Give me one good reason why I shouldnt become Mormon and move to Utah
Look at this fucking temple, look how cool that is. Im sold after seeing a few videos. Why is it bad exactly?
Give me one good reason why I shouldnt become Mormon and move to Utah
Look at this fucking temple, look how cool that is. Im sold after seeing a few videos. Why is it bad exactly?
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i've thought about this for many years. Many things about the Mormons seem attractive. They're very educated, accomplished, and seem like a good bunch.
I don't care about the stuff like caffeine etc. But giving a large portion of my income to the church (the tithe) seems a bit much to me.
but what really puts me off about the Mormons is their stance towards usury. They have no stance.
They're fucking Jews m8
I hope you like eating people for dinner
this temple is better
Dont join the main church, it's compromising and corrupted. Find a fundamentalist group.
>all that fat consumerism sprawl at the bottom
I haven't worn underwear since 2004 unless I'm working out.
Say goodbye to commando, SINNER!
Do it, fag. I love being mormon. Still hate jews, and Muslims, I live in a quiet neighborhood, it's the perfect place to raise a family. PLUS NO NIGGERS
But hurry before Liberal Californians take it over.
Salt Lake city/county isn't really Mormon nao.
That temple is in San Diego California user, I drive by it every time I go to scripps aquarium or La Jolla
That shit looks like Disneyland.
Become Catholic, it is the true faith.
You have no idea what a place full of weirdos is like until you've been to Utah.
Imagine a place full of people who were only home schooled, kind of like that.
Jews? Aren't they the ones that pulled funding to the boyscouts after the announcement about gender? The Catholic Church is more Jewish than Mormons
Mormons deserve to get wedgied by their magical underwear
Fuck off and go kiss some brown feet like your infallible pope you moron
Mormon Temples don't hold a candle to a Catholic Basilica
Organized religion is blue pilled as fuck.
You might as well convert to Islam
Back the fuck up, catholic shit.
Don't listen to trash. Become a buddhist.
Check this shit up, bro. Fucking Marvellous.
Because pic related.
You just have to keep in mind that it's not about whether it's true or not. It's really about family, community and forming a collective that the Jews can't divide
Mormons aren't Christians
At least they know the guy who wrote the shit, not the bunch of sandniggers who wrote the bible after fucking the second daughter of their 5th wife.
These Sup Forums niggas dont know who J Reuben Clark Jr is.
>There was one ethnic group, however, for whom Reuben expressed lifelong dislike and distrust—the Jewish people.
>Clark kept several copies of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in his personal library and shared it and other anti-Jewish publications with colleagues and acquaintances. He expressed anti-Jewish attitudes in "code words publicly and in specifics privately" and used his church position to obstruct what he perceived as "Jewish influence."
>After Nazi Germany’s annexation of Austria, Clark denied desperate pleas by Austrian Mormon converts from Judaism who sought the church’s help in emigrating to safety.
>Clark's antisemitism seems to have derived at least in part from his ardent anti-communism. Quinn notes that "although not all American anti-Communists were anti-Semitic, the more intense tended to be. Reuben's own fusion of anti-Communism and anti-Semitism was representative of this tendency."
yes they are
they just believe that prophets never stopped being born, which makes sense,,, why would they just stop after jesus?
>Pagan cultists arguing over who has the most bling
God told Israel to build a Tabernacle(tent).
Neither of you are Christians.
You're basically legitamizing Mohammad with that comment
Just give it up. They're not going to fully accept you anyway. You'll be a second grade "Mormon" with no wives and no belonging. Your only way in is through marriage and that's a longshot. What proper Mormon gal would marry you over someone from the community?
>why would they just stop after the incarnation of the Logos into human form?
church has no stance on caffeine you dipshit, they're opposed to "hot drinks" (caffeinated coffee and tea)
they are legitimately kikes though, they even assign you a "tribe of israel"
t. ex mormon
Unless you are like 15 OR a multimillionaire there is no point.
All of the Mormon QT 3.14159s are trundled off to marriage by then BUT you can get unlimited Mormon wives if you are rich enough.
this looks like anal rodeo
Don't bother. Mormon QTs only marry returned missionaries.
