Short people. Funny accent. Caste system.Poo. Bathe in shit. Ruled by Muslims for 600 yrs, British for 200 yrs. Beta. 1 billion plus. Name me one worse country.
Is Indian the worst race?
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Found the India.
Whites are the worst. They're the destroyers of cultures and the bane of humankind.
fuck u leaf
black africa
All else must suffer so that the rich, attractive or otherwise most fortunate whites experience the best possible life in a world tainted by sin. It's not fair but life ain't fair, kid. ;)
for example
Yeah most Indians are worse than nogs
if there ever was a /bant/ thread, ladies and gents this it it
i cannot stand indians, especially the ones here. once you let 1 indian family into your neighborhood they all fucking swarm in
>They're the destroyers of cultures
Are you suggesting Indian culture is superior to white culture? That some street beggar singer is better than Beethoven? That poo art is better than Rembrandt?
Kill yourself maplenigger.
Chinese and Pakistanis are better than Indians by a long shot.
Chinese because they are more industrious. Pakistanis because they look better.
Indian culture is one of the worst for sure. They smell like shit, they're extremely rude and usually don't have a sense of humor. Indians treat workers like shit, too
Pajeets on H1B.
hi ahmed wanna join my discord ? its for based arabs only
>Name me one worse country.
I....I can't
It's getting late here Zeineldine. Another day mayhaps?
What about Pakistan?
Closer to white people. Not as smelly.
Too bad they're muslim
Muslims are based.
>fun fact: the caste system is an example of an artificial mechanism of speciation.
specifically which caste are you talking about?
>increased immigration is bad
I tried to buy a taco from taco bell last night
It was awful. All the people behind the counter were niggers. I saw a white trash mom with a blacked up baby. It took forever to get a taco. There was a really fat guy arguing about his coupon and they needed to call the manger over to explain how to beep boop bop on the computer screen.
And the whole time I was waiting for my taco, all I could hear was this fucking balding Indian guy talking about tech sector memes. WHY ARE THEY SO LOUD?
Why are Indians such players?
who the fuck came up with 'niger' next door to nigeria? might as well just call em nigger and niggertopia.
I'm guessing you're a muslim ruining europe
Indians are shit-tier people, but I'll name one that's worse since you have asked: Pakistan.
Pakistanis are objectively the biggest cucks on the planet earth.
1. Pakistan's national anthem is full of Perso-Arabic vocabulary: their enemy and invaders.
2. Pakistanis were raped into adopting foreign religion of Islam by their invaders, who they worship now.
3. Pakistanis now suffer from Stockholm Syndrone: they adopt names of their invaders.
4. Pakistanis worship their invaders: Mohammad-bin-Qasim, an Arab invader is worshipped in Pakistan. They sing songs in his praises kek.
5. Pakistan's founder, "Father of the Nation", was not even a "Pakistani". He had 0% paki in him: He was a Gujurati Indian.
6. Pakistani's worship a Gujurati as Father of the Nation today. On their own, pakistanis won't even have a country today.
7. Pakistan has adopted an Indian Language as their national language. Urdu, an Indian language, from Uttar Pradesh is now pakistan's national language. Native pakistani languages like Punjabi, Pashto, Sindhi as sub-standard languages.
8. 41 million of 180 million Pakistanis defecate in open.
9. Pakistan has been used and raped repeatedly by foreign powers since time immemorial: latest is China. List includes but is not limited to: Turks, Iranians, Afghans, Greeks, Brits, Americans, and now China.
10. Pakistanis cannot fight: they lost to every single invader since time immemorial. Only when the invader has conquered Pakistan and went further inward has he faced heat from the the (based) Sikhs, Rajputs and Marathas.
11. Pakistan has lost every single war since independence as well. They are just incapable of fighting.
Learn a foreign language, asshole.
in before butthurt arrogant panjeet, but he can't be far
imagine your gf was as based as that girl. i'm diamonds.
The higher caste Indians are pretty dope. Would prefer over Pakis. The culture on the subcontinent however could use a touch up; way too many people pooping in public.
spotted the nigger.
Why can't I be like this stud?
What's a hot toc in French Indo-China?
Indians are TOO ALPHA for me. Please save some girls for me, Pajeet!
fuck off bangladeshi/paki living in shitaly
hi Ranjeet what's Toronto like
I wouldn't know. I live in Brampton
The Indians are the true Aryan race.
while western religions fade in and out of obscurity, Hinduism has been an ever present true doctrine. to further prove my point, you cannot be converted to hinduism, you must be born a hindu.
They worship penises and vaginas, which you'd know if you ever visited their holy places.
I don't know much about Pakistan but your point #10 is objectively false. Pashtuns are numerous in Pakistan and they are the most battlehardy race known to man.
just admit you are a paki/bangladeshi you goatfucker
no italian would waste his time trashing pajeets
And they also loosen their bowels in the middle of the road, which makes sense if you think about how they build things out of cow shit and literally worship cows.
>you right now
This is retarded.
As if you could put Indians in the same league as blacks and abos.
Indians are human. Therefore theyre better than blacks and abos and can't be the worst race.
Is this a fucking joke? Because if it is it's disgustingly poor. Slice your throat.
100% Italian.
Based shit-tier Indian
the American negro is the cellar of races.
Even shitskinned Indians are more advanced than blacks
>caste system
that's literally the only smart thing the indians did
if you ever ask yourself whether you want more indians or fewer indians then you know the answer
Here's my vote:
Worst country: China
Worst race: Abos
holy shit, hes right. think about the poo in loo culture we are destroying. by actively promoting and introducing concepts like personal hygiene and using toilets, their precious designated shitting streets and street shitting culture will someday disappear
But yeah considering the gestalt of India's race, the country history, culture and infrastructure; That's a shithole even for my macaco standards.
Quite possibly. Only their huge numbers allow them to produce the intellectual class they need.
The assorted chink races are objectivily better.
Short people. Funny handsigns. Mafia system. Trash. Cant clean streets. Ruled by Germanics for hundreds of years. short tempered. 1 billion plus indebted. Name me one worse country.
>more people and less money than africa
Worst race: Abo's. Petrol huffing cavemen with chimp faces
Worst Nation: Pakistan. They're basically Indian street shitters that haven't ditched Islam that like to fuck male children dressed as females,
>They're basically Indian street shitters that haven't ditched Islam that like to fuck male children dressed as females,
You're thinking of Afghanistan. Pakistan has no bacha bazi. How do you not know this about your own country?
t. pajeet
you have to go back
Indians may smell bad but at least they're not trying to blow us up. Most I've met just want to work hard and be successful. This applies to Indian Americans, I don't know shit about Indians in India.
Any muslim country.
Yeah, followed by the Native Americans.
>low self esteem issues
>tfw indian men are taking all the jobs
no, gypsies and abos are
>tfw they'll work for half as much at half the rate.
wtf i hate capitalism
t. Paki on north italian welfare