What does Sup Forums think of Northern Ireland?
What does Sup Forums think of Northern Ireland?
Buncha potato eating Catholics
They need to join up with us nigga
i thought northern ireland was protestant.
No, they are British, dont call them Catholic.
Reporting in. Loyalists are cucks and nationalists are commies. Fuck this shithole
Why would they join drunk pebble licking leprechauns over the eternal anglo?
a fake country of pomms
Almost 50% are catholic/nationalist
Scottish clay, Ulster is Scottish not English, when we vote yes for indyref2, you're coming with us.
Never do anything useful, a drain on whoever has to deal with them.
Thats rich coming from you
Needs to be returned to Ireland
Sounds like you only read the label and didn't try the contents.
Speak for yourself cuck. We're still fighting while you wallow, content in your serfdom to the european establishment
Too bad you bongs drink more than us.
Do the Abo pays more attention to the price of petrol than OPEC?
get a load of this insurgent, chimped out over tea tax recently?
Bollocks, I saw plenty of half cast kids in Belfast.
is reunification possible?
>What does Sup Forums think of Northern Ireland?
It is a place that has people.
This scene was originally removed when the episode was first broadcast on British TV. I remember being quite shocked when I first saw it included in a rerun.
So what. Seeing a few shitskins happens in literally every city on earth at this point. What im trying to say is you spit on the graves of your countries liberators when you gave up the cause of the north and when you sold your sovereignty to be a member state of the united states of soviet europe. Fuck you
Naomi pls
It's not up to me I don't fucking living there
Inevitable, I'd say.
The Catholics have basically chosen the same strategy as the muzzies have in England, breeding like rabbits, and will soon dominate NI politics through sheer demographic weight.
Fuck England.
No. Irish gov and military is completely incapable of dealing with the fallout.
R-riiigghhht. Let me spell this out for you cuck. The British state still holds an economically and militarily strategic point on YOUR island. Thus your government MUST appease the british state. Not only that, but you are wholly endentured to the european establishment, allowing corporations to launder their money on YOUR island while you are paying for their shitty economic gambles via universal social charges and the govt sponsored selling land to private interests on the cheap. How fuxking dare you criticise the north when your shithole is just as much of a shithole, if not worse
Lick my balls man. Either join back with us or keep taking the Brit cock. I don't give a fuck.
It's 40% catholic 40% prottie and 20%irreligious.
Except it's the protestant Brits that were/are the immigrants to Ulster so really the Brits are the muslims.