Explain to a normie wtf is the stock exchange?

explain to a normie wtf is the stock exchange?

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white people making a ton of cash when corporations exploit brown people.

all they do is press buttons and yell and ring a bell at the end of the day. its their "job"

people trading theoretical dollars until the real dollar collapses

it's an exchange of stocks. you see market cap, current prices of stocks and you can sell and buy stocks at the exchange. there are exchanges all over the world, the new York stock exchange is most famous. I'm note entirely sure what criteria are needed to be listed on the exchange but I know that not every company is eligible, also not every company has stocks to be publicly traded (IPO)

t. some faggot who got into this shit with that trading 212 app that is constantly advertised

tldr in the old days back in the netherlands they wanted shekels into their companies so they can expand and they promised shekels in return and part ownership of a company, so they memed stock exchanges into reality.

nowadays its the same deal except with more shekels and more shekel jewing with gubmint watching over everything.

jew shit

explain to a jungle monkey wtf is the stock exchange?

A stock exchange is a centralized location where someone can buy and sell stocks.

I can tell you what it means for me.

>see a stock that used to be at $105 drop to $100
>invest $3000 -> gives me 30 shares

>stock goes back to $105
>each of these 30 shares increased value by 5%

>I sell those shares, make 5% on $3000 by just parking money somewhere over a week (+$150)

Doing this with 3-5 stocks simultaneously, making about 30% in gains per year

That's forex. Retard.

So basically this is resale on fictional products that have fictional prices?

Glorious white Americans exploit CIA niggers like you Mr. Mexico and siphon your flesh and resources for good Americans.

nigga read the text again. I invest about $3k per stock. And obviously I am not winning every day, I sometimes keep a stock for weeks because stuff like brexit happened or it just randomly dropped

ownership on parts of the company. Do they not teach anything over there? Some stocks pay out over time. (dividends)

The Jews rebuilt the Temple in lower Manhattan. Now people of all races worship their god Mammon their and offer many great sacrifices

it's sad that this is what many people actually believe. is right although I have to add that some companies are hilariously overrated in terms of capital

This is an 18 plus board.

Do not worry about it.


>it's sad that this is what many people actually believe.
It's pretty much true in the case of derivatives though.

Shares are fine. Derivatives are fucked up.


This, honestly.

yea but derivates for example is like playing roulette - although the numbers are based on stocks, you actually have nothing to do with the company/index/whatever

No. In simplest terms you buy a share of a company. So you own x amount of that company at its current perceived value. Then the value of these companies fluctuates up or down. So if it goes up you've made money and if it goes down you've lostoney. It's more complex than that but that's the TL;dr version.

bump for interest

and how do stock values increase/decrease?

Why is there so much paper thrown on the floor?
I know it's a busy place but why don't people just put it in bins somewhere?

angebot und nachfrage

When people buy it, they make it more expensive. When people sell it, it gets cheaper. The amount of sales and stuff like this doesn't really add to the stock price. The price basically just shows how many people put trust in a company

Such a reasonable question

It a mostly automated exchange where "investors" set the price of companies stocks.

I work on wall st. Ask me whatever you want...

ITT: Broke losers who don't understand the stock market and would rather bitch about being a loser than ever actually step up, man up, and improve their lives.

Honestly I'm laughing while I drink and read this thread, because I made 10K this week trading stocks, while you broke cucks whine about something you don't even understand.

By the way, it is 100% real money, I don't know what you cucked Socialist Sanders losers are talking about. You are investing your money in companies so that you receive part of the profits of their success. Stock traders do far more for the economy in an hour than you have ever done in your life, and that's a fact.

Damn I need to go check my accounts because I love how much you dumb faggots get mad over a vital money-making enterprise that is open to everyone.

>Literally bitching about the stock market instead of investing and making money while you sleep
It's like you all *want* to be broke losers who beg for scraps. Sad!

Trips of truth. Are you jewish

Inferior to cryptos. Basically it's money made from speculation and hype. At least cryptos you get 20x gains in a few months

A place you can hype something to make it have a fake sense of higher value without producing anything

after hours crews handle that.

For the most part everything is digital now though.

center of jewish sorcery

Hi faggot

What company do you work for?

Are you a trader?