>They're fucking Jews m8
>giving a large portion of my income to the church (the tithe) seems a bit much to me
>Smug people
>Massive congregation so you can't get to know people or form a community
>Your church has a fucking gift shop
I'll take my humble Christian church with a based preacher who makes people cry because of how well he moves people when he speaks.
White people acting like Jews = Bad thing to brainlet.
>you would have to get circumsized
>already did?
>they will circumsize you again to be sure
had a buddy that converted, said it sucked bad
If I divorce my wife I'm buying a motorcycle and riding to Utah to become a morman and fuck multiple women. If anyone wants to join me! We have worship at this great place.
Because the mormon church is prejudice against black people and consider them to be created by the devil.
Mormons are rats. Ride your motorcycle off a cliff.
> they're opposed to "hot drinks" (caffeinated coffee and tea)
What happens to a mormon that intakes a hot drink?
Does hot chocolate count? What about soup?
You are asking too many questions
Mormonism is crazy ass shit and second to Scientology. Church and state must be separated.
The USA has too many fucking religions.
>believing the schizophrenic ranting of Joseph Smith
because its bullshit.
practice meditation. get into mysticism and not this bullshit
Nothing. The main thing is that you can't go to the Temple.
It's honestly pretty vague. It's between you and God mostly. If you can confess to the bishop that you've been obeying the Word of Wisdom with a clear conscience, then you're fine.
Is eating soup ok after it cools down?
I don't think anyone has ever said soup is bad.
This is the scripture that Mormons read about no hot drinks and all that jazz. It came about because Joseph Smith's first wife was tired of cleaning up all the men's tobacco spit.
Mormon Church was infutrated by kikes about 30 years ago senpai
its been going downhill every since
but at one time it was redpilled as fuck.
they used to have many wifes (to make as many white babies a possible) and blacks were not allowed in the church.
So a cup of soup is bad then but a bowl isn't?
Did you actually read The book of Mormon? Why does it seem like spiritual writing of that from the bible? how did a simple farm boy write all this on his own?
Pretty sure this "food" is bad for you regardless if you're a Mormon or not. Always gives me the shits
Mormons are still doing more for the white race than other secs. Average christian birthrate is 2.2 but the average Mormon birthrate is 3.2.
Say homemade soup
i fugin luv cup noogle m8
dont knock it
got them vegies inside so ya know its healthy
That's fine. Probably encouraged if the mother is making it
I love it too but I don't know if I got Crohn's disease or something but it just goes right through me now
>blacks were not allowed in the church.
Until BYU started needing a good basketball team.
Blacks could join the church be baptized, but they couldn't hold the priesthood, so then they couldn't get any leadership positions or any kind of officiating position in the church.
Fun Fact: Joseph Smith gave blacks the priesthood but Brigham Young was the one that prohibited it after Joseph was killed
Is that real? It looks like its made out of paper.
the mormons have a long standing mandate to avoid unnecessary debt.
They started talking about it again before 2008 happened.
I tried, it's not worth it.
whats inside the temple?
Its kinda a sucky religion but could be a backdoor into destroying Islam, if you use the argument that Joseph Smith is legitimately like Muhammad was where he got scriptures from God in the desert, thereby convincing them that this is a New Islam.
It could divide and conquer at least allowing Christians to live in peace without Muhammadans trying to bomb churches and brute force convert the USA.
I converted in February. Best decision I ever made. It's a great community to be a part of, particularly if you have Sup Forums-type redpill leanings. There's a lot of absolutely wrong stuff in this thread, though. Don't listen to people on Sup Forums about the LDS church. There is widespread disinfo about the church.
Just go visit your local Young Single Adults ward, go to a few of their events, read the book of Mormon yourself, read whatever scriptures or talks or teachings of the presidents of the church on whatever subjects interest you on (they're all freely available, I particularly recommend reading James E. Talmage's Jesus the Christ), and most importantly, pray and ask God if this is what you should be doing. If you read, pray, and visit the church, I think you'll find your way.
"For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:8
Just seek with a pure heart and you'll find what you need, friend.
Most temples look like really nice hotel lobbies on the inside. Not too crazy.
