Argentina is not white - sure they have many legit whites and Europeans but they're hardly a "white country." Chile has plenty of people who would fit right into Europe, but they're hardly a "white country." Uruguay, on the other hand, is literally all European immigrants. No natives (after a brutal campaign against them many years ago). Only a few African descendants in a barrio of Montevideo. We were once the Switzerland of South America - white in culture, race, and other things. While our people and architecture remain European - our culture is being degraded by (((them))) and internationalist Americans. Anyway, let's just drop the whole "Argentina is white" meme and talk in truths: Uruguay is white. Pic related is average Uruguayans. Also Uruguay general I guess.
Uruguay is White
Other urls found in this thread:
Uruguay is by far the best SA country, although they kinda look like jews
Fuck off, nobody cares.
We took in many Jewish refugees after ww2 and our shortly became cancerous. Pure coincidence of course.
Nobody in Uruguay could tell me their real name, they all made up nonsense nicknames, sometimes each person had one for each friend, so no information ever travelled anywhere in our department because we had no idea who the fuck was calling in reference to whom. I'm not gonna fucking yell random names to a group of people I've known two years just be honest and stop using theif jargon.
Stay mad chile
How're the stray dogs treating you? lol
How's the smog?
where in uruguay did you travel?
Uruguay = eurppe minus muslims
Why do I never meet qt Uruguayan girls in Miami?
you look like a mix of jews and britbongs. what can i buy for 100 us dollars? how many hot whores can i buy for 100 us dolaars?
We don't have a reason to go to the US. It's common knowledge here the US is over expanding and will collapse. When we choose to leave we go to Italy, Portugal, or Spain where our grandparents are from. (It's not uncommon for Uruguayans to speak many European languages)
The periphery.
If you come to Moteviedo and pay about 70 US dollars you can get two hours with some really hot ones. Don't do it though. It's degenerate. I've never done it but I know people who have. It hurts the character of the country.
did you visit elsewhere in S.A.?
>Implying those aren't kikes
Nice try goy
they aren't you stupid Moroccan
>16.4% of the total births in 2003 were to parents of non-European origin, although they account for only 12.4% of the population in the 25-34 age group. For example, 3.8% of the births were ethnic Moroccan, although they were only 2.26% of the 25-34 age group. Respective figures were 3.27% and 3.0% for Turks.
Nice larp Juan, you latinos ARE NOT WHITE; I don't care if all your great grandparents are blonde with blue eyes. Living in South America automatically makes you a shit skin
Lol you must be mad knowing you'll be out birthed while we'll still be white as snow.
But i'm black, che . . .
Uruguay is black as fuck
proof or gtfo. I already said we have a few blacks though
Would any of your countries pale qts make a great wife and marry an American and have a bunch of his kids to make a big white family with him?
>No natives (after a brutal campaign against them many years ago)
I am America and I approve of your methods
yeah they would but you'd have to live here
Who cares. We have more than enough Venezuelan qtinas
> A 2009 DNA study in the American Journal of Human Biology showed a genetic composition of 92% European, 7% African, and 1% Native American in Montevideo.
Montevideo the most non-white part and still check it out^^
In 1850 there were only 18 full bloodied natives left. It's actually pretty sad and a national tragedy.
I don't know what it's like there so not sure if I'd move there, but I am interested in longer term plans of moving out of the US for various reasons.
>a national tragedy.
Nonsense. The rest of Latin America should have done the same
we get raped economically and we are constantly warding off (((foreign investment))) but we do our best. We used to be the jewel of South America before (((them))).
well all these shitholes in south america were european colonies at one time, so obviously there will be a portion of the population that reflects that
How do I marry an Uruguayan cutie OP ?
PS: I'm white
Uruguay is almost all European - it's not like Mexico where it's 8% or something
desu just move here and you can get a wife if you have charm
The usual big concern as an American looking into girls in countries like these is the high risk in attracting a slut who tries to pretend to be pure and not a slut, and then getting fucked over by a whore and also is golddigging and greencarddigging.
Cool, I'm also half Italian and speak Spanish so Spanish speaking women really like me.
where do i find a qt Uruguayan gf?
Uruguayan girls aren't like that. Our social morals are probably US 1960's tier with the exception of weed and gay marriage.
There's tons of Italians and Italian speaking girls here in Montevideo so you should be fine if you come try it.
Ok I think I'll come to Uruguay this year, looks like an epic place desu senpai
yeah it's pretty nice
>nr.17 is a latino
>goalkeeper probably as well
>"""""""""""""white country""""""""""""""
Interesting. So are the girls in your country open to being with someone who has views that are considered very politically incorrect or would that be a source of contention, are they open to being redpilled or are they already redpilled? Also, are many of them redheads or blondes?
Nice bait
Are Uruguayans mainly Italian, like Argies?
(((They've))) been hitting us hard with degeneracy in recent years especially with the younger generation. But most girls are pretty redpilled on relationships and are conservative. The brainwashed ones are a lost cause. The conservative ones you can go way into the repill with. The nu-leftists you shouldn't go near.
What do you advise outside of Montevideo seƱor ?
