Hello Sup Forums
What equipment and materials do I need to put up a giant shitting Mohammed on a building in Oslo?
> implying you won't be arrested and put to jail by the lady in pic related
A giant printer, some rope, and access to the building roof. That's about it.
Speak to these guys, but you will struggle to get them to put that pic up, your best bet would be to switch the imagine at the last minute if you can.
enjoy spending your life running from Fatwas.
How big do want it to be?
At the very least you need a printing machine which can print that big. I doubt any reputable printer letting you print one.
I dont know the average printing cost in Norway but it'll cost a pretty penny.
Add a long stick/pole/something to hang the poster of off and you've got yourself a deal and accusations of hate crime punishable by beheading, throwing off the same building, and years of mudslime bombings.
Actually better would be a window washer scaffold and just glue up squares to make the picture. They can just take down rope before keks are had.
u a nordicuck
born without balls
>indian interested in a picture of a poo with a loo
like fucking clockwork you poos are like flys on shit. the irony.
>of course mohammad would fuck with the pajeet trying to help out
Get a life, bin that knife
Also pay your tv tax
Why not just use a strong enough projector?
>t. shop keeping indian still bitter we owned his land
face it you will never be american, cunt.
they eat what you worship.
Too expensive/risky
Just print off a few hundred pics on regular 8.5X11 paper and fold them into paper airplanes and release them all at once from the top of the building. Then just haul ass out of there.
Nope actually white, good job trying to deflect that your a muslim Achmed
Balls of steel.
holy shit my sides
Kek I love when pol has the retort ready in the first post
Digital protection graffiti
Was done recently on bank
>user starts ww3
Wasnt there a site that would let you post whatever in Seattle?
Don't. Hire an industrial show projector. Just hide it somewhere and project the image on the building
Superior in every way.
Albanians did that to the Serbs a few years ago during a football match, much butthurt was had.
You think the kebab removal process will be quiet and peaceful?
Better to start this war as soon as possible.
Do you really want to risk a bomb going off in this building and killing people unrelated to the image? Its good idea, but seems like itll do more harm to the wrong people.
I could go to Sweden instead, fly drones carrying this image over a mosque or something.
If you can find access to cheap white fabric and some printable iron-ons you could make a large quilt making up an image from many sewn together smaller ones.
God bless you. Please do this.