/Evergreen State College General/

>A biology professor at Evergreen State College, who was berated by students for refusing to participate in a no-whites day at the Olympia, Washington, school, says he has been forced to hold classes off campus out of fear for his safety.
>In an appearance on “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Bret Weinstein said radical students are still in control of campus and have threatened violence if their demands are not met.

>The protest apparently got so out of hand that Professor Weinstein reported on Twitter that the police had warned him that he would not be “safe on campus” because they could not protect him.
>“To be clear: the police told me I am not safe on campus. They cannot protect me. Students in jeopardy. No contact from admin,” Weinstein wrote.


youtu.be/_j9nFced_eo (

Other urls found in this thread:


The entire thing is still developing, but if I heard correctly, Campus police have been holed up in their depertment and a mob of Radical SJWs have enacted a coup effectively taking control of the university.

If you're wondering how this happened, it is because the administration/faculty of the college fan the flames of this movement and are the hidden hand behind it all. Professor Weinstein admits this himself at 18:47 of the King5 News Interview. Campus police take orders from administration/faculty who aren't allowing them to do their job. The proper course of action to me is to discipline this individuals progressively as needed and be done with it. Instead, they're allowed to grow like mold. These people are too pathetic to be considered a virus they are mold. The true viruses are those who allow this to happen. Feel like I'm in a fucking movie.


Someone figure out how to save this video before periscope deletes it: pscp.tv/w/1dRKZARkWwwxB

we should let north korea nuke washington, nothing of value will be lost

Campus Administrations needs to put these kiddies in their place.

The federal government needs to put the campus admins in their place. Cut the funding. See what matters then.


This is really what they believe

OVER $1T in student debt


>disrupt a college campus with irrational demands
>threaten a professor
>don't get expelled from said campus for said activities
The very definition of cuckoldry.
What a wonderful educational experience...

Look at all those goblins. I can't believe anyone takes these people seriously.


I see absolutely no value anymore in going to college for anything other than engineering or science.

How does nobody burst out laughing? Especially when she started talking about suing. Fuck I wouldn't have been able to contain my laughter after she said that.

I'd love to give these people IQ tests. Are they legitimately low IQ, or just brainwashed? I guarantee none of them are studying anything technical.

holy fuck I'm actually watching footage from that meeting and this is insane. That university president is a little bitch.


This is probably the best video I've seen that portrays college as a day care for teenagers.

Evergreen State also does not use a grading system. There are no Grades at Evergreen State. Students merely get a few paragraph summary with the teachers opinion of their performance.

It's the most radical University in the State.

I saved it brother. Uploading it in a bit probably. Thanks.

Is this it? Has the commie revolt started?

This is a pivotal moment because one way or another, the entire ordeal is going to have to be dealt with.

They're just hungover zombies from pot and alcohol induced hangovers.

I don't get it? This guy could have easily pulled a jew card going "OY VEY YOU ARE BEING ANTISEMITIC YA STEPID BASTIDS!" and all those sjw would have shut the fuck up. Why didn't he do that? It's like as if not all kike are not scum that push the holocaust narrative.
Is he /ourovendodger/?

I haven't seen any videos of this. I'm gonna guess these people are mostly white right?

Just a reminder for all you collegefags out there: Good fucking luck getting a job anywhere other than at a generic corporation with a huge, useless HR department--you know, the type with 9 triggered hamplanets and one token lisping faggot.

I own a small business (22 employees) and can't risk hiring some useless twat who needs his ass wiped 20 times a day, so I've been keeping a list of the schools that teach and accept SJW crap: Mizzou, Columbia, UCLA, Berkeley, Yale, Brown, Vanderbilt, UVM, NYU, Hofstra, all those sorts of places. And now, Evergreen State College.

Any application I ever get with one of these places on it goes in the trash immediately. At some point, I'll just have to ignore every 'degree' handed out past a certain time.

I'm sure I'm not the only small employer thinking this way.

He might be behind them if they hadn't singled him out. He talks about the whole thing as if it's merely an inconvenience and not absolute insanity in my opinion.

the perpetrators are mostly non-white from what I've seen. It could be that the most vocal and agressive ones are colored but most of the mob I've seen has been colored.

It's a shame this has to be done but I think it's smart to do so. College has become a playpen.

Wanna get this one too? pscp.tv/w/1yNGaqddonXGj

>he did play the jew card
>they only accused him of being racist even harder

there's no winning here. people can even bitch about the rest of the faculty being too limp wristed about this whole thing as well, but all their heads are on the fucking chopping block and they know it. their hands are fucking tied

its not a good college so there's less white people there than you would normally expect.

Two enemies of the white peoples harm each other? Please pass the popcorn. I hope they kill the self-declared progressive Jew and then go to jail for it. That would be the best outcome.


top lel you dumb nigger. this heeb was refusing to take part in anti white bullshit

Imagine just wanting to be educated about biology with all this shit going on.

>>the School’s Director First Peoples Multicultural Advising Services, Rashida N. Love
lmao look at the fucking grand titles they give themselves

He's an absolute true believer in both the science he has learned, and that we should strive to face our inherent in-group tendencies.