A ton of:
Italians (You still hear people speak Italian a bunch)
some Russian heritage
Country side. The other cities are sorta boring to live in and in the country side people grow their own food and are super nice.
but i often see white uruguayans in relationships with darker ones. why do you guys mix so much? your white population will cease to exist because of this
What about the second part of my question?
nice bait my friend
Last question : Should I rent a car or can I go around otherwise ?
Muchas gracias !
some blondes from Russian blood and some German blood. You won't find many redheads but there's a few Irish descendants.
I'd get a friend or two either in France or make a friend in Uruguay. Rent a car and drive around. You can see a ton that way and the public transportation isn't the best in some parts
chile always seemed like the only south american country with a decent standard of living. argentina always seemed like a hell hole. not sure about uruguay, how is it there compared to chile?
Another question, in your country are there problems with like corruption like do you need to carry cash with you to use for government employees, police, etc who expect a bribe?
They are all Slavic mongrels with copious amounts of Amerindian blood in their bloodstream.
As an Argie I'd say this is pretty accurate. Argentina is mostly white in Buenos Aires (minus poor mestizos, the equivalent of niggers, and the occasional bolivian immigrant).. but go to the northern areas and you'll find a swarm of mestizos and bolivian/peruvian scum.
That said.. we're all cucked countries at this point by socialism and muh gibs muh free education. We need a cleansing.
Tunisia is white.
good news then
glad to know there's more white people around than i thought
>Have the Africans from Brazil
>the primitives tribes and gauchos from Argentina
>the savages from Paraguay
>Beta country
Uruguay it's anything but white.
You are mulatos as fuck.
I'll admit Santiago (despite the dogs and smog) is pretty nice. It really depends where you live in Chile or Uruguay but I think the richest in Chile live better than the richest in Uruguay but the poorest in Chile live worse than our poor.
A bit in some rural areas possibly but if you're a foreigner you should be fine. We're way better than most South American countries with that kind of stuff
agree with that last part. It's sad how we've been sinking.
Apparently Uruguay's GDP per Capita is higher than Chile's
>Africans from Brazil
no we don't Argie we have a few in one barrio
Nope there were only 18 left by 1850
Honest opinion on Mujica
>Not many gauchos
Really? okay... :(
>monkeys in Uruguay
How does the shadow runners behave?
He was alright but he's sorta a degenerate which is why I dislike him. So many people smoke weed and they are going to make cocaine legal to because of his legacy
Could I ask you what politics are like there? After doing some quick research I found a right wing populist party that formed in 2016 called "Partido de la Gente". Does it seem like it's gaining traction? Do you think the country can stay the way it is without the international Jew putting an end to it's whiteness?
How do I get an Uruguayan bitch, cracker?
Thie actually looks like Europe.
So how's Uruguayan citizenship? Would it be a great 2nd?
We know bro.
Keep being white.
>Legalized drugs
Ohhh... so It was shit.
Why anybody thought this was a good idea?
I'm pretty nervous. We have a lot of Jews and the degeneracy has been pushed hard since the early 2000s but has really gotten going in the last 5 years. Many Chinese and Americans won't to do some investment which would ruin our culture and economy. They basically want to take our resources. We also have a huge water reservoir that will be super valuable in 50 years so I'm pretty confident larger powers will try to infiltrate.
it's not that hard especially if you have European ancestry you can show
yeah it was so fucking dumb... so many new complacent potheads. Now they're going to legalize cocaine so people will let the country get raped. Essentially a bribe to citizens
Wait a minute I just looked this up it looks like the country is being lead by those leftists liberal types.
Can we take it ?
Why don't we (Paraguay, Bolivia, south Brasil, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina) form a new nation?.
yeah our culture is slowly being degraded by degeneracy
Now they're talking about allowing mass immigration from the DR and Cuba. We have to fight hard but (((they))) want to try to degrade out country
I just hope your country aligns with the eastern bloc more(Russia, China, and Iran) if it is infiltrated so that at least you can keep your racial purity consistent. As far as degeneracy goes just remember that truth is what you have on your side.
you literally have no culture. it's either you're white, like you claim, or you're some amerindian subhuman. which is it?
Uruguay it's great, jewel of the continent, now if you just return the rest of the jewelry that would be great
>I just hope your country aligns with the eastern bloc more
you should really kill yourself. reminder that people like you will hang with the lefties
we're white Mr. McDonalds and MTV. More white than you
Because everybody hates each other in your list
we literally have 190,000,000 whites you dumb subhuman. there's more whites in my one singular state than your entire country. you have no culture
don't think that'd go down well
w-we're white, guys!
you're amerindian subhumans
Yo, quick question... Are more non-whites or whites being born in your country?
Answer: non-whites
Enjoy the final throws of your country and any remaining snippets of non-degraded culture
Any elaboration on why?
Don't get involved, retard. Let them fight
>dumb subhuman doesn't know what culture is
yes, swirly meme clothes is culture. good job
south america isn't white. you're garbage. you're not equal to whites
uruguay is literally dumber than niggers in the usa. how is such a thing possible?
What was Carthage?
>Tfw I am not a racist but I like to make fun of others just like the racist people
>Tfw I just don't understand why the people would hate each others even though we are all in similar conditions
At least we have a justification for Chile hate
But I like Charrua culture, they have a neat little socialist country and they can't deny that.