Pork in dinner today... what does Sup Forums say?
Ramadan special!!!
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beef > pork
Pigs can't talk OM NOM NOM
>Able to afford pork
kool bite
awww. I love you too, pig.
Is that your sister
Found the hillbilly!
Ahh shit, missed the pic of you.
I had red beans & rice with ham steak.
You have to go back, Purgeet.
Beer, Weed, Pork n Porn.
Happy Ramadan!
>can't afford pork
I have more money than your burger flipping will ever earn you.
>eat pork
I had bacon at lunch. Tastesgoodman.
What a coincidence. I wiped ass with a leaf after shitting out my lunch.
Indians are not a single class, religion or race. Your presumption that you find just one kind of people in a country (that too, a country like India which has almost every religion of people and is multi-cultural more than necessary) is wrong.
Do some research and don't take Sup Forums's general opinion on India seriously.
What caste do you belong in mate?
But you will get lynched eating beef (allegedly).
Definitely not a shit-tier nigger (clue: anglo) class, I can tell you that.
I was talking to Pajeet, not you, Mohammad Ib En Al Asif Mohammad Mohammad.
I haven't eaten anything yet today
Yeah, you can't eat beef in some areas. Lunatic hindus that choose extremism to achieve control are a minority and cause issues sometimes. Just like Christian terrorism in USA.
Religious nuts are a problem everywhere, but only a BIG problem in middle-east.
I see them dirty anglo lips yearning for my superior German cock.
>americans get triggered over chinese cuisine
>when pigs are more intelligent and more affectionate
>baby pig
Noone eats baby pigs.
I just ordered ham and bacon pizza
Our supreme overlord Narendra Modi has banned all trade of cow.
>No more beef
>In ALL areas
>Punishable by public Lynching
>THEN imprisonment
Have fun and praise Kek
Of course not, it's white and cute.