Mohammed listened to Satan. Also he rejected Jesus.
Mormonism is shit. Joseph smith just wanted to fool some idiots and get a lot of pussy
this. Churches that flaunt their wealth are disgusting.
Mormonism is Islam for white people
watch movies with hot actresses and feel guilty for wanting to bone them because of where you are.
The heart of Christian blasphemy in North America. Worse than scientologists because at least L Ron Hubbard didn't smear Christ like Joseph Smith did.
Utah fag here. Mormon society is huge cringe fest not worth it
So start and AMA
>they are legitimately kikes though, they even assign you a "tribe of israel"
When does that happen? Got baptized a couple months ago, but haven't been to the temple yet.
Except for 'smug people', which can be true, the rest of this is wrong.
The congregations can be big, but its set up in a way that facilitates community. In high density mormon areas, they are accused of forming too strong a community, to the point where its hard for other people to get to know their neighbors.
idk what you're talking about with the gift shops. There are no shops in the churches. They own a bookstore chain, but only because they use it to distribute the magic underwear across the world, I don't think they make money off that.
That being said, I have nothing against, and do really envy, the small Christian churches with great pastors.
d-delet this
Envy is one of the deadly sins and is typical of the corrupt Mormon theology which says to stay forever comfortable with familiar evil.
>BUT you can get unlimited Mormon wives if you are rich enough
How does this work?
If only I had used the words "kinda jealous" insead
it does not.
>dat pringles can
>Give me one good reason why I shouldnt become Mormon and move to Utah
The Mormon religion was invented by a pervert who wanted to have as much sex as possible
The real bible says one and one woman form a family, the Morman polygamists crawl from bed to bed like a rutting hog.
My nigga. East Coast Mormon checking in.
Satanic rituals
Was born into a Mormon family but haven't been to church since I was 17.
Kind of want to go back for the sole reason of getting a non-whore GF.
Those single wards can be nice
That makes two of us.
lmfao stopped reading there. mormie retard shill thread!
you got that right. mormons are the biggest anti american jew slaves. they are proud jews.
but you'll get 4 fattttt samoan idiot brides! based!
Seriously, they removed direct references to it in 91', but you still symbolically pledge your life to the church and if you break the promise or divulge the secrets you are cut cross the and stomach.
proud of you for the "ex" part bro. you are obviously a smart guy.
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. KYS
>mormon shilling
Mormonism is cancer.
>hot drinks are bad
>working at strip clubs, booze clubs, and encouraging others to spend their money in the most degenerate ways is good!
un american jews
W..where are these Mormon stripclubs?
>Be born and raised in Layton, Utah
>Never got into the whole Mormon thing like my parents wanted me to
>Tell them I do not want to go on mission because I have teh assburgers
>Got dismissed from going on one because of my diagnosis
>They wanted me to go to the singles ward
>Find out its a meat market and want nothing to do with it
>Stop going to church
>Start working at KFC after getting a referral by dad's friend
>Find out its a really Mormon company that owns all the KFC franchises in Utah
>End up in their IT department fixing their Point of Sales computers
>Work for them for 6 years and finally get tired of the "family fun" atmosphere
>Get passed up for promotions because I am not family oriented enough which is code word for not Mormon enough
>Decide I want to move after 27 years of living in living hell
>Got an IT job at a small ISP in Irvine, California
>Never set foot out of Utah by myself and now its 5 years since I moved out and doing great
>Never looked back
Keep this in mind that all beer in Utah is 3.2% by law and is not sold on Sunday and only starts to be sold in some counties as late as 11AM Monday. So if you want to get in that early morning fishing out on Willard Bay on Monday morning you are fucked if you dont buy your beer on Saturday.
If that collective is founded on fraud then it's not a very strong foundation is it? And you wonder why so many girls who grow up in such a "collective" turn out to be even more whorish than their secular peers.
>Keep this in mind that all beer in Utah is 3.2% by law and is not sold on Sunday and only starts to be sold in some counties as late as 11AM Monday.
HAHA Wow how have fun without Great Taste of Coors fellow Amerifat? IDK OK!
Never wanted a beer while you fish? You must be fun to hang out with.