See this short video: youtube.com/watch?v=_BwCJdZrBG0&t=1s&index=12&list=PLV8ajpBgPg4hANX8zyqI-sCsjS9rGJ07Z or the King 5 interview in OP.

Not only that, but the professor has a history of being a SJW target for speaking out about various diversity hiring things outlined in the "Strategic Equity Plan" and other pieces of hiring policy: cooperpointjournal.com/2017/03/20/re-equity-inclusion-silence-and-fear-faculty-emails-reveal-controversy-over-race-and-diversity-at-evergreen/

And let's not forget the "Diversity and Equity council" and the "Evergreen Hiring Priorities Disappearing Task Force Report" :cooperpointjournal.com/2017/03/02/faculty-hiring-at-evergreen-hiring-continues-as-planned-amidst-faculty-equity-drama/

>”He believes that his experiences as a scientist qualifies him to be able speak on scientific matters and that people who experience racism their entire lives are not more qualified to speak about racism than someone who doesn't.
>"He believes that his experiences as a scientist qualifies him to be able speak on scientific matters

>the fat chick is just interested in how she can get more food

So why not arm and protect yourself.

You don't get it.
If she doesn't eat in the next hour she will STARVE

Reminds me of best Korea

I'm so confused by this. They are claiming they need a large group of students to escort black people around campus because of how unsafe it is for black people? And all this is because one professor said he wasn't going to stay off campus for day just because he was white?

What the fuck is going on?

they're paranoid children who want to feel like they're important

What exactly is going on here?

Once this is all over, I'm guessing they're going to get another special day of their own to make up for this one

Don't forget the next level of mindfuck: The next day (or was it the same day) they argue with the principal to "demilitarize" the campus police by the end of the week: youtu.be/sqeoYUaCQRU?list=PLV8ajpBgPg4hANX8zyqI-sCsjS9rGJ07Z&t=163

I think this may actually be the start of the end of days

Dispatch the Right Wing Death Squads.

Yeah, those Columbia and Yale grads are just desperate for a job from a low IQ drumpf supporter on Sup Forums. Get a grip, retard; these are the people who will one day be deciding whether the United States government should allow your brainlet business to continue functioning

jeeeeeeeeeeeeesus christ america get your shit together and purge the colleges

Isn't it a liberal arts college?

I legitimately have no idea how starbucks is going to handle the influx of these people to their workforce

>We're all gonna work for the gubment!

You have fun with that, Jaxon.

hes finding out niggers and other shitskins dont care about jews. definitely making the jews rethink their white genocide plans seeing they wont be able to control these animals.

>I wonder how many white people go along with what black people claim is "racist" purely because they're afraid of black people
Or.... afraid of being called racist?

I think that one was that after swarming all over the fucking place cornering a professor to yell at him, chanting "BLACK POWER" and "2 4 6 8 THIS TIME YOU CAN NOT ESCAPE", and other stuff, they decided they weren't safe because people called the cops on them.

So they retreated to the cafeteria. The cafeteria was 20 minutes from closing, so all the people that worked there were closing up and putting away all the food. They then tried to bully their way into free food because of the horrific threat they were facing from the evil white authorities. They, of course, were asking for that free food from the ... well anyway, they deserve that food.

Chanting, I can not make up: youtube.com/watch?v=2b-W1ZFRYBE&feature=youtu.be&list=PLV8ajpBgPg4hANX8zyqI-sCsjS9rGJ07Z&t=136

Also they seemed to be hungry in the President's office already. Among their many demands was one for gumbo: youtube.com/watch?v=sqeoYUaCQRU&feature=youtu.be&list=PLV8ajpBgPg4hANX8zyqI-sCsjS9rGJ07Z&t=296

>Founded in 1967, Evergreen was formed to be an experimental and non-traditional college. Full-time students enroll in interdisciplinary academic programs instead of classes. Programs typically offer students the opportunity to study several disciplines in a coordinated manner. Faculty write narrative evaluations of students' work in place of issuing grades.
It's LITERALLY the most progressive college in the US.

For anyone who wants to know how the story has been turning out (Protests started on Tuesday), a kind user this morning gave us the most recent official mass email.

Other sources confirmed it as real: pastebin.com/Dd6AT5EX

>I’m George Bridges, I use he/him pronouns.
>I begin our time together today by acknowledging the indigenous people of the Medicine Creek Treaty, whose land was stolen and on which the college stands. I would like to acknowledge the Squaxin people who are the traditional custodians of this land and pay respect to elders past and present of the Squaxin Island Tribe. I extend that respect to other Native people present.
>In response to Native Student Alliance requests, we commit to opening every event with this acknowledgement.

Based letter from former Evergreen State University faculty member Alan Nasser.

btw, I have a while bunch of emails between the Bret and the Evergreen faculty staff if anyone's interested

kek, what's the odds of this college being a CIA experiment?

Damn, so their experiment resulted in a student coup. I wonder how long before they declare themselves in succession from the United States government.

