselves. It'll be no fun at all making fun of Swedes if they isn't really Swedes at all anymore.

we dont really like sweden anymore either. white swedes coming over to work are okay, and sure, we take daytrips all the time for cheap foot, tobacco and booze.

but we have no respect for sweden as a country anymore.
and to be completely honest, it seems like scandinavia has lost much of the connection it used to have.

imagine if you had the national spirit of poland, but the wealth of your country right now. What you need to do is pray that swedes get red=pilled because of all the rape and migration that is happening and hopefully and one day when the right party present themselves, your people will know what to do.

whoa whoa whoa, they just need to vote like he would to set sweden right again

It's easy to criticizes. Would Norway and Denmark be any different if you had the jews we have and the brainwashing? (((Bonnier))) etc.


And Norwegians and Danes and Swedes are almost genetically identical. In fact my father is Norwegian and my mother is a Fennoswede. I went through the (((schools))) & (((media))) and was brainwashed. I woke up and many others have, but I can understand why people are the way they are. If you're brainwashed from birth it's not very strange.

The marxists and ultimately the jews needs to pay for what they have done.

All breivik did was to create a portal for the leftists so that they can say

"Haha look guys, right-wingers are le evil as well, rember that one time in norway? xDDDDD"

I see some replies about NMR aka Nordiska motståndsrörelsen, and I love those guys, gives me hope for the future. But I also don't see how those guys have the courage to be a part of a "group" like that, not in sweden. Considering the Government is just too punishing for having the wrong opinions, have you guys not heard about people losing their jobs over voting for the wrong people. If I lived in the U.S were free speech has such a high value I would be more open for it, but here in SJWeden the government and laws have too much control over establishments and groups.

Let Sweden be an example of what happens when pc culture takes a hold of the media, the government and the educational system. We lived in a social democracy far too well but in the end we have to pay the price of what socialism has brought us.


>it seems like scandinavia has lost much of the connection it used to have
seems this way for to me as well, I only have a Norwegian friend personally. Currently in Uni and I'll vote in 2018, depending on how that turns out I'll be looking into employment abroad where I can at least only get cucked out of less than half of my money.

If you are a lonely autist, I would recommend you to attend nationalist events where you can get to know other nationalists. It's a miracle to your mind to see the resistance with your own eyes and not having to speak to bluepilled cucks all the time.

how soon

9 September 2018. Libshits will shit bricks on that day and you will witness Trump's victory x100.

Let's not.

im more worried about the snapback, Sweden is a steam kettle atm. Your intelligence agency/government suck to have put their finger over the hole for so long

Yeah, being surrounded by blue pills 24/7 makes you feel like you're in enemy territory like a fucking spy or something, if I'm gonna have to watch this nation die I at least want to see it die with pride

Put up some stickers to improve your local area and to piss of leftards.

forlag [dot] motgift [dot] nu/produkt/klistermarken-2017/

stop being so racist and welcome the immigrants when they want to forcibly penetrate your women

Something that could be effective is to put up Islamic propaganda so that whites get scared. They propaganda should be calling for the slaughter of white infidels.

Avoid using printers that can be used to trace you


Could be worse Sven. You could have been born in the countries those turds are migrating from.

Imagine being born in a turd country, born and raised muslim, and slowly seeing europe bend is knee and submitting to your cult of a religion? Wouldn't that feel better than being born in one of the safest countries in the world and spend your lifetime watching that safety slowly fade go to hell and then imagine your children living in a shithole thanks to your generation
lol yes I've seen some liberal propaganda posters in my town as well, what should I do to them?