The fact that you took the effort to write that down makes you look pretty autistic

Absolutely not. I hate kikes.

I love Sup Forums

Yes. More or less.

People trading fractional ownership of companies. To an individual, this serves as a mechanism by which to freely invest. To society, stock exchanges help find the true value of a company and remove inefficiency from the system.

I voted for Sanders but I don't have a problem with the stock exchange.

Sounds like something a Jew would say

Where the Jew magic happens.

>and remove inefficiency from the system.

TFW all exchanges do anymore is exploit buy/sell inefficiency to make money.

No need for to project bullshit, m8. Do you have some sort of reading comprehension broblemz?

t. Market Analyst

Do you need to see my goyim card faggot?

Can someone explain to a brainlet what a share is and how many shares are there maximum? Is there an upper limit to these things called shares?

mercado where all the goods are "stocks" which is basically a part ownership of a company. Oh, and the stall owners trade mostely back and forth amongst themselves. Hence "exchange" rather than "market"

"Theoretically", one way the stock price is calculated is the present value of all future cashflows (dividends).

In reality the stock price moves because of imbalances in buy and sell orders as said.

Despite this shadow jew meme, Sup Forums is secretly jealous of the men who make real money and hold power from Wall Street.

This is forex though.

Price of US is declining vs sheqel which is a form of a market sentiment due to a lot of factors like macro economic and future outlook.

A share is issued by the company. The market sets the price.

The share amount is a reaction to demand.

You mean your foreskin? No need. I know it's not there

a playground for jews, autists, and sociopaths.

Derivatives are where the fun's at. Yolo'ing options can make/lose you some serious money. Don't do that if you plan to do it for a career LOL.

I work on wall st

This fucking post is a meme.

It is a marketplace in which parties buy and sell shares of companies.

Rates nigga.

Its definitely there. Im 110% goy

Die. Thanks

Watch the wolf of wall street

Pretty much. But still , forex has a lot of different triggers which affect the rates like rate hikes, unemployment/ employment datas , political turmoil and so on.

This is one of the reason why GBP dropped when brexit happened as the market eased in when they thought that UK will remain in EU.

Pretty much. If removing inefficiency made you no money, no one would do it.

Yeah it is obviously more nuanced as you're aware.

What platform do you use?
I really want to get into this but don't know where to start

I'm just starting forex and stock market just this year. I lost 2000$ of my capital because I'm retarded at first.

But the more you learn bout the system, the more you realized that the system pretty much prey on overconfident beginners because they thought it's an easy peasy market to make money.

It kind of gave me a newfound respect to the people who are making this as a career and am learning more as we speak.

you got yo initial public offering when a company first goes public and essentially sells ownership shares to the public for a giant mountain of cash.

then the shares are traded on a secondary market between investors for however long they have value. This is the stock market you know. prices go up and down based on supply and demand. Ownership in the company is worth more when people perceive that the company will grow. This is determined mainly by watching the release of financial statements which all public companies must issue to the public. Other things like politics/weather/news can also affect the price if it negatively affects the outlook for the company.

Then...you're rich!!

It's nice that there are some people who actually understand something about forex. Now why don't you guys contribute to a forex thread on biz? there is so much shit over there could really use a decent forex thread that doesn't fall to page 10 in less than an hour.

Check out this thread. It's changed me from a consistent loser to a greater than break even trader. I'm still working on it for sure.


Haiti Dominican border.

Dominican, lush rich greenery a veritable paridise.

Haiti, rip down all trees and never replant. Get value for the timber once and buy some fried chicken, then starve. Typical nigger shit.

top kek, git gud you fucking loser.
what, not man enough to join a prop trading firm and make that much in an hour? fucking loser

oops wrong thread

read title

A company that goes public (anyone can purchase a part of it) is split into so many shares. The company has a value. If the value goes up, the price of each share obviously goes up. That's pretty much it.

> Gartley patterns

Yes I'm currently studying his method and to see how it works well with elliot waves and the current price action.

Been using MT4 for demo and so far I lost 25% of my demo account , kek but i'm not giving up. Once I get used to it I'll go to a live account. I just need to have at least a bit of a winning streak.

Meh I don't trade currencies anymore.

I used to hang with the owners of fxcm. Despite leverage thats a rigged as fuck game.