>Live in California Bay Area, just finished Associates literally yesterday
>Community college I attended was chill as fuck, have to go to 4 year university now

I mean, I havent heard much bad about SJSU.... There's no way it's as bad as Berkeley....

Wish me luck Sup Forums.

Can you explain why everyone's so mad at Wendy (the VP) and someone named Stacy? People are SO mad about that. Does it have to do with the two black protestors that were arrested/charged with something a while ago?


they have LITERAL kangz as students, and it's obvious nobody has ever corrected them. Wtf do they teach there?

Did you mean secession, as in separate and not ruled by the government, or successful, as in a successful experiment? Not really clear here.

Identify students involved in this bullshit.

Dismiss them from the school.

It's not that hard.

Add Reed College to that list my dude. I can't believe i got out of that place safe and sane.

I wish my home state of Washington wasn't so fucking gay. I'd like to apologize on behalf of all the degenerate savagery Washington has introduced into the nation. I refuse to leave until the filth is cleansed.

Do you have a list of "good," or more acceptable, non-sjw schools?

also UCSC and Berkeley

Holy shit. I succeeded in being retarded.

(((Gad Saad)))

I was reading the stuff needed for a degree in my thread -
>We don’t have majors or general education requirements for undergraduate degrees, so there are no required courses you have to take.
Another user pointed out that it's a gud pathway chooser for STEM, which I can see but as a setup for liberal arts, wheew what a shitshow

People are mad Stacy (campus police officer) in lieu of her partner who made physical contact with protestors who were blocking the professors door, and trapping him inside. They are also mad at Stacy for being white, and being a cop. That may sound over simplified, but no. they want a POC in her place

Yes, now are you going to answer the question?

>pot and alcohol induced hangovers.
Are you retarded

... That's it?

I think it's super fucked the way they describe that incident. They say that white students went to the front, black students to the back, and the police charged straight past the white students to get at the blacks.

Pretty sure they were trying to get all the way through to try and find out if the professor was still fine.

>their experiment resulted in a student coup
Good assessment of the situation. What a weird fucking thing. College education is something you receive, not something you dictate. What's even the point of going if you aren't open to other ideas?

Fuck that Jew
Look at Tuck the Cuck going along with the "Jews are white" meme.
That Jew declares his support for Progressivism. So much so that he would not support Hillary.
That Jew helped create those fucking SJW "soldiers"

Lol the Jews attack dogs think they are white! Hahahahahah

Yes very interested.

kek high probably

soon hopefully so trump can send ICE and deport their asses to whogivesafuckistan.

their ideas are not based in logos

the issue is that there are faculty members that allow this to happen

don't get your panties in a knot shaggy-san. I meant that their constantly in a haze from all the drugs they do like degenerates.

>Do you have a list of "good," or more acceptable, non-sjw schools?

Nope. And I've only been adding the schools that are so extremely over the top with this bullshit that it makes national news to my list.

I suspect that this crap is being tolerated to a lesser extent at all colleges by now, hence thinking that I'll have to simply ignore all degrees at some time in the future.

>pot hangover

here you go mate

I can't even tell what they are complaining about. They want burgers or something? heard them demanding burgers. This is too fucking unreal. Kek

Calm down, I love weed dont get me wrong, but these degenerates make degeneracy their reason for living.

thx desu

Gumbo is on the list of requests also

Ty Ty

... how'd you do it? I was thinking about watching it and using OBS to record my screen, which is obviously a retarded way of doing it.

It is super fucked. And as far as I can tell, they sincerely believe the bullshit they're spewing.

Here's another internal email.


youtube-dl works for me.


and the other one

get this, it'll grab the original file off most popular sites and is continuously updated
I swear by it, it's a fucking lifesaver

Man I hope you still take the time to evaluate people individually. I went to UVM but it was the best school I could get into that gave in-state tuition. That plus some scholarships and I was able to come out debt free after 4 years.

Please don't hold it against me that I didn't want to get jewed by a private school or out of state tuition rates. My degree is in hard science so I hope that helps your perception. I probably wouldn't hire an english major from there either.

To be indoctrinated in (((politically correct))) ways of thinking and network with kikes.

this is the video Bret Weinstein is referencing in that last email I posted, and what he is referencing in his interview with Tucker Carlson. It starts getting insane around 12minand then gets crazier and crazier as you watch it


>youtu.be/f3CRVLVGa5E [Evergreen URGENT Meeting at 4pm on 05/23/17 Footage]


These people are completely fucking insane.

Head of the College made himself look like an absolute cuck.

correction, this was not the video Weinstein was referencing in the email, but it is what he was referencing in the Tucker Carlson interview

My girlfriend works for a state school and whenever they get promotions they get to pick their new title and since she is H'white she goes with the standard titles. So it is entirely in the realm of possibility that the niggers have to put sum flava on dat shiet so they can again do it betta den da why ppl.

The girl at about 3:40 cant even fucking read???????????????????????????????????????????????

Haven't been able to get sbs with it lately.
>inb4 wtf am I trying to dl from sbs?

for real?

Just wait until they said "Commissar"

Anyone got the original email, that Bert Weinstein was responding to?

I'm talking the one that says white students must stay off campus.