No income tax. Only a sales tax, which will not exceed 20%.
Legalization of drugs.
Guaranteed access to basic necessities of life.
No right to firearm unless you live in an area with natural predators.
Republic of America
Victory Over Anarchy
No income tax. Only a sales tax, which will not exceed 20%.
Legalization of drugs.
Guaranteed access to basic necessities of life.
No right to firearm unless you live in an area with natural predators.
Republic of America
Victory Over Anarchy
Are you throwing the niggers and spics out? I'm not living in a country with those violent savages without being armed.
I won't help until you stop denying the data.
The south side of Chicago would be a lot safer without guns, you can''t deny that, can you?
Fuck off hippie
>No right to firearm
I don't think so you communist faggot
>Only a sales tax
aka lets all start a black market, everywhere
Niggers fucked up on legal drugs will just use knives.
>"humanity party"
>basically communist which is antithetical to humanity
people fall for this bullshit too
What do you define as the basic necessities?
And no right to firearm unless area has predators? Yea? People are fucking predators sometimes you fuck. That's the whole god damn point. The GOVERNMENT is a predator. Fuck off.
>What do you define as the basic necessities?
>the humanity party
Holy shit fuck off pedophile CIA faggit.
All of those are garbage tier policies or too vague. Fuck off
eliminate cash and you'll have less of a black market. eliminate cash and you'll cripple the cartels.
go read the new constitution. i'm not even going to post the link. i'll make you use google to search for it nyah ha ha
Just replace "guns" with niggers n your spot on
>Republic of America
The USA isn't a straight up democracy, and if you try and make it one, the South will rise again, and i promise you, that if not the whole South will secede, at least one will and it will be Texas.
Cartels usually take firearms as payment, firearm dealers can take drugs as payment. Fiat money is still a currency, and currency is still just designed to help facilitate barter. It is not necessary for black market trade. In fact Cartels would probably flourish without a currency.
I ain't lookin that shit up nigga
>dependency upon the state
>Can't protect yourself
Just kill yourself
>No right to firearm unless you live in an area with natural predators.
Are black predators?
>inb4 currency manipulation
Fuck off commie
>No income theft, only a sales theft which will not exceed 20%
>Guaranteed economic collapse
>No rights period because individuals will not be able to defend themselves if their rights are stolen.
>Garbage America
>Failure to create a functional society
>No right to firearm unless you live in an area with natural predators.
Come and take it then.
yea, get the fuck out
>no right to firearms
>encourage people to limit economic activity
>encourage a cycle of addiction that leads to crime
>create a total welfare state (paid for by whom?)
>implying man isn't a natural predator (especially in this dystopian hell hole you want to build)
These are some of the worst ideas I have ever heard.
>natural predators.
Are we seriously gonna have to put up with this shit all summer