I want to get into stock trading but honestly not sure about the capital to get started or where to begin.

What is the best place for a beginner?

How much should I start with as a beginner?

What are some stocks I should be looking at to get into trading?

Are there some useful sites / blogs / pdfs?

forex is for retards.
all brokers make money from your losses and even if they get liquidity from an institutional broker, that institutional broker makes money from your broker's losses and so on. Unless you have the capital to get into direct pools, have connections in international conglomerates or work in a bank, stay away from it. GL with that 50:1 leverage if you go with a US company.

Skip to pages 800+. He goes back to basics with structure analysis, order flow, and some other shit.

Commissions and the spreads are a huge bitch in forex. I'm just using it as a learning tool right now because my losses are smaller than futures. Futures is the end goal though.

>rigged as fuck game
From what I've learned about forex sofar I'm inclined to agree, but also that's what makes it interesting because if they artificially manipulate the forex market then theories like random walk and efficient market are false and they should leave fingerprints behind that could be identified to track them and like a small flea on a big dog suck a little out of them.

Trade with a demo account first. You can get one with pretty much any broker. Start longer term (don't plan to day trade yet).

Actually your a fucking loser. I saw that and my base reaction was similar to yours but honestly you have no idea what the future has in store for him.

He might call circles around you.

Don't be such a fucking threatened bitch. It looks petty. Some of the greatest traders started with next to nothing.

it's two things, one is short term gambling and the other is the long con - planed devaluation or reappraisal of companies that need to either sink or get lifted to a powerhouse status because (((someone))) wants them to.

it's a way to fuck you up when you become wealthy enough to pose a thread for the order. they can say that your company (which for example has tons of machines for field work) suddenly doesn't have any value stashed in those iron rigs and so they lose their real world value. you still have machines ready to go and earn money, plow fields, bring food to the table but (((someone))) said that your company isn't worth anything no so on the (((auction))) table they go enjoy your bankruptcy.

Where is your account?

Dont do this to yourself user.

>(((white people)))
Fuck off, kike.

True. There is far more money in the market than exists irl. It will collapse when boomers withdraw their investments which they used as a retirement plan.

What kind of "structure"? market microstructure or something like higher high stuff?

> Capital
Use the most funds you are comfortable with, putting bigger positions over a stock if you're abeginner is ver stressfull specially if you're not used to your pain threshold.

> Where to begin
Use Ameritrade or any american brokers

> for beginners
I started watching Sasha evdakov and Adam Khoo on youtube. Some babypips and specially forum.

Study Technical analysis and FUndamental analysis first.

> what stocks to trade:
Depends on what your prefered market is.

I don't think these places are even used these days, it's all on computers so there's no point in being there, or so I've heard.

It's a legalized Ponzi scheme

You would think. As is only logical to think. Good luck though.

I'm just doing trading because I'm board and has an itch to learn something new.

It's a pretty interesting market where there are alot of manipulators and other predatorial methods smart money people do in order to snuff in Stops,

You should have seen 30+ spread on EURUSD back in the early days.
All forex brokers are bucket shops, regardless of regulation (the US being strict for a reason). I dont care what anyone says, I worked high up in the industry and know most of the broker owners. It's all the same shit. I have yet to see someone making any decent amount of money that isn't just a showperson pushed by a broker to sell their services.

They have all kinds of tricks to get companies like reverse M&A a shelf company for example

There still has to be so called designated market makers and specialists.

So you arent interested in contributing to a forex thread on biz?

Spoken like a complete dumbass. Read more, retard.

I am not threatened, I don't care. I dislike the cocky attitude is all.

Please stop talking like a retard from Occupy Wallstreet. Derivatives derive their value from their underlying stock, often in very simple and obvious ways. An option can give you the right to buy a stock, if the stock is worthless then so is the right to buy it, there's no magic there.

t. forever poor faggots

Legalized gambling, for the most part.
You place bets on if a stock is going to go up, or down, these are called puts.
You place long term bets on shit like Pepsi, Coke, and other "blue chip" investments.
Otherwise, you have "penny stocks" which are companies that could make you millions, off of a rumor or speculation or wipe you out if someone farted at said company. This is the shit day traders invest in.
It's all legalized